Beginners - December 2011 (Page 19)

by qasir
c code
i want to code of this values 1 2 4 8 16 32
[5 replies] Last: a = a*2; Real men shift bits! (by Gaminic)
cstring problom
Im having a bit of trouble here. The program below allows the user to enter a word, if that word ends with the letter "y" then it changes it to "ies". But inste...
[5 replies] Last: That did the trick, cheers (by Declan Murphy)
Adding a library to g++
Hi I'm looking to add a library to g++ which would have the following files. I don't know where to start. mtreadme.txt readme file mtrand.h the header fi...
[no replies]
[Help me] "float t" to set an initial value of 0
Hi, I'm having a little problem with a private variable in a class I am working on for practice. I can't get this "float t" to set an initial value of 0 so w...
[3 replies] Last: create a constructor and initialize the variables in there (by Peter87)
Cell Phone Bill
Hey guys this is my first time posting so please bear with me. So I have this assignment for my C++ class to write a program that calculates and prints my ce...
[6 replies] Last: void GetData(int ages , int capacity, int& n) // Given: access to a... (by mike3334)
help me again!!!!
can someone please tell me what is include "stdafx.h"???
[1 reply] : (by hamsterman)
Concatenating Classes with Map
I'm having trouble with the following code: #include <iostream> #include <map> using namespace std; class a{ private: int id; public: a(){} ...
[2 replies] Last: It worked. Thanks for the help, i appreciate it. (by Guildor)
New here
hello all,over the past several years from time to time I dig into the basics of programming.i understand bits and pieces,but im just not grasping it like I wan...
[11 replies] Last: like for example under the selection control example you provided you... (by Lynx876)
Trying to sort bits and pieces of a user-inputted string into separate arrays
The purpose of this program is to get a user to input a random string of characters and then sort the input into three different arrays: one array for numbers, ...
[2 replies] Last: Yep, that definitely worked. I should have realized I needed a counter... (by tdouglas)
Sort array of n x m integers on spiral way from outside to inside to a n x m matrix Export results to a text file. Please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[5 replies] Last: You're not going to get anywhere if you try to do everything at the sa... (by hamsterman)
Can someone help me out here or at least put me on the right path to figuring this question out... Write a program that declares a 5000 element integer array...
[10 replies] Last: just making sure im not missing anything (by Aramil of Elixia)
How do I make an icon for my program?
Hi I'm really new to C++, and have a question. I'm wondering - is there a way (that isn't incredibly complex and does not require lots of C++ experience) to ...
[3 replies] Last: You should get Code::Blocks, it is simple and free (and that is the on... (by NanoBytes)
by Azat
Help me!!!
The length of segment (Time: 1 sec. Memory: 16 MB Difficulty: 12%) input The input file contains the coordinates of INPUT.TXT endpoints format X1, Y1, X2, Y2....
[2 replies] Last: Lol, that is a pretty funny way to ask a question (by NanoBytes)
seeing if only the number entered i sPrime
Hi i'm looking at all the codes for prime numbers, but i dont want it to list all the other numbers up to it, just the number itself. i try erase the i++ and n...
[5 replies] Last: i got it all working now. thx! (by maharris)
I am working on a hardware inventory, using struct and reading the file to a vector. I also sort and merge two files together. My question is where would it...
[2 replies] Last: Generally, you put a try before anything that has to be converted, suc... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Inheritance / Virtual methods
Hi i have two classes class a and class b. in class a i have a method called borrow() which is quite long and uses a static variable in the method (only associa...
[5 replies] Last: You don't implement borrow in the derived class. You just adjust whate... (by ne555)
help me!!!!
i'm trying to do this coding but i don't know how to change it based on the error statement that had been told to me. can someone please correct me? here is my...
[5 replies] Last: (by PanGalactic)
help me to find the lowest average through find_lowest() function.
//i had found the highest average mark through find_highest() function. //i use the same method to find the lowest average mark , but the answer that i //got i...
[2 replies] Last: (by PanGalactic)
by Gmc278
Triangle program
Hello all, first off I'm new here and am quite inexperienced when it comes to code, but so far I am enjoying learning from a book I have and the tutorials on th...
[4 replies] Last: hyp = sqrt (pow (adj,2) + pow (opp,2)); This is only correct for ri... (by vin)
by zargy
My thing isn't working!
I'm trying to create a simple phone number program. It doesn't have much functionality yet, but I'll add that later. #include <iostream> #include <string>...
[2 replies] Last: Change void printPhoneNumbers() to void printPhoneNumbers(strin... (by IceThatJaw)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 1718192021... 47
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