Beginners - December 2011 (Page 25)

assigning structs to each other
Hi! I am having a problem with my code, at line 22 and 24 when i try to assign a struct to another struct i get the error "undefined reference to ReadPoint()" c...
[5 replies] Last: When you defined the ReadPoint function your arguments were double la... (by whryer)
Stupid problem
I have changed from Ubuntu to Mandriva. Formerly, after I compiled a program, I could click on the icon and it would run. Now, I am asked what program to use ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. I did right-click the Properties tab and changed some of t... (by amgilman)
Implementation of downloading files
Hi, I'm fairly new to c++. I was wondering if there is an easy, simple way for downloading all the links of a web page, then opening those links and downloading...
[1 reply] : HTTrack does this. See (by Athar)
How to print a multidimesional array
Hey all, quick question: if i wanted to print a multidimensional array (2D i suppose) how would I go about that? Example: bool minefield = { {fals...
[2 replies] Last: That did the trick! Thanks moschops! (by Willy Rodriguez)
How to shift array?
Task: Read, Eycrpt and Write ( Stuck in My C programming Project ) *Your program should now ask the user for the name of the output file and to enter the alph...
[3 replies] Last: Help! anyone? (by coolantivirus)
by camelc
how to change it to be share individual elements of the array
write the subprogram to share individual elements of the array +++++++++++ code ++++++++++++++++++++ const int size = 3; struct student { string na...
[no replies]
program not recognizing function.
Hey I'm gunna feel like an idiot here but this is riving me nuts. I'm writing a small loan program for class that takes in information and then spits it back ou...
[1 reply] : int enter_info(cscore); take the int out , it should work prope... (by detroit)
invalid types 'unsigned int[unsigned int]' for array subscript
hi everyone!i'm working on a project and i'm getting two errors of the type mentioned in the title. here's the part of the code that generates the problem: ...
[3 replies] Last: oops, sorry about the previous post!i got a bit hasty and i feel reall... (by sandragdmt)
error lnk2019 1 unresolved terminal
declared a function prototype void readNumbers(ifstream &, int, int); called function inside main int main() { readNumbers(inputFile, numbers , ARRAY_S...
[7 replies] Last: yes sir. function protoype was not declared correct and function de... (by tmauldin)
Deleting an element in an array and working with it after
Okay, I got this program where the user can add fractions into an array. The user can do various things with that array. Now I got all the different functions w...
[6 replies] Last: Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Lol I wrote the same exact loop j... (by voyance)
SOOO CONFUSED can someone help me figure out how to get the l,h,w from main into my void func?
QUESTION:Implement a programmer defined function that computes the volume of a box. Your function should accept three double arguments and then compute and retu...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks!! It worked (by jet0717)
by xeazer
Strings as parameters in Functions
Hi Guys I started c++ a couple of days ago and was going over some member functions of string.h This below is the function (comparing) I used in my program ...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you for that mate. Much appreciated. (by xeazer)
Delete a character from a string
How would I go about deleting the very first character from a string? My attempt below fails with several errors #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream>...
[2 replies] Last: You have declare delspace to be a char* (an string array) but nevert... (by eypros)
by Yezman
Classes/Member Functions
N/A... Yeah Pan,
[3 replies] Last: OP: So this is what my auto grader gave me... Test 7 -- Test for: C... (by Moschops)
Merge a new file in a current struct
Hello everyone, I am working on an inventory hardware(struct). I have to read a file and store it in a vector of struct(push it) I have accomplished read...
[1 reply] : Someone? (by detroit)
by TNT104
constructor and destructor problem
Hi guys, i am new in the forum and i need your help for this exercise: (I thing i am on the rigth side.Sorry if it is too long ). To create the class studen...
[4 replies] Last: I want to make an array with name gr_per and withdimension sub and i ... (by TNT104)
by gyoye
the address of char pointer is nonsense
Please help! Is it a valid char pointer address or I have done something wrong in the code? The output looks like this: w♂ ( w ♀ ( ♀ ...
[9 replies] Last: Maybe running this would help you understand: #include <iostream> ... (by hamsterman)
I need a help please
Hi friends I need a help in c++ I have to write a program that will find the average in the array x of n size of array n<=100 Thanks
[11 replies] Last: like this? because it gave me wrong #include <iostream> using names... (by abc1420)
Reading a line into a pointer char
Hello guys, I am working on a small assignment and I got it to compile but it is not returning what it is suppose to. I would like to read a line from the ke...
[3 replies] Last: If you intend to seach for a single character, then that is good, but ... (by webJose)
C programming.. integer to float !!
Hi guys, I had a little bit problem while trying to input fractional values to calculate types of physics applications.. My question is how to calculate the val...
[7 replies] Last: You really don't realize that it's nigh impossible to tell what you ac... (by hanst99)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 2324252627... 47
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