Beginners - December 2011 (Page 44)

Program comparing two files
I'm still a beginner at c++ and i'm required to write a program that compares two files, an orders.txt and dictionary.txt that 1.)validates orders, if correct ...
[no replies]
Need help on a programming assignment
I need to: "...write a program that reads up to 20 decimal values of weekly rainfall for a given city. The program should ask the user how many weeks of data...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks (by shywolf91)
Errors I need help with.
This is the code I am supposed to create using arrays: Write a program that promots for colors Band 1, Band 2, and Band 3, and then displays the resistance in ...
[4 replies] Last: Yes I changed z to double thanks (by nyaeggy)
An Error I need help with
I'm getting this error when I run the program below. I don't know how to fix it---- "1>c:\users\sewel1\documents\visual studio 2010\projects\w\w\w1.cpp(67): fat...
[3 replies] Last: oh wow -__- ..I feel slow. I fixed it (by sean903)
Intro Class Help
Hi guys I am taking an intro to C++ class at a one of my local schools and my teacher gave us this as a prompt for a program: "Memorable Numbers Standard ...
[1 reply] : Try this... Its the same problem, but not the solution.. Just a nudge ... (by Caprico)
How to load class objects from file
ifstream fin("student.txt"); int size; //size of students int count; fin >> size; int i=0; for(int i=0;i<2;i++) { st...
[14 replies] Last: or resize fin >> size; student.resize(size); $ bin/program progra... (by ne555)
multiple arrays thru a function
This is late homework, but its a matter of principle now. I have to send 2 arrays thru an average and print function. My functions tested o.k. with each individ...
[5 replies] Last: thank you very much. i mustve changed something after testing. been at... (by lilcoder)
had program working, still does, but outputs random numbers
void value(Stock partsList , int size) { double value = 0, total = 0; // tracks cout << " Inventory Report"; cout << e...
[1 reply] : This function only prints the data it's given. I'd say your best bet ... (by Moooce)
function prototype function difinition function calling
[2 replies] Last: You truly are poetic Moschops. (by Stupebrett)
3 string types : Allocator( )
The string class defines several constructors and many functions. Here are three commonly used constructors: string(const Allocator &alloc = Allocator( ) ) ...
[1 reply] : Here is an article about Allocator: (by JMJAtlanta)
wrong random numbers
I'm trying to make lotto program. and when this program generate numbers in between 1 and 40. they display -858993460 7 times I don;t know what's wrong with ...
[4 replies] Last: OH I got it!!!! I didn't use getNum to be filled with the random num... (by wndtjr2)
by sweezy
INSTRUCTIONS: Write a complete program that declares an integer variable, reads a value from the keyboard into that variable, and writes to standard out...
[3 replies] Last: Take a chill pill dude. endl means "put a newline", it's not somethi... (by Catfish)
by SonyaK
Any way to restore a program to how it was before you screwed it up?
Okay, I'm in a total panic. I was adding comments to a complete, working program and my pinky hit either the home, insert, or delete key (I think) and it said ...
[4 replies] Last: And at some (near) point in the future, consider using a CVS. (by bbgst)
limited input with Getline
I'm using getline to input information into strings from a user, and I want only a specific amount of characters. Would you guys show me how to do this? Usin...
[2 replies] Last: If you just need to adjust it after it has been extracted from the str... (by bbgst)
Non threatening compile error?
In the book I purchased for a course I will be taking in January they gave me an excellent snippet that I can use for my typical "new coder wants to make an RPG...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks! Glad to know I figured it out on my own. Heres another snip... (by ShallonDark)
Void Pointer
I m a beginner need a help in void pointer. In the program given below can u explain what does pint=(int*)data; means in function increase. #include <ios...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for help wjee0910. (by bharatLOL)
How to equal Q to q?
At the near end of the code you'll see how I tried to capture the capitol Q but it didn't work. Any advice? #include <iostream> #include <stdexcept> us...
[9 replies] Last: My thanks again, and I will try to utilize the code tag. I apologize f... (by cheawick)
HELP: Failed to create text file
Hi all, I'm new to c++ programming and i'm stuck with a problem of creating new text file. My situation is I can compile my codes without any error but when i r...
[3 replies] Last: It may be an os problem because you may not have the appropriate right... (by coder777)
Bubble Sort...
I need to make a bubble sort that arranges the variable known as "reimbursement" from largest to smallest. I'm not really sure where to go with it. // ...
[2 replies] Last: if i remember right write your code to resemble this put inside a do... (by Lazysquirell)
getting some erros for this program
int main() { RetailItem toCheck; LoyaltyAccount cCard, customer, addLoyalRecord; CashRegister teller =RetailItem retItemObj ;// CashRegister();...
[2 replies] Last: cool i see it. thanks another error come as well error no matching fun... (by BLACKHULK)
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