Beginners - December 2011 (Page 37)

Help with writing to a file
Hi, How would I go about reading an int from the last array in a binary file. A link explaining how or something similar would be fine too. Thanks in advance...
[3 replies] Last: file.clear(); was needed Thanks if anybody took time trying to work o... (by Declan Murphy)
Reading a textfile on the web
A text file is hosted on the internet. I want to read the file for input. How do I do this?
[2 replies] Last: The most portable approach (which will likely become part of C++ in th... (by Cubbi)
a program that saves strings
i want to make a program that can get strings from user and save it. for this purpose i want to use getline(); built-in function for getting and saving a string...
[2 replies] Last: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int main () { char st ; int i = ... (by Haisum Bhatti)
Just wondering what does it do ?
I came across a script that was like injecting live codes into itself O_o ! Can anyone tell what if I write some sort of codes like this: #include<stdio.h>...
[2 replies] Last: It does this: $ g++ -o test test.cpp test.cpp: In function ‘int m... (by bbgst)
Borland C++ builder connection with database
Hello there. I'm having a problem with queries in C++ builder. I want to insert a new entry in table, but it doesn't respond when it should. I suppose I have...
[2 replies] Last: Well, Borland database was together with builder so I tried to use it.... (by Daniels Pitkevics)
time conversion problem
I have wrote a program to figure my weekly hours and figure my bring home pay, however the company I work for has changed our time clocks so instead of 8.67 we ...
[no replies]
Create Directory in Text Editor
Hello everyone, I am writing a simple Text Editor. At the end of the program, I want to output a *.txt file in a directory the user wants. I know that in order...
[3 replies] Last: Use std::wstring in that case or use MultiByteToWideChar() API. (by modoran)
by jiboo
2D integer array no repeats.
Hi everyone I am new here. I am having trouble with this program. I can get the 2D array to print out the way I want it to but I can't have any repeats for the ...
[4 replies] Last: Keep a counter. Your range of items is quite limited ([1,50] it see... (by Gaminic)
C++ to become christmas tree
This is what i have done #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i, j; for(j = 1; j <= 5; j++) { for(i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { ...
[12 replies] Last: Instead of editing out code from an older post, I thought I'd make a n... (by Lynx876)
can some please tell me if there is a new version for this function??? i cannot execute my program using this functions.....i also try #include<cstdio> but stil...
[4 replies] Last: Or you are not specifying the namespace. using std::printf; // ... ... (by bbgst)
bitwise mov
in visual C++ is there a way to move along a byte one bit at a time and change/display it?
[13 replies] Last: Also remember there's a special template specialization for vector<bo... (by bbgst)
when the cin function is scanning a string, if there is more input data (with no blanks) than will fit in the array output argument, cin.............. (choose o...
[4 replies] Last: ok....tq for that.. (by adibahuda)
mai nai khelda ........ :P
nas jao........ :P
[3 replies] Last: I think Wikipedia's articles on Cohesion and Coupling are sufficient f... (by Gaminic)
Erro "no matching function for call to 'getline'
Hi guys, I'm doing this program to check whether a string in a file is Palindrome or not, and everything is fine until I got these two problems the first one i...
[9 replies] Last: Also, what about whitespaces, punctuations, and case sensitivity , ho... (by coder777)
execution flow
hi, i recently came about this piece of code and i am confused as to why it gives the output that it does here is the code: #include <iostream> #include...
[3 replies] Last: 1) The answer is recursion of course. This means that function string... (by eypros)
Need help with homework exercise on arrays
Ok so this is what the textbook asks me to do. Write a c++ function, smallestIndex, that takes as parameters an int array and its size and returns the index...
[4 replies] Last: You should adapt your boundary depending on the number of elements you... (by eypros)
Resources of Checking Error Codes ?
It comes the question,how can we see faulty codes and show where it's wrong.There 'd be a place to show error code for beginner to pro to check and find the err...
[1 reply] : ¿like this ? You could try... (by ne555)
counting letters from a file
I have a simple file of letters: A B C ... Z while (!inFile.eof()) { for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) { inFile >> letter ; numLetters++; } } Now I ...
[2 replies] Last: Got it, just had to find the isalpha() function. (by MrBackpack)
array (1,2)
Am I doing this right, can I clean it up a bit? Write a modular program that analyzes a year's worth of rainfall data. In addition to main, the program shoul...
[22 replies] Last: its late here to. but I want to get it working because this is part of... (by kdmpenguin)
by sman
help for function problem
this is what the program is supposed to do: ask user for 7 character item number. The 4th character denotes the color of the item. The program is to return the...
[10 replies] Last: im sorry my laptop died don't give up just slow down and try to unders... (by Aramil of Elixia)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 3536373839... 47
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