Beginners - December 2011 (Page 24)

Dynamic Array assignment question
Alright so I've got another question on this program I'm writing. The assignment we were give was... "An array can be used to store large integers one digit ...
[no replies]
by boston
Deleting a part of an external file via C++
Hey All, A simple question here. Working on a payroll project at school (my final project this semester) and I need some advice. I have a payroll program ...
[14 replies] Last: Not solved, as per usual. Just marking it as solved because I'm polite... (by boston)
C Does Not Name A Type
Hey Guys, -_- I don't know If I'm tired, or too lazy to solve this, but this is giving me a hard time.. any suggestions: #include <iostream> #include <s...
[5 replies] Last: @coder77 I didn't give you all of my code. So actually, I think 'STOP... (by Code Assassin)
txt replace line
I made a little game and I use a txt file to represent the map. I've come at the point where it would like to edit a character in my txt. (f.e when a treasure...
[2 replies] Last: the problem is that the game has a scroll map and each time that i mov... (by Nehpets)
Getting input in fstream
Hey all..i am writing a program in which im using fstream to input and output. i dont understand how i can get and write inputs in file taking strings with whi...
[6 replies] Last: yeah got it bro.. Thanx a ton ! :D (by Badshah)
Binary operations
I need to understand this statements: #define LOWORD(l) ((WORD)(l)) #define HIWORD(l) ((WORD)(((DWORD)(l) >> 16) & 0xFFFF)) Suppose i have code: ...
[6 replies] Last: As beginner i don't like to assume things by my self as it might turn ... (by morando)
how can i change address of a variable. like a int variable is stored in 0x0022f8c (and its holding value 89) how can i move that to 0x0022f9f (memory locat...
[1 reply] : The simple answer is don't. You should not be trying to dictate memory... (by Computergeek01)
big addition project
This code supposed to read up to 30 digits and get input from users twice. example input: input first number: 12 input second number: 123458 result: 123470 ...
[4 replies] Last: The way you're taking input for the numbers. cin requires you to hit E... (by Caprico)
How do I delete from an array using iterators.
// Using iterator to delete code from cin #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { ...
[2 replies] Last: begin doesn't take any arguments and doesn't have anything to do on li... (by hamsterman)
calculating average
hi. Im new to c programming. i try to write a C program to print the letter-based grade when a number-based grade is entered from the keyboard. #include<...
[5 replies] Last: whitenite1 is right. sorry. it was a typo. (by hamsterman)
attempting to define character attributes
something most of you can undoubtedly do already but im struggling with, i would love a valid solution for defining a characters name as a string and then 3 dif...
[3 replies] Last: Do you mean a struct/class such as class Character { ... private: ... (by coder777)
I need help! With getline
First of all I am a student working on my final all I know so far is plain old c++, nothing more. I am working on my class final, it is a Video Store Program an...
[2 replies] Last: Next time you post, you might want to consider using code tags... make... (by Code Assassin)
Program exits immediately - alternatives to system pause?
I'm very new to C++ and I've only written 2 programs in it so far the "Hello world" program and a program that takes the square root of a number that yo...
[4 replies] Last: tried it with a program using more than two and it works! thanks for ... (by Apple Cider)
by Optyk
I ..need help
I'm taking this intro class, and this is one of the last things we have to do, but I can't seem to figure it out, and it's due tomorrow. Can some one fix whatev...
[1 reply] : In line 42 you call triangle(); , but your declaration says that this... (by tfityo)
by icomma
Having trouble making my maze solve itself
Hey everyone, All right, for this assignment for class we had to write something that would randomly generate a maze, draw it in a form, solve itself using rec...
[4 replies] Last: Turns out it called around uh... 5000 times before it broke. But oh w... (by icomma)
by Jarr10
Program Help
This program creates boxes out of the alphabet. Please enter an integer for the length of one side of the box :4 abcd L E K F JIHG
[5 replies] Last: Oh that's not rude at all, I can assure you that. Many others have re... (by webJose)
arrays and nested for loops
Hello everyone, I was wondering how I should approach this problem. The directions are to write a set of nested for loops that go through each row of sec...
[7 replies] Last: There's some documentation on multidimensional arrays here: http://www... (by benjamin d)
Kruskal algorithm help.
Hello, I got this code to work without a class object orientated format, but when i put the program in a class i get a crash with memory acces error at line 243...
[1 reply] : I know it has to do something with my private initiations. If i take ... (by akballow)
by Haru
invalid conversion of int* to int
Hello everyone, I am doing a module for my programming class where I have to find the lowest and highest temperature and print it and I was going to kind of ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a ton! The right code ended up being: for (k=1;k<8;... (by Haru)
Time since the epoch (Just need quick help on math)
Hi all, First and foremost, I want to say that I am NOT asking that one of you guys finish my homework, but I need a second opinion on this program that is try...
[1 reply] : You're multiplying instead of dividing at each step. (by jim80y)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 47
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