Beginners - December 2011 (Page 31)

Understanding Visual C++ Debugger
Hey just a quick and possibly stupid question. Whilst debugging in Visual C++ you have a list of local variables in the bottom left corner. I have a pointer t...
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Problems in Writing the Node class for a generic LinkedList
I am trying to write a generic LinkedList class. I want my node class to have the <<, >>, >, <, >=, <= to make the sort function cleaner when I start to impl...
[no replies]
Pro*c++ and VB with c++
Hello sir 1. im just wandering what is Pro* C++/C# and can it be use using vb Pro 2010 using c++/c#.? thank's for the replied..
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Calling functions using 2-D arrays
Hey guys, I'm new here. I have some homework that I need some help on. I can't figure out how to correctly call these functions. // This program will read i...
[1 reply] : Like this: getSales(sales, years); (by coder777)
Iostream and Cmath
It shows an error in the "range ;" in which I assume to enter in a number. But it also shows an error "sum1=sum1+ ( )*( );" Yes, I'm a newbie. Yes, I'm ...
[3 replies] Last: Finding the maximum: You have the correct algorithm in your if stateme... (by Alrededor)
what are they really used for, i cant understand them if i dont see any use for POINTERS, ok i thought they keep the memory address of a variable, when i tired ...
[1 reply] : Check this out. You may find it helpful. (by kbw)
array of structs pt. II
Okay, now i've read in my data into an array and passed it properly to my display function I'm trying to search each word in my array to determine if that word ...
[1 reply] : you're missing a couple sets of braces.... (by erikn)
by Kojak
put zeros in front of vector elements
hi everyone! i'm trying to find a solution to the following problem: i converted chars into int. for example char 'a' becomes int '97' (using ascii). then...
[5 replies] Last: ok thanks. i'll have a look. (by Kojak)
Extremely Frustrated. Need help with custom substring class.
I'm working within the insert function in the substring.cpp file. I have to decide what to do if the insertion occurs exactly at the beginning or the ending of ...
[1 reply] : substring.h // CIS-62 substring class #ifndef _CIS62_SUBSTRING_H_INC... (by AndroidZ)
how to read and undestand 3d and 4d arrays?
The data in three-dimensional arrays are stored much like the data in two-dimensional arrays – in one “long line” of slots for data. If a three-dimension...
[1 reply] : If int d ; is equivalent to int q[4*5*6]; , then d is equiv... (by hamsterman)
Trouble with this assignment
I cant see what I'm doing wrong here, I'm trying to write a program with a function that removes the string trailing blanks. Example: "C++ Programming "...
[1 reply] : It seems to be working fine. What are your complaints? Also, when you... (by hamsterman)
by Tabby
Filling array with for loop and cin
Hi all, I am not sure why the following code is not working: /* This program calculates the sume of the squares of entered data */ #include <iostream...
[1 reply] : That is because you have to display the array the same way you take in... (by Caprico)
learning arrays
Hi, i am learning the arrays and function at the moment and writing a program to calculate the average and standard deviation that reads up to 100 ints from fil...
[5 replies] Last: NO, IT JUST RUN! I misspelled again!!! LOL, hey Thank you for helping ... (by narutochan)
array of structs
I've been trying for a while now to understand how an array of structs would work. I'm trying to read in an external file and read that information into an arr...
[2 replies] Last: hahahaha! I guess it WAS that simple! Thanks mate! (by stykes06)
put in an '&' and now it provides no intializer
if i add a & it provides no intialzer class rateChange{ public: rateChange(); int& monthChange; int& weekChange; int& dayChange; }; rateChan...
[4 replies] Last: thank you. (by maharris)
I need help finishing a program. I have been working on getting this working properly for the last 6 hours, to no avail. The idea is that the program will tak...
[2 replies] Last: Draw the rectangles on paper and see if your output is correct. (by vin)
Formatting issue
I'm writing a program for a class that takes a source file and computes averages for all students and the produces the average for each test and then takes the ...
[1 reply] : Now it looks like this: Students 1 2 3 4 Av... (by thechad90000)
What does this do ?
What does this do ? int Next_operator( char* expr, unsigned long length, unsigned long& currpos, char* Operator)..the highlighted things if( :: isdigit(exp...
[3 replies] Last: It refers to global namespace. (by modoran)
"undefined reference" to static members
I am practising the use of static members. I want to have the main file to deal with two headers. First header: #ifndef _FOO_HPP_ #define _FOO_HPP_ cl...
[9 replies] Last: It works now. Thanks, bbgst! (by subjugater)
getting different outputs
I get different characters thrown to the screen compared to whats written to the file: vector<char>::iterator itc; for(itc = codevector.begin(); itc < cod...
[1 reply] : Would it be possible for you to post the entire code set. It looks li... (by learnForever)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 2930313233... 47
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