Beginners - December 2011 (Page 7)

Not Sure Where to Go From Here
Hello All, I've just completed an Intro to C++ course and while I felt that I learned a lot, tons of things just aren't sticking. I'm just wondering how I ca...
[1 reply] : Make a game. First start with an idea, then figure out how to program... (by Eric000)
First program
Hey Im new, i would like , would appreciate assistance on writing a program to modify music files play speed (Tempo), like Goldwave does, and save the music fi...
[7 replies] Last: Sorry, Im Sorry, I'll go infect myself with a blaster worm, thanks for... (by Vonn200)
trouble with functions
Anyone out there that can help me understand functions, how to use them, and how to build them? I just finished a semester of intro to c++ and Im having a ha...
[5 replies] Last: no then you would use string function or char function void means it r... (by Aramil of Elixia)
Reading from file to an array and computing the grades
Given a multiple-choice test of 10 questions with 5 possible choices (A-E). The answers are given in a text file a long with the student names. Write a C++ prog...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for you help, but I couldn't get it to work lol. I just gave up... (by acmarshall)
by dpan
Making VS2010 code into .exe to be used on mac
I fear the answer, but is there an easy (programmer beginner-friendly) way to make C++ code from VS2010 into an executable file to be used on a mac computer?
[2 replies] Last: The easiest way is to probably give it to someone who has a Mac and as... (by Albatross)
by dpan
Trouble with strtok and string formatting
Hi everyone, I am a self-taught programmer trying to write code to print a message such that no word will be split up over the edge of the screen; a form of tex...
[12 replies] Last: Hey everyone, I've got it all figured out. I'm sure it's not efficient... (by dpan)
How do i change the path of a .cpp?
So i made a tic-tac-toe game(PvP) and then made a a version where it was player against AI. I put both of them in a folder called Tic-Tac-Toe. BUT now whe...
[4 replies] Last: I'm going to assume that you're running in Windows with Microsoft Visu... (by Stewbond)
Class function definition
Is there a "best" spot to place the definition of a function in a class? For example, class TestClass { private: int x; int y; public: set_values(i...
[7 replies] Last: ¿why the additional headers thing? You could still use a "separate" d... (by ne555)
Hello, I was reading the c++ documentation about pointers, and this code called my attention: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void increase (v...
[2 replies] Last: ASCII characters are represented directly with a numerical value. ht... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Color in a document .doc
I use dev-c++ and I want to put color into a document. doc that I make in the same program c++, but I don't know how to do it. To put color I use an action of w...
[6 replies] Last: ...what? (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
Global Variable doesnt work?
Here is a simple version of the problem..(handwritten so there might be errors..) //global vars///// char player = 'P'; //main func//// int main() { ...
[1 reply] : NVM i got it.. (by nano511)
by rom87
Class help ?
#include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Animal { int type; public: Animal() { } char *identify(){return "I...
[6 replies] Last: Thx all works now! (by rom87)
expected primary-expression before ')' token
Hy, I'm trying to understand c++ and made a small programm. after compiling I get several fails: 14 expected primary-expression before ')' token 14 expecte...
[2 replies] Last: Thanx, you're right, after deleting the 2nd ? it's compiling right. ... (by sstrait)
Dimensions console
How can I modify the dimensions of the console of windows to have greater capacity to display a content? Thank you
[2 replies] Last: Sorry but i didn't understand you, can you explain it to me another ti... (by Danny 46)
by Hashtg
OpenGL Rendering Class generating an access violation
Hi, I have been teaching myself to program in C++ with the goal of creating my own games and decided to try to create an OpenGL rendering engine by adapting th...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry, my bad. I thought about posting more but I didn't want to clog ... (by Hashtg)
binary file read/write function ?
which function should i use, to read data from binary file..<char *>(&obj), sizeof(obj)); *)&obj, sizeof(obj)...
[no replies]
source codes of string library functions
can somenone give the link through which i can see the source codes of the string library functions. i specifically need the code of tokenizing function (strtok...
[1 reply] : Here you go:;a=blob;f=string/s... (by hamsterman)
i can just say i know nothing about programming, but if you can help out , i will be very happy. i i love programming if u can b there for me i ...
[3 replies] Last: C++ is a good language to start with. I would recommend Java first but... (by IceThatJaw)
how to make a queue program that has a property that it takes prority and when performing dequee it prefer to the prority and then fifo operation if needed... ...
[2 replies] Last: You can always make a class that contains an STL container and add par... (by IceThatJaw)
by kinley
is-a has-a relationship
Hello, Could someone please explain how the is-a and has-a relationships can be implemented in C++. Couldnt find any helpful URL on Google. Thank you.
[3 replies] Last: Inheritance = is-a (by IceThatJaw)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 56789... 47
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