Beginners - December 2011 (Page 22)

by volks
Countdown timer D3D - problem
Hi guys,its my first time posting here and i found a lot of useful info here so far so i decided to join. I am using D3D for my school project. I used two me...
[no replies]
2 more questions
1. How do I make the program go back to a particular line in a program. As an example Basic has the goto command. I am trying to recreate a program I wrote in...
[4 replies] Last: I am not porting the program. I am writing it from scratch using C++. ... (by concerro)
Quick Question about saving
How do I save structures into a binary file??? Let's say I got an array of structure pointers, how would I be able to save them (not the pointers but the struc...
[1 reply] : Look up the <fstream> library. (by wjee0910)
As you can see i want num0,num2,num4 to appear at the end with the name, but im having a hard time figuring out how to make the cin>>num0 change itself to num1,...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks you saved me. (by loliconlover)
Unhandled exception at 0x00e51c51 in project.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000000.
I am receiving error Unhandled exception at 0x00e51c51 in project.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000000 when I run the following code: ...
[3 replies] Last: What do you mean? You have a pointer that is a null pointer. This me... (by Moschops)
by wtf
Whats wrong with this encryption program?
#include <string> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <conio.h> #include "cinhelper.cpp" using namespace std; const st...
[1 reply] : never mind (by wtf)
GLUT drawing array help.
I want to draw a map of white squares using glut so I made an array bool BackArray ={ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much. I thought ix==9 was when the loop terminates but ... (by closed account 2NywAqkS)
Input errors?
Hello, I'm trying to see what if the user enters a letters instead of entering numbers, my code goes into a full on looop never stopping. Can someone help? B...
[5 replies] Last: Just tried the code above and it's still giving me infinite loop when ... (by hondaek9)
hey guys simply my question is what is the different between ios::ate and ios::trunc both clearing the file??
[1 reply] : ios::ate means you can append to the file from any position you specif... (by WinwordExonar)
by Maiels
What is wrong with this?
So I am a beginner to C++..I was doing this algorithm when some errors occurred #include <iostream.h> using namespace std; int main () { int a,b,x; cou...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you everyone,it really really helped me,Thank you a lot ,now i c... (by Maiels)
i tried many times already , still cant get the solution that i wan.
//How to define a function named highest that determines the highest average //mark? //i tried my best already, but still cant get the highest average mark. ...
[9 replies] Last: Ok I had to change some of your code to get this to work : #include... (by WinwordExonar)
editing attributes from my header files in a program
Hey guys, thank you up front for taking the time to look at this thread. My question is this, I have written and compiled three header files that all have a...
[10 replies] Last: any ideas? (by dudelove1989)
parameter initialization in constructor
I have a class: class FlipFlopReg32 { int32_t resetValue; int32_t qCurrent; int32_t qNext; public: FlipFlopReg32(int32_t rv = 0, //...
[11 replies] Last: OK, so what's the answer, then. Do I have to remove the defaults from ... (by mzimmers)
Optimising C++ in assembly
I have to optimise "C" code in assembly for an assessment and was wondering where the documentation was on the topic. C++ could never be as efficient as raw...
[4 replies] Last: I have to learnt to include assembly programming in a unit (its the ma... (by Blessman11)
by zed55
I can't calculate optimum number of Technicians?
I can't calculate optimum number of Technicians to hire, I tried many time,I changed formulas a lot but finally I have wrong answers... / Project # 2 #incl...
[3 replies] Last: @zed55 It looks to me that you are not incrementing the arrays. su... (by whitenite1)
Having trouble printing out values in a map of maps
Hi guys, as the title states, I'm having some trouble going through a map of maps and printing out all of the values. Here is my declaration of the map: ma...
[3 replies] Last: Yes, the problem was using a non-const iterator in a const function. T... (by freddy92)
by mnye
for loops and arrays not displaying intended output
Hey, I'm new in C++ and not really sure about the ropes of c++. I sincerely hope you can help me out with this problem. I'm working on an assignment, and hav...
[2 replies] Last: hey fafner, thank you so much for your help!! although, i kind of reva... (by mnye)
input file problem
I write a code for a problem. My roblem is: Enter n x m integers from text file Arrange above integers on the way from from outside to inside in a certain ord...
[2 replies] Last: you are using c. I dont know how it works in c but I had a similar pro... (by elfico)
by elfico
calling my objects
good day everyone. am writing a little code that uses classes and after writing, I declarede some objects but when I tried using the objects it showed errors. p...
[2 replies] Last: thanks alot. I tried it and it worked well. I also did some little imp... (by elfico)
How to use "pow"?
This is my first post, so sorry if I´m sounding very noobish... I will hopefully get better in time :-) Am I using pow in the wrong way, or did I set up the...
[8 replies] Last: Yes, you're right, I wasn't looking at his code and apparently failed ... (by Gaminic)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 2021222324... 47
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