Beginners - December 2011 (Page 20)

by Yezman
What can a one-dim array NOT be indexed as.
Going over my practice exams for my final.... Which of the following is true.... B) The index type of a one-dim array can be any data type. B is fals...
[1 reply] : I believe you can only index an array with an integral type, so an int... (by IceThatJaw)
Binary Search Recursion help
Hi I need help with coding the function where I search for an element in an array. I keep getting a infinite recursion can someone help me with what to do with...
[1 reply] : Your recursive calls to your binarysearch() function need to operate o... (by Zhuge)
HELP: debugging
algebra: int n; int algebranswer, algebranswer1, algebranswer2, algebranswer3, algebranswer4, algebranswer5, algebranswer6, algebranswer7, algebranswer8, algeb...
[no replies]
by kaos51
Deleting Nodes!
I have no IDEA how to delete nodes (or the entire list for that matter). Thanks in advance. private: void drawNode(Node^ myNode, int level) { // 1 D...
[2 replies] Last: This code isn't C++. Looks like some kind of Microsoft language. (by Moschops)
Calloc of a struct
Hello gentlemen (and ladies). I am building a database for a project and I came across this calloc function that seem to be appropriated to what I want if I und...
[5 replies] Last: You're getting mixed up with pointers to char and arrays. In the case... (by jim80y)
How do i return an array?
Hello, I am a new user, and i have run into a problem. This function is not returning the array, which seems to be a common problem. I have tried implementing...
[8 replies] Last: No, it does not work. Stewbond's code is incorrect and a little confu... (by Disch)
by Drejj
Identifier not found
Okay, so I'm really new to C++ This will become really evident as you keep reading. So i keep getting the error "error C3861: 'inputCheck': identifier not f...
[9 replies] Last: Yep, fixed it. Also, wasn't getting an error for this but i altered my... (by Drejj)
by jew
How get to work?
I am fairly new to programming, and this website, and am trying to get a simple program to work. I am trying to read data from a file, and for now, output it, ...
[3 replies] Last: I now cannot seem to get it to display the data in a column. It appea... (by jew)
by KKlax
Help with this do/while loop
This is a program that determines what animal you are if you respond correctly to a set of questions related to animals. However, the code is not functioning...
[5 replies] Last: Add cin.clear(); before line 27 and 40. Also, you could declare ch ... (by wjee0910)
Help with time.
I need to know what I am doing wrong? I understand that theoretically it should not take you days to type in your name. But this is the simplest least amount of...
[6 replies] Last: Is your problem that you are always getting 0 or a negative number? Y... (by Stewbond)
Problem linking the array to txt file
Ok this is my txt file I am trying to get the last and first names (in that order) to show up in my program. The output that shows up is 2686760, 0 2686760, 1 ...
[2 replies] Last: Even using ios::in I'm stumped... #include <iostream> #include <fstr... (by agreenman20)
new things for me
can someone please tell me what does these sign means?? "%d","%19","%[^\n" and stdin???
[4 replies] Last: "%[^\n]" is a format specifier for the scanf() family of functions, wh... (by Cubbi)
algebraic equation help
basically this is my assignment: Write a program to verify if the following expression is true. x^2 - y^2 = (x + y) * (x - y) The program will do the f...
[1 reply] : float x, y; cin >> x >> y; cout << "This expression is " << (x*x - y... (by Stewbond)
containers and adapters in c++
could someone eloborate on containers and adapters with understandble examples ? Thanks Gopi Krishna P
[1 reply] : The reference section of this site is very good. It provides a simple... (by moorecm)
by KKlax
How to create input/output file for ModuloZ program?
I am in the middle of a final, and I have the Moduloz program written. However, I do not have any instructions on how to create an input file so that the Modul...
[1 reply] : I haven't heard of ModuloZ and google didn't bring much up right away.... (by Stewbond)
by RKint
glibc detected
Hi, My program is working well when I input small numbers. But, when the numbers increase, I receive this error: *** glibc detected *** ./code: free(): inv...
[9 replies] Last: Very very thanks :) Now I understand... thanks a lot again for your pa... (by RKint)
help with divisors
basically this is my assignment: Write a program to determine and display the divisors of a number n and their count. The program will do the following: 1....
[8 replies] Last: I'd put it here: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int ma... (by Stewbond)
Enabling DoubleBuffered?
EDIT : Edited the title of the topic... Wow, fail... lmao!. It was Enabling DoubleBurred? This was an original post which came around to this question, s...
[12 replies] Last: webJose, I could kiss you... LOL Thanks a lot for the help! It's very... (by Lynx876)
How to stop my calculator from being able to be bugged
Hello, I have a little problem. It is possible to bug my calculator by entering '1 - 1' which will cause it to loop uncontrollably. I've set up an array contain...
[1 reply] : I'm not sure why 1-1 would crash your program. Might be good to get ri... (by Gaminic)
by Coheed
Looking for some help on my hw
My teacher can NOT teach this subject and now I have this assignment due tomorrow and I have no idea what I'm doing or how to go about this! Its a pretty basic...
[5 replies] Last: Oh well if you message me what you have so far and the instructions he... (by KS05)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 47
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