Beginners - December 2011 (Page 23)

STL reference and return values
Hi, I have become completely fried looking at this, but have two main questions about the following code: - Do I risk accessing "dead memory" by passing p...
[12 replies] Last: What I am saying is if your use of the container of pointers is restri... (by sohguanh)
stack container class w/o STL
I got an assignment for my c++ class to create a boundedstack without using the stl container class. this one was for the array implementation. I wrote the cod...
[2 replies] Last: ok yeah. I wasn't supposed to use vector, and declaring an array, as w... (by MtnCrannberry)
Write Memory address
Hey i need some help i have made a d3d menu to turn on chams in game i just want to type chams on with the in game text i found this with all the addresses i ju...
[no replies]
by dancks
accessing pointer from object source of memory leak?
If you've been staying tuned, I'd first like to say thank you for your patience. I just really need a breakdown of what you can and can't do with pointers, or a...
[no replies]
How to do reverse arrays and reverse strings
This is what I need to do for two parts of my project, need some insight on how to even start or do this • Add a new function to your project called: Re...
[4 replies] Last: if anyone can do this for me and get it working, i'd glady paypal you ... (by basedmod)
Class and Sub Class
I am having trouble with the code i have enclosed. The sub class beamcalc does not takes the values assigned in the elment class. These values are needed for th...
[4 replies] Last: Also, you're just using the default constructor (with no parameters), ... (by jim80y)
Is there a C++ chat room?
Is there any chat room where I could ask newbie questions and get answers in real time or something like that doesn't exist?
[4 replies] Last: aha! I Am in, thanks :) (by spartakden)
by borok
Array Implementation
Hello, i have to do that : Write a program to read class grades from a file (A5Q3.dat - which is given to you) into an array grades and to then output to the...
[2 replies] Last: need help please. can't figure out how to do this. i got this for now ... (by borok)
by bmruze
Counting Whitespace
Hey guys, I've been looking around on the internet trying to figure out how to count whitespaces entered into a console. The only thing I'm coming up with is ho...
[2 replies] Last: so I could use something like cin.get() if (isspace(" ") { wh... (by bmruze)
Just finished with a book, where's a good place to go?
I was recommended "Beginning C++ through game programming, 3rd edition" to start learning C++. I just finished that book, and I'm a bit lost as to where to go n...
[1 reply] : There wasn't anything about graphics in the book? Some game programmin... (by Athar)
Help with alphabetical names
I stuck on how to out the first name enter lexographically. Im suppose to write a string function begin that sends the output to main. Any help would be appreci...
[no replies]
Please help...once again!
Hello everyone. I have once again hit a brick wall in my C++ Course. I have been trying to get this program with arrays to work. But, for some reason, I can't e...
[13 replies] Last: The while loop should be placed where I said to in my skeleton program... (by ascii)
by Taino
Hi, I have just completed this small cafeteria program. I do have an issue I hope you can advise me with. Here is my question. 1) On the // Display the c...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you for your insight, however what i really need this applicatio... (by Taino)
How to limit a variable
Part of code I am using: //person taking straws cout << "\n\nHow many straws do you wish to take?"; cin >> straws_taken; if (straws_taken>3) { ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. What should determine when I use " endl;" or when I just ... (by concerro)
Virtual method problems
Hello, I have a program that makes different types of accounts (One Account class, and other class inherit from it) , and then my main class goes through a vec...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help! Could you suggest a way for me to store pointers... (by subwayheaven)
by dancks
memory leak due to pointer in function?
on another forum, someone said I had a memory leak. He didn't specify how or why. Referring to my last thread, I had a pointer being passed from a method. I th...
[1 reply] : Sounds like you have some misconceptions about how memory management w... (by Athar)
DOS output different from file
I wrote a program to convert a string of 0 and 1's to char and write to a file and then read back from the file and output the corresponding string. It works f...
[no replies]
pin number error
I couldn't figure out what's wrong with this program. could any one help me take a look? Thank you! #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <...
[no replies]
by dancks
passing pointer from function
I wrote a program that's supposed to manipulate a bitmap pointer and return itin a function as so: bitmap* getbitmap() { return b; } If I do this does ...
[7 replies] Last: You have to define a copy constructor and an assignment operator that ... (by bbgst)
Overloading ostream operator confusion
I'm hoping someone can help clarify something for me here-I've done some digging around and I'm still confused as to why this isn't working. I have a class t...
[2 replies] Last: Ah that makes sense-I did that and it's now working like I wanted :) ... (by Glen Jenness)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 47
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