Beginners - December 2011 (Page 33)

by KuPosu
Stack Container
I keep getting this error code when trying to compile. In file included from prog6.cpp:10: Stack.h:21: error: `ItemType' has not been declared Stack.h:2...
[7 replies] Last: Even if you're not finished, you HAVE to return a value for those func... (by LB)
by hards
c++ to c conversion
dear members would some one help me to convert the following code from c++ to c ; =============================================== #include <iostream> usi...
[4 replies] Last: i really really appreciated . thanks alot fellow (by hards)
by pule85
function template has already been defined
hello everybody i am a student who is still moving pretty much his firt steps into c++ programming. I have been assigned a code for my thesis; the code is cor...
[1 reply] : Use include guards in your headers (by Peter87)
Use of Bool Containers
I know when we store data into containers like vector or deque. But how about bool vector and such bool containers ? Please cite some of its usage,thanks ...
[2 replies] Last: I sometimes use them to represent numbers in binary. I'm not sure whet... (by Gaminic)
Recursion function
I have the function bool find(string s, string t) that test whether the string t is contained in the string s For instance, if I call the function like...
[2 replies] Last: thank you! (by zcarfaz)
Need help with line sorting on Payroll program
I am trying to get a Payroll program done for school but I cant seem to get the payroll info to align properly. Here is the output. This payroll program cal...
[3 replies] Last: I still dont understand how my entire output could be formatted to kee... (by Terminus Est)
reference vs pointers 1اهلا
what is the difference between reference and pointers and what is the best plz. اهلا و سهلا
[1 reply] : try (by hamsterman)
Battleship: weird values showing up in array
Hey I'm working on code for randomly placing ships in a game of battleship. I've set up a 10x10 matrix with all values initially set to zero, to be changed to 1...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! Yeah, I'm not sure why it wasn't working right earl... (by IronCowgirl)
Easy question Maybe?
I dont understand this int d=16.e=17 then the value of d == --e is 1 ( I understand this part) so why then is int z=3,x=3,c=3 (z == x == c) the value ...
[2 replies] Last: OK i can makes sense out of that its weird but this utilizes the xor ... (by Lazysquirell)
by teocl5
Socket Programming(Help me!!!)
Hi, I am working on my battleship program. However i am required to use socket programming to implement the messaging between the player and server. The ...
[6 replies] Last: I using #include <sys/ type.h> #include <sys/ socket.h> #include <s... (by teocl5)
problem with classes
I am having trouble with calling a function from my class in main. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here's my header file: #ifndef BINNUM_H #defi...
[1 reply] : To call the function you write num.numbers(); . The return type is vo... (by Peter87)
problems with .h
this is a school assignment, I can get my program to run ok but we are suppose to place the (parent) class into a .h file when I do this it say the variable are...
[7 replies] Last: finally found it the .h file must contain using namespace std; or it w... (by Lazysquirell)
Setting a pointer to data
I'm writing a ftp in C and am having trouble when copying the file over to the server. When I copy it over, it cuts off the first 512 or so bytes. I need to se...
[no replies]
reading the inputs from files
i read the tutorial, but im having a little trouble grasping it. if i have cout<<"If Booked 2 weeks in advanced, 3% off lodging only"<<endl; addB...
[no replies]
by M987
Stack ADT
I am working on a project that require us to use stack abstract data type. The program is not complete, this is what I have got so far, but I am not sure what I...
[4 replies] Last: The error is because you have not declared a Stack constructor that ta... (by Peter87)
prime program
hey can anyone help me with this program, I've been trying to figure it but i haven't been able to understand it: An integer is said to be prime if it is...
[3 replies] Last: In pseudocode: isprime = true; while i = 0, i < sqrt(number), ++i i... (by ascii)
User defined text file
Hello All, I need help to: Ask a user for a filename Create a text document with the user defined filename Basically cout<<"filename"<<endl; cin...
[5 replies] Last: webJose : I will work on a cpp and post it for you Ben Duncan : Your ... (by Schwagmister)
I am having problems understanding how to program different loops and nested loops. I have basic skills in programming(very ammature) so you must go though it s...
[6 replies] Last: for(counting vairable; condition; incrementor){ //statements to exec... (by LovestoCpp)
writing file << illegal for class
when trying to enter the username, password, bookname dates, and length of stay every error is the title: << illegal for class. here's the code. sorry for a...
[2 replies] Last: i don't exactly know. i need it to write to the file, but then read f... (by maharris)
Pointer Problem
I have a memory location stored on my heap. I need to extract that memory location and store that as a pointer. Here is what I have done: char *bp = firs...
[4 replies] Last: No I mean his char* holds the address of a pointer =P (by Disch)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 47
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