Beginners - December 2011 (Page 30)

by bbh84
please help with array
I need help adding a value returning function that uses a do loop so it can determine the number of elements in the array that are between 110 and 155. how can ...
[1 reply] : just add this prototype: int ValuesInRange(int ,int,int,int); bef... (by Vins3Xtreme)
how can run with full cpu and all cores?
hi everybody. i have a c++ code and when i run it, it consumes only 25% of cpu( i have seen from task manager) i think it uses only one core. how can i run my p...
[13 replies] Last: why the heck would you want to take up your CPU? Yes, why get your ... (by Moschops)
Linkedlists with multiple arrays
My semester just ended and I have an outstanding project I haven't finished that I would like to just so that I know what I'm doing. The idea is to create a lin...
[no replies]
by WuSoo
Character input and if comparison
Hello. I'm having a hard time with a C++ problem. I want to input a word (a color) and see a printed message. I used an 'if' to see the printed message and a...
[3 replies] Last: Problem solved. Thank you very much! (by WuSoo)
Using libraries like SFML
I am about to go insane! I cannot FOR THE FRICKIN LIFE OF ME get any type of graphics library to work with VC++ 2010!!! I am a newbie. I know C++ fairly well...
[1 reply] : Is this what you're looking for: (by Code Assassin)
Class definition in headers file .h
Hi Can someone explain what does class defintion in headers file means. I googled a lot things and read serveal books Many thanks Bill Thompson
[3 replies] Last: Thanks everyone, it seems much more clearer to me now than it did serv... (by Bill Thompson)
by sirkit
PIC programming
Hey, I have searched and searched but cannot find any real definitive site that goes over the basics for programming a PIC in C++. I have found sites that tel...
[3 replies] Last: Well, I read the datasheets for the PIC and there wasn't much of anyth... (by sirkit)
Need some help in snake.
Need help in snake. I can't seem to make a body for my snake. :( *unfinished*; #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <windows.h> #include <str...
[9 replies] Last: @nethoinkz sorry I have gave you a wrong answers.I liked you that you ... (by Dinesh subedi)
Snake problem.
How can I clear the screen out and show the background? The problem is, when I press 1, it just shows background in less than 1 second and then goes back to the...
[12 replies] Last: What error you got anyway better to use logic other than source code. (by Dinesh subedi)
Where to start?
Dear all, I am not sure what are the difference between C++, visual studio C++, C#, visual basic. Which one is the most common one? Which one is for be...
[3 replies] Last: In order to get an answer about what language to learn you must make y... (by eypros)
removing OR ignoring an object from array
Hi, I've made an array of objects of monsters Monster myMonsterList ; which i initialise to have x and y co-ordinates, later in the code, i need to "kil...
[2 replies] Last: I guess it's a course about arrays so vector is out of the question? ... (by eypros)
do/while loops
hi guys, i am new to programming and so far i am familiar with nested for loops. I don't understand how do while loops can be nested. What is the main differenc...
[4 replies] Last: thanks that was great help ! (by sarnia101)
problem with program exiting after function is called
I am trying to have the user input 2 binary numbers and then adding and multiplying them. The problem that I am having is after I call the first function from ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks works now (by emitremmit)
Selection Sort Algorithm Help
I'm trying to sort an array of objects and I keep running into a problem with this function. I'll post it so you can take a look. It passes an array of objects ...
[4 replies] Last: NEVERMIND I GOT IT!!!!! I LOVE THIS STUFF! Thanks. I had a brain fart. (by closed account 365X92yv)
by kusen
Criticize my code please
I created this simple database(written in C) in order to see how structures worked, and also to see how much I remembered about coding in general. also, Ther...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you allot for the feedback. I'm assuming fgets is the correct fu... (by kusen)
Is it possible to delete from the beginning of a string up to (and including) a tab? I know you can delete a specified amount of characters, but what if I ha...
[3 replies] Last: Yeah I caught that and edited it but after the fact =] (by Texan40)
Very simple program not behaving as expected.
Here is a tiny simple little program I created as an excersise from the book C++ Without Fear. #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[1 reply] : Never mind I realised I have the incrementation in the wrong block :) (by Integrater)
Operator Overloading
After doing a bit of blind searching I've decided to ask this question here. Okay, here is my query. I have a class (Card) that is which I am using as an obj...
[2 replies] Last: I've not got my code in front of me at the moment it's on another mach... (by ubernoob)
Please help
I am just learning and hoping to get better and begin my career once I master this. I can not go to any of the functions?? It does nothing. Am I calling them r...
[4 replies] Last: Also, you shouldn't use stuff like if (user_problem >= 5) { std:: ... (by Sc2slash)
What is this?
" -> " What's this supposed to do? Here's some context. now.hour = timeinfo -> tm_hour; now.min = timeinfo -> tm_min;
[2 replies] Last: I felt that I should add that x->y is shorthand for (*y).x In ord... (by Warnis)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 2829303132... 47
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