Beginners - December 2011 (Page 34)

Installing New Library, How ?
I got one library, it's downloaded as a RAR file with following things inside : images3 include : Contains 218 .h (header) files. libs : Contains 4 ...
[3 replies] Last: Stick all the files somewhere you won't forget. Write your code. Hav... (by Moschops)
switch statement
i'm having trouble: 1. grasping the concept of switch 2. making the program loop to the menu before the switch. // newproject2.cpp : Defines the entry po...
[7 replies] Last: do menu statements while (opselect==0) ? So if you press 0 it sh... (by LovestoCpp)
Printing Array of Pointers
Doing a school project, etc. etc. for (j = 0; j <= PlaneAlfa.NumPartiesOnPlane; j++) { cout << PlaneAlfa.Parties ; } PlaneAlfa is a Structure, Parties is an...
[7 replies] Last: Ah right, sorry RPGillespie I misread... (by ausairman)
Help: Queue problem
I'm working on a practice problem on Queue, it's a matching problem, a restaurant uses 2 Queues, one for incoming parties and one for tables, and seats the part...
[no replies]
binary mode vs text mode
What is the difference between writing an output file in binary mode vs. other non binary modes. Can a text file be saved in both binary and non binary mode? W...
[1 reply] : Interesting.... (by LB)
problem with changing a value
string generate_random_card(string& card_value,string card_suit ) // uses the generate card suit and generate card value functions to make a card and sets t...
[no replies]
by PopEye
Problem w/ the do..when Statement
Hey guys. It's me again. I'm practicing the contents within the <cctype> library. I made my little program that switches the letter you input into the char ...
[12 replies] Last: Oh wow. Guess I needed to be more specific. Sorry for wasting your tim... (by PopEye)
by moot1
main menu
hi. i know this program isnt does but i have a question. is there away like after the user clicks lets say 2 to find the factors of a number, but decides he or ...
[4 replies] Last: oh thanks i get it (by moot1)
create file not working.
I've copied the example from the book exactly; still not working. here's the code: ifstream inFile;"reservationLog.txt"); if(
[6 replies] Last: got it thank you. (by maharris)
Adjacency list implementation using stl multimaps
Hi, I'm trying to implement some graph algorithms in c++. I'm aware of the time-complexity trade off which arises when we choose between adjacency matrices and...
[no replies]
by zydgyy
about write a float to file
If a write a float 0.776 to my file with binary mode,and then a i read it into a float variable,it become 0.77600002; ... float f = 0.776f; os.wr...
[3 replies] Last: The "original value" that you wrote previously was 0.77600002 . Fl... (by Cubbi)
by harde
Adding arrays to Slot Machine
[1 reply] : (by cnoeval)
Free Training
Hi All Here is a simple & effective way to get training on Microsoft’s Cloud technologies? Microsoft Virtual Academy Happy Learning Link: http://www.mic...
[no replies]
Increase recursion depth? (1,2)
I have an algorithm that seems to crash C++ due to the recursion depth. I don't know how to change my algorithm (if I could, I would) and I don't want to post ...
[25 replies] Last: Check this out: #include <iostream> #include <map> using namespace ... (by m4ster r0shi)
My battleships game
I made this in my first year of learning c++ programming in high school...if someone needs it :) #include <iostream> #include <ctime> #include <cstdlib>...
[1 reply] : I see the output is hungarian :)...also I think you'll get ... (by diegogergo)
by haya
c++ polynomial
HI! i need help with this simple code!!! i don't know what's wrong but i guess it's in the ReadPoly it's for reading two poly and summing and multiplying th...
[no replies]
Pointer Dereferencing
Prett y basic task with pointers, but I'm tearing my hair out. char *heap_listp; char *first_free; heap_listp = &something; first_free = heap_listp +...
[4 replies] Last: char ** place = ((char **) first_free) + 4; *place = heap_listp; Y... (by bbgst)
C++ Help Simple Mistake
This is the program below, program runs great, only thing I am confused about is fixing: if(raffle(number)==false) so it can say on the file "The number "XX" is...
[5 replies] Last: Thank the program works great, but why does my A not working as I ent... (by ConfusedLearner)
Retrieving data from SQL database
Good evening people, I have problem retrieving data from SQL database in C++ Builder 6. I have connected, made queries, but I don't know what function get dat...
[no replies]
Help with pointers and vectors
Hello everyone! I'm new and I'm having problems with my code, I need to have a vector of "Accounts" and a vector of "Customers", I need to be able to create ...
[6 replies] Last: The customer can have *In theory* as many accounts as he/she wants. Th... (by subwayheaven)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 3233343536... 47
  Archived months: [nov2011] [jan2012]

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