Beginners - December 2011 (Page 40)

I have been given a project to display something, and it is required to display 10 lines at a time with column headings above each group of 10 line. Can anyone ...
[no replies]
by supraz
Addition ?
Hi I have a problem that needs to be solved in C++ It is to input an integer (n) and then output this sum to the screen : S= 3-5+7-9+11- .... +- n ex...
[2 replies] Last: thanks a lot (by supraz)
by RET80
C, structs and return values
So I created a struct here in my model.h file: typedef struct { float* vertexBuffer; float* Faces_Triangles; float* normals; long TotalConnectedTria...
[13 replies] Last: I think part of this is also that you don't understand what malloc doe... (by Moschops)
Void Pointers
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { void *a ; int b=4; a=&b; } now how can i access the value of the pointer a ?...
[1 reply] : The value of a is the memory address of b . Use the asterisk ( * )... (by Catfish)
String splitting problem
I want to split my string by every space. I have e.g. string array as "12343212 MARK SPENCER" In this code, I want it to print out like this; 12343212 MARK ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the code and links! (by farukyaz)
Calling member function with a function called within a member function
The problem: Is it in some way possible to call a member function within a function that is called within another member function, without added the object in...
[2 replies] Last: I was hoping there was a way to do this. Usually when I have something... (by Bertram)
2D char array
I had been given a project i want to enter 2D array by using getline function to sort lines..... how i can do it?
[2 replies] Last: comes another problem...... c++ is not executing the progra... (by MuhammadAbdullah)
what is inline command with cplusplus
hi sir /madam i hope to know what is the inline concept plz.
[1 reply] : Scroll down a bit or... (by unoriginal)
Deleting individual elements from an array
How would you use pointers to delete an individual element from an array? My homework problem requires me to drop the lowest value and we have not learned about...
[5 replies] Last: Duoas example has correctly updated the tail pointer. The convention i... (by andywestken)
can't link ws2_32.lib
I've been looking at this and other forums for three days, and see that this issue seems to come up a lot, but I have yet been able to find a solution. I'm usi...
[2 replies] Last: You used wHighVersion right next to HighVersion, so you should have sp... (by andywestken)
Help please.
I encounter a runtime error during the first move. But when I set the board to 10 row 10 col I don't get a runtime error. Please help. #include <iostream> #in...
[10 replies] Last: @Peter87, Wow didn't notice that. THANKS ALOT! :D it is now working. i... (by nethoinkz)
How to use a 2d array in a reference
normally when I want to pull data out of a function without returning, I could just do something like: #include<iostream> using namespace std; voi...
[6 replies] Last: Are you sure the Display function is working properly? Is size > 8? (by Peter87)
Simple for loop is not working
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { int j; int answer; cout << "Enter j:" << endl; cin >> j; for (int i=0;i<=j-1;i+...
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() ... (by humyunfuad)
forward declaration problem?
I'm having a frustrating time trying to get this to work: I have 4 Classes: A, B, X, Y. class A { ... vector< vector <B> > chessboard; } cl...
[3 replies] Last: I doubt you can do that. I would use and iterator because I know tha... (by IceThatJaw)
class containing 2d vector
I have a class containing a 2d vector of type Square called chessboard: class A { ... vector< vector<Square> > chessboard; } Square objects ...
[10 replies] Last: yeah I did, and I accidentally made it private not protected in GamePi... (by RPGillespie)
undefined reference.
I have an error and i don't know what to do. please help. Error is: ------------------------------------------------------------------ ||=== gtdoe, Relea...
[2 replies] Last: How and where do i implement the two: da::macros::doe::SpaceDefiniti... (by khairul)
If a string begins with a space, does .substr function count it?
Hi there, I'm learning C++ from Cay Horstmann's "Big C++", and I stumbled upon the following code: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std...
[2 replies] Last: Great, thank you Peter87. That is the confirmation I needed. I appreci... (by aspiringprogrammer)
Stretching a square image onto a rhombus?
Hi, First off, I'm a noob (sorry). I tried searching the web for a way to do this but haven't had any luck. What I want to do is take a square image, say ...
[8 replies] Last: Is that shearing? I thought shearing was only with regular rotation. ... (by lcdavis13)
No operator ">>" matches these operands
Hello, I am tring to add a new customer for a bank with a function. And the error "No operator ">>" matches these operands" occured when i try to get the zip c...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much. That solved the problem. (by tsukisos)
by sipher
Heap stack problem
Hello everyone, I have a very odd error that crops up in my program. I have a standalone function that instantiates either a die object or a coin object (th...
[4 replies] Last: Yes you can do do like that. It will be the same. (by Peter87)
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