Beginners - December 2011 (Page 39)

Classes and Objects
I keep getting errors when I debug this code, but I don't understand why it's telling me this. Especially the parts about not finding or undeclared identifier. ...
[1 reply] : You forgot the semicolon on line 25. (by Peter87)
File trouble
Yeah so Im having a problem with files. More specifically recording a char (char route on line 98). The char does not write to my file properly and obviously do...
[no replies]
How do I pass array elements to a function?
Hello, I have created the following code for an assignment. The instructions are commented at the beginning. It does work as "required", but I need it to work i...
[no replies]
Problem throwing an exception
Guys, I have created the following constructor: Account::Account(double newBalance)//Set construtor { if (newBalance >= 0) { balance = newBalanc...
[8 replies] Last: Peter, balance is a member of Account. I need to practice more with e... (by rinnamorato)
switch help
#include <iostream> using namespace std; char moveto; void playgamez() { cout<<"You are now standing on z. Were do you want to move?\n"; co...
[3 replies] Last: That that @Peter87 said is what you have wrong. Also why do you use ... (by eypros)
Sending Two Arrays to 1 Function
Need a little help with this question : Write a program that asks user to input two matrix of the same size. Then prints menu to enable the user to choose a...
[2 replies] Last: Just as you call with 1 array call it with 2 arrays: int function(a... (by eypros)
by Altair
Need to create a 3D shape
Hello! I'm from Russia and translate it into English through an interpreter. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please help to create a program in C + +. Ne...
[19 replies] Last: Yes, I need help. I do not understand much English, but the translatio... (by Altair)
Fill arrays in separate function
Hello, I am a total beginner in c++ and I need some help, with school homework. In main I defined 2 dimensional array but it needs to be "filled" from s...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for your help, works like a charm (by Bimbolo)
public and private variables
What is the difference speed wise in declaring a variable or function in a class public or private? I tend to make most variables public on the chance I may ne...
[19 replies] Last: I put all my data in private. If your class has a large number of get... (by mik2718)
by sman
suggestions for functions
Can someone provide suggestions for converting this code to functions, instead of using the switch? The code takes an item number from the user and outputs the ...
[8 replies] Last: okay, I can't seem to get the hang of how to get this into code so tha... (by sman)
hollow square
I have been working on this code for an hour to the point I can't even remember what I started with:) It won't print the square on the screen! Here it is: ...
[3 replies] Last: That worked but it only printed a square, not a hollow square. I took... (by AARON HENDERSON)
by sonfal
looking to make a game
I'm a first year comp sci student, and just finished my first term, which was primarily focused on c++ programming. I'm sure that there is a lot of stuff that ...
[9 replies] Last: so i follow the steps word for word, but the files paths are different... (by Aramil of Elixia)
i have a few questions about CreateWindow() when using CreateWindow(TEXT("STATIC"),TEXT("text here"), WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 10,10,100,20, hwnd,(HMENU) 1...
[1 reply] : please someone help meh oh and also how to change the text (obviou... (by deividaxas)
by Amy269
One-deminsional arrays
I am building a program that allows the user to pick a number 1 - 12 (for the 12 months in a year). Once they choose a number the program will display how many ...
[14 replies] Last: Thanks for the help! if (month >= 1 && <=12) should have been i... (by Amy269)
? : :
I'm doing pretty advanced stuff now with memory manipulation, working with the windows API and even a little bit of kernel programming. Yet, somehow, I never le...
[3 replies] Last: Typo Hamster, I was talking about the Ternary Operation. Thanks for th... (by TheNoobie)
changing fonts in Windows API
i have this code to display some text but i want to make the text bigger. I was told it has something to do with the font but i have no idea what to do and ever...
[10 replies] Last: thanks i got it to work. and i was drawing in WM_PAINT i just didnt co... (by beginner123)
by Sp3ke
Project Practise
Came up with a little project designed for beginners. Design a lottery program to simulate playing the lottery. The program must : - 1. Allow the user...
[no replies]
Hi. I'm new to this forum and I need some help. I just want to clear things out that I'm not asking for codes. I need to make a snake game. I was thinking on ho...
[4 replies] Last: The link was meant to tell you that there are ways to do this that are... (by hamsterman)
declaring and using a string in a header file
i am tring to declare and use a string in a header file #ifndef DECK_H #define DECK_H #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #incl...
[2 replies] Last: Or you can simpley type "using namespace std;" right after you include... (by NanoBytes)
Does anyone have exercise answers for Ivor Horton's Beginning C++?
Published 1998. Answers used to be online in the publishers site, but they have gone for a long time ago. Please, anyone?
[no replies]
December 2011 Pages: 1... 3738394041... 47
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