Beginners - December 2012 (Page 20)

Program unexpectedly ends after function
I am studying Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ (Fourth Edition) by Joyce Farrell and I'm currently on Chapter 7 (focuses on using classes), exercise 3 by m...
[3 replies] Last: @freddy Thanks. That line of code didn't occur to me, because it work... (by Emwat Oon)
Can't figure out error
Hi there. I am trying to finish this program where the user enters 10 integers, and the program adds them together, finds the average, and finds the biggest and...
[2 replies] Last: You're awesome! THANKS! (by Hoggmeiser)
Could someone talk a beginner through installing boost thread and sockets on code blocks (1,2)
i need a really patient person whos better at explaining things than the website, I literally followed the instructions to the latter, nada. both sockets and t...
[28 replies] Last: oh its command prompt, i thought i was dealing with settings for codeb... (by devonrevenge)
How to cut off part of a string array
If I wanted to cut off a part of a string array, let's say for example: string hello ; hello = "Dance" and I only wanted the first three letters so it ...
[3 replies] Last: I'm not positive but wouldn't string::erase work also? Not sure if y... (by closed account 3qX21hU5)
Trying to get a complete text from user
Hi! Does anyone know how to allow the user to input text (I mean, several sentences, a complete message)? So far, i´ve tryied: char c; string text; ...
[12 replies] Last: @Darkmaster: it works for me without <string>, I was told that <iostre... (by Marcos Modenesi)
Problem with Boolean and While loop.
Im writing a Battleships games, and everything is working (of which I know anyway) as intended, EXCEPT, my ship placement function... which sort of works? The ...
[9 replies] Last: Ok, so. I have done quiet a few additions, the program now will not al... (by Kabooss)
Filling A String Array
Can you fill a string array without using for loops? For example, if I wanted to store from grades in a class and only wanted to store a name from each line wou...
[2 replies] Last: I believe the OP is wanting to do something like this: ifstream inFi... (by Volatile Pulse)
can i use y= (myArray2 )*(myArray1 ); z= (myArray2 )+(myArray1 ); to find multiplication and addition between two arrays in the following code......
[9 replies] Last: Firs of all You have ability to create the objects so you could do som... (by DuskoKoscica)
How do I download and link these libraries?
I have these libraries: genlib.h simpio.h stdio.h strlib.h I also have the linker files: genlib.c simpio.c stdio.c strlib.c Any idea w...
[1 reply] : ********************************SOLVED********************************... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
Help please...
My code so far --> I would like to know how well I'm going along with the program and help where I have questions in comments. Th...
[1 reply] : Sorry, I will not click a link to a external site, if you want it revi... (by SamuelAdams)
Textfile and fstream
I have problem when working with txt file. I have coding the section for input and search name but it does not work in this case when trying to input data or ou...
[1 reply] : When I input data it won't store the data within the text file void... (by Volatile Pulse)
can compile but crash when run.
The code can be compiled just fine, but the problem is when running, after I give student ID, the program crash if the ID integer is more than 1. Not the...
[3 replies] Last: const int QUOTA = 100; //quota left CourseRegistrationInformation cou... (by Volatile Pulse)
Hello I am new to cplusplus can any one suggest me the best compiler for c++ in windows 8 i am using dev c++ now but it is not working in my lappy now please he...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply,Code blocks compiler is really working good : D (by nithishguptak)
How to generate address of a variable into decimal integer
Hi everyone. First, let me give a special THNX to people who helped me in my earlier topics. I was wondering how can i generate a hexadecimal number that is...
[16 replies] Last: And Thank you again. Yes! the '\r' works instead of '\n' . OS's make p... (by AIVIO)
1.Global constants have no side effects in a program? T/F and please explain.Thank you.
[4 replies] Last: If there is a naming conflict of the global constant with some other o... (by Chervil)
How do I make a Button?
Please tell me how to make a button from scratch with Dev-C++. Most places I looked showed how to make one with the premade code, or required programs I didn't ...
[5 replies] Last: @firedraco You didn't get the memo? The down time was in preparation t... (by Volatile Pulse)
by Lindz
Should I use else if or switch?
When should I use else if or the switch statement? In this program what would be better to use? #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() {...
[3 replies] Last: I'd generally prefer the switch statement for two reasons. Both the in... (by Chervil)
template issue
Hello forum, Does the template type take care of the pointer type ? for example if i have a template class as follows: template <typename T> class kdt...
[1 reply] : Yes, it will. Consider for example standard template class std::vecto... (by vlad from moscow)
C++ Final
Hey guys, I just recently joined, I have a C++ final due today at midnight and I could really use some help. It involves creating a payroll program using 2 doub...
[3 replies] Last: From what I understood, you're required to have two arrays. I'm assumi... (by Volatile Pulse)
map issue
Hello forum, I have declared a map as follows: map<Point3D, Photon> mPhotonList; All of the above type is declared and defined. But i getting tons of e...
[3 replies] Last: For maps, you're required to have the < operator overloading for prope... (by Volatile Pulse)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 65
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