Beginners - December 2011 (Page 28)

by M987
Linked List ADT
I am working on a project that require us to use linked list abstract data type.This is what I have got so far, but I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I'm ge...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you it does work (by M987)
by mhae
control statement
hi,,,i wanna ask,,some help to those expert in c++,,, kndly make a code for this,, create a program that will the user to input name , course,,and major,, e...
[no replies]
by DouDou
subscripts and surperscripts output
Hi, Is there is a way to write superscript or subscripts into a text file. I tried using the unicode as shown in the below to get p_1 but i got a "?" please ...
[2 replies] Last: Well when I saved the file it asked me if i wanted to change the proje... (by DouDou)
error: expected unqualified-id before '{' token
So I just started c++ about an hour ago. I'm currently following a guide to help me learn, but I can't get past this error error: expected unqualified-id befor...
[7 replies] Last: Haha, yup. cout << "Print this to screen" << endl; worked :D Thanks ... (by kergeroth)
Interptreting g++ compile error readout
Hi, I'm beginning in C++ with someone else's code that I am changing to suit my purpose. After making my changes there are many compile errors. I have worked my...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks helios. I should probably start with KDevelop debugging environ... (by maxtouzel)
by p95ccw
Sorting MD Array by column
Hello, this is my first post, I have tried searching for this but I am unable to find a proper resolution. I am trying to sort my Multi-dimensional array by co...
[7 replies] Last: Anyone have any ideas on this? (by p95ccw)
Understanding how things work.
I just did the hello world program, and I want to make sure I understand how things work before I move on. Could someone verify if the below information is corr...
[2 replies] Last: 3.Anything between << << will be printed on the screen. Kind of. ... (by Disch)
Creating a User interface
I want to create a user interface and i dont know how to go a about it. 'wuld appreciate any help
[2 replies] Last: For the former... might I suggest looking into the Qt framework? It's ... (by Albatross)
Making an app
I want to make an app which sits in the tray, and when i click it - it opens a video stream (RT). So the question is - what languages do i need to make such a...
[2 replies] Last: Well, im using win64... But still thanks (by LTiberious)
Dynamic structure array inside dynamic structure?
How could I put a dynamic structure inside of a structure using only the <new> and <iostream> libraries? This post is similar to my previous one: http://www.c...
[11 replies] Last: Here's the final code that works: If you're reading this you can igno... (by lindsey laho)
Generate the library and objects
Hi, I'm using an IBM software that lets use C++ routines, i have the basic knowledge in C and i'm trying to understand how can invoke the C++ routines. I di...
[no replies]
Keyevent Help Needed
I want to make a quick program that holds the left arrow key down even when it is not the program your on. By that I mean I want it to hold the left arrow key ...
[no replies]
Please HELP !!!
I would not be doing this if it wasn't this late in the semester, but i am stuck if anyone finds it in them to help me i would be forever grateful, this assigm...
[7 replies] Last: Well, better to finish it for yourself rather than making an old deadl... (by Lynx876)
Are vector pointers affected by resize()?
Say I have a pointer to a vector: vector<int> * p; vector<int> myvec; p = &myvec; And I now resize my vector: myvec.resize(50); // cause realloc...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=ne555]Can't touch this Obligatory link: (by shacktar)
Dynamically Allocated Structure Array from Data File- Simple?
I am attempting to write a function that returns a pointer to a structure array. According to the assignment details, this array MUST be dynamically allocated....
[3 replies] Last: I completely forgot to mention that both year and semester are custom ... (by spunkycomics)
Game Editor
anybody knows anything about programming in Game Editor software?
[1 reply] : Why ask us when they have their own forum? (by cnoeval)
arrays realted
i need to write a program to accept a number from user and print it in words, like 4563 should be printed as four five six three. how do i do this ?
[3 replies] Last: first digit = x1%10 x2 = x1/10 second digit = x2%10 x3 = x2/10 ...... (by hamsterman)
Transpose 2d vector
I am trying to extract data from multiple files into one output file. At the moment I am able to extract the columns I want into a vector in a vector: vector<...
[2 replies] Last: Many thanks for your quick reply. Indeed it was getting stuck at my 't... (by Danizand)
Breadth First Search
Hello, My professor gave us Cormen's Breadth First Search code for Graphs and I've translated all but two for loops into C++ that I simply don't understand. ...
[1 reply] : Line 1: The ∈ signifies "element of". V is the set of all elements... (by Gaminic)
by kvt28
simple circle class program help
Hi can someone please aid me in figuring out how I could change the color in square 1 from blue to black? void circle::chgColor (string colS) { color=colS;...
[2 replies] Last: First off, you create an object of square ( 1 ). Then refer to it as s... (by Lynx876)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 2627282930... 47
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