Beginners - December 2011 (Page 32)

by zed55
Why it can't find max value?
I don't understand why it can't find correct max value. ///Lab 13Problem 3 #include<iostream> using namespace std; #include<fstream> ifstream getdat...
[4 replies] Last: Then read only 5 numbers. You can do it by modifying for(i=0;i<=4;i=i+... (by zed55)
by ty98
windows 98
Does enywon know if vcc will work on a 98?
[2 replies] Last: You won't be able to run the latest version of Visual C++ on Windows 9... (by benjamin d)
Wikibooks Iterations exercise 11
Hi everyone, just started learning about c++ and doing some of the exercises found on wikibooks
[2 replies] Last: thanks for the quick reply this is my code as it is now and seems to ... (by Glenn1984)
How to Track a String & Duplicates
I need help to understand putting all entries into first string. Then I need to search the first string and if there are duplicated letters, I put the duplicat...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you. I am still trying to understand. I wanted that line to se... (by resetButton)
Simple calculator 2 variations
Hi everyone: this is the prompt to create the program. Description Write a simple calculator so that a user can input a number with two values separated by ...
[4 replies] Last: Alright, thanks for the heads up. :) (by Code Assassin)
[5 replies] Last: Don't you just love it when people do that? (by hanst99)
site for beginners in C++
[no replies]
NULL used in arithimetic problem.
I see no reason for that error. But it still gives me. I am irritated by it. How to remove it? for (int n =0; (n < 20) && (equal == true) && (letter != NULL)...
[4 replies] Last: Maybe you mean letter != '\0' (the null character)? It won't work t... (by bbgst)
i have to create a program that separates 2 decimal digits. For example, the number 89 would become number 8 and 9 on two separate outputs. Number 8 would be mu...
[4 replies] Last: int number = 89; int ones_digit = number % 10; int tens_digit = (num... (by Texan40)
by cre
printing to screen prior to a segmentation fault
I had this issue, and I'm not sure exactly what's going on. Here are two lines from my code. cout<<"grrr"; if(leaf->p->color==1){...blahblahblah...} ...
[2 replies] Last: Insert std::endl instead of \n to force a flush after the newline. (by hanst99)
I have to make a program that asks the user for 4 cities and then asks them if they want to display the 4 cities in the order they were typed in or in the rever...
[1 reply] : (by bbgst)
Airplane seating program
I am need to write a program that seats people in an airplane. There is 7 rows with four seats each labeled A B C D. It need to ask the user what row and seat t...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah that i am aware of but im just not sure how. How can I take the s... (by ericpre)
assembly code
Where can I find a compiler that will let me see its assembly code? For my course work, I have to learn to include assembly but its proving harder than ever a...
[3 replies] Last: If you need to learn Assembly in less than a week, forget it. Other... (by Catfish)
Need to find a good project
Hi I was thinking of a good program to work on that will take me about a month to code. Program should have the following: Structures Functions Array File ...
[14 replies] Last: thanks :D good luck! (by biplav17)
by jkvu1
Arrays and strings
Hey guys, I'm trying to pass a string into a string into a public member function and I can't get it to work. From main: string Array; cout << "Enter all...
[3 replies] Last: What do you want to happen, and what is happening? It's a bit hard to ... (by hanst99)
by KS05
Array Help/Question
Hello, It must be array week I see a lot of recent questions in this forum that have to do with arrays! Unfortunately, I don't see anything that will be helpfu...
[3 replies] Last: if zero is considered "useful" data then it would be better to use std... (by Texan40)
by hy10
Help, please
I have to do this program for school and i am completely stuck. Were working on structures and arrays The professor pretty much did the code but I have to compl...
[no replies]
by Shmamy
So close but seriously stuck.
Okay so I've been working on this program for a few days witch is weird for me. Working on one for more than a day is weird for me but this one is a pain in my ...
[4 replies] Last: Okay, I got it to work. Thank you! (by Shmamy)
how to move the Snake..
Hi guys. I'm currently having a problem on how to move the body of the snake by means of "bending" the body. I just finished making an infinite loop for the sna...
[1 reply] : instead , you can use SDL to load and blit image . Each image can have... (by Pranay Venkatesh)
finished the tutorial
hello i am new to the c++ world and i want to be an expert in it in order to work using c++ once i finish so i just finished the basic tutorial in the documen...
[2 replies] Last: Thnx alot dude for the help ;) (by bodosaher)
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