Beginners - December 2012 (Page 17)

error: variable has initializer but incomplete type
Hi! I'm trying to have a class which is working fine with a dependency to another class which is also working fine but it is throwing an error : error: variable...
[2 replies] Last: yeah sorry! it was in a different namespace.. included that and its wo... (by noisycoder)
basic ios::binary question
If I use ios::binary, what IS binary exactly? A method or a data member?
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. (by nazghul)
Delaying a For loop.
I have been working on a JRPG turn based style game and i'm having some trouble with delaying a loop. I currently have a loop that loops through and makes all t...
[4 replies] Last: you're correct. there might be two problems: 1. The if on line 8 m... (by coder777)
Need help with tic-tac-toe
Alright, I have quite some trouble here, can't come up with anything. I need code that would check if there is already a symbol placed in the specified cell, an...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks kameswarib, that's perfect. (by draXuss)
Program crash on data manipulation
So, during the running of this program when it gets to the part where someone is supposed to enter their hobbies, hit enter to write that it crashes. cout<<"\...
[4 replies] Last: Hey thanks again for your help 8) I ended up ditching the strings all ... (by derrikjb93)
by sir24
New to C++ Help needed
How can i make this player vs computer? C++ please help? HI, I'm in high school and making a tic tac toe problem player vs computer. I already have player v...
[2 replies] Last: Take this : #include <iostream> #include <time.h> using namespace std... (by Imadatobanisa)
Why isn't this working?
I have a namecheck: void namecheck() { ifstream namefile; fileName = name; fileName += ".txt";; if...
[1 reply] : This is difficult to help with without having for information (namely,... (by Zhuge)
Function Call of Vectors
I know this code is longer than usual but I need help going through my function to trace my code and How do i get the function established in enter to be placed...
[12 replies] Last: One other main idea - declare your functions before main and put their... (by TheIdeasMan)
help the beginner
my program is very simple: #include <iostream> #include "bank_acc.h" using namespace std; int main(){ newBankAcct nba(1001, 0, 0.1);
[1 reply] : It IS being withdrawn, but then you deposit it again immediately after... (by Disch)
Allegro 5 Font Question
I am learning how to use Allegro 5 with Visual C++ 2010 Express. I followed a tutorial online and figured out how to write font to a window. My question is, r...
[2 replies] Last: Also, you could put it in a project and then go to project options , ... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
Net Income Program Problem
I'm working on a program to read the hours worked and rate of pay. It would then calculate the pay, taxes, deductions. I also have to account for overtime which...
[2 replies] Last: ok thanks but it still does not show those two lines that show you the... (by FaffyWaffle)
by ft95
dec to bin (1,2)
please help me!!!!!! how can I fix this program?this program can't get very long numbers(because of "int") for example:111111100011111101111 I shoudn't use...
[23 replies] Last: I see what you are saying now. Makes sense, actually it is bad practic... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
Problems with textbackground & textcode
I try ran a Caro chess program with those two functions and all i get is this: "UNDECLARED IDENTIFIER"... I've included <conio.h> and <graphic.h> but the error...
[4 replies] Last: Guess i'm really out of luck then... Do you know any function that is ... (by DanaConor)
New to C++, need some help regarding effiency.
Hey everyone, first time posting. I've recently started learning how to code (about a month ago for C; and a week ago for C++), and am curious on how to vastly...
[10 replies] Last: I't's because bool data type is defined as 1 byte, which is also the... (by naraku9333)
Array Sorting (2.3040923)
Im having problem with the fact that its not sorting the first number of the array into order? Also can you tell me what type of sort im using? #include <i...
[3 replies] Last: Line 35 heights[i+1] = key; The value key will be placed into the ... (by Chervil)
Changing extensions on files.
Hi I'm trying to create a program that will take a file like "error.log" and change it to a txt or doc file. I need to do this through c++ other wise I would ju...
[1 reply] : I have not understood what you exactly want bur you can use either C/C... (by vlad from moscow)
Arrays and calculations Please Help :'(
/* i have a problem with the calculation in case 2 (case 3 and 4 are the same). Its suppose to subtract the Weight in from the weight out and add all of them fr...
[2 replies] Last: OK i will :D thanks for you time (by chikaibeneme)
by sir24
Please help tic tac toe beginner having trouble
How can i make this player vs computer? C++ please help? HI, I'm in high school and making a tic tac toe problem player vs computer. I already have player vs...
[1 reply] : Dont make duplicate threads please also USE THE CODE FUNCTION <> you h... (by Sharpie)
Array Sorting?
for(int j=2;j<10;j++) { int key = heights ;//so key is 2? int i = j-1;//i is 1? while(i>0 && heights > key) {heights[i+1]=heights ; i=i-1;} he...
[12 replies] Last: ok ive been re reading this thread 100 times where is the swap featur... (by faieq92)
Ok, real quick guys, I know some basic C++ (hello world,JOKES JOKES!). I want to QUICKLY learn how to add graphics, just 8 bit or something, or just even a TINY...
[3 replies] Last: Quckly? OpenGL. (by ResidentBiscuit)
December 2012 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 65
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