Beginners - December 2011 (Page 18)

having trouble with euclidean algorithm displaying
i dont know if this works, i try putting breaks, even a system pause, it may be working, but it wont stay on the screen #include<iostream> #include<math....
[9 replies] Last: [quote=I]At the end of the loop, (...) 'a' will be the greatest common... (by ne555)
help with sorting structural array ???
I'm new to sorting and writing a program with an array of struct records, not even sure what to do here.. My Problem: i'm trying to figure out how to pas...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for responding.. sorry no i am trying to sort the array called... (by computergi)
[School] Need help fast
I have to write a program for class that has to use persistence and be able to write a file with a made list and then next run be able to recover that list. Any...
[3 replies] Last: basically, the only problem i am having is the writing and then the re... (by trobbers405)
what is system('CLS') and system('PAUSE')? what is the used for these two??
[2 replies] Last: i know it tq (by adibahuda)
input of letter or symbol crashes program
Hi everyone, I have been working through the tutorials and I decided to create a program to work out circle areas and circumferences. It is...
[13 replies] Last: You cannot nest functions. You need to spend some time going through t... (by Duthomhas)
I seem to remember a forum that had a bunch of practice programs to work through somewhere on here, though for the life of me I cant find it. I am about to tack...
[2 replies] Last: Ah great! Thank you very much (by ResidentBiscuit)
grade algorithm
I dont know if i am using a bad algorithm. the assignment is : quizes are 25% midterm is 25% final is 50% for the total grade // problem 4.cpp : De...
[6 replies] Last: thanks i just needed the && and the braces (by maharris)
by bkorb
initializing an array of char
Is the following supposed to be legal or not legal? static char const x = "foo\0"; Yes, I understand the compiler is nice enough to do that for me with: ...
[1 reply] : If you want to specify specific characters, try initializing the array... (by ascii)
How To Make Virtual Worlds
I Looked Up How To Make An Virtual world... Its Getting me confused when I just do what the video say's. Can anyone just assits me? Though All The Steps?
[4 replies] Last: Why make 2 topics within such a short time, with limited details on wh... (by Lynx876)
Please Help!
can I Get help on making a virtual world?
[2 replies] Last: Why make 2 topics within such a short time, with limited details on wh... (by Lynx876)
Help on array problem
First off let me start by saying I am not asking anyone to do my homework for me. I go to every class, take notes, and try to keep up but this computer program...
[1 reply] : Hey, I commented your code to explain what's wrong with it. I hope tha... (by Dacster13)
functions! need help
Hi! I am in desperate need of help ... I am new in C + + (and programming overall ...) I have major problems with an assignment that I have been working on ...
[9 replies] Last: oh, I see. I was just wondering if you needed more help with the code ... (by Dacster13)
by cennet
Need Help
Writing a program and having some issues. Errors are not received, but if a number other than 1-4 is entered into the insurance information it does not produce ...
[12 replies] Last: you need to have loops nested within the first main loop, but for the ... (by Dacster13)
Hi guys new here need help on inherintance
Ok so I am in the procces of making a little yugioh game. For those who have never heard of it its a fairly popular or atleast it used to be back in the old day...
[2 replies] Last: Jim you are freaking awesome! Thanks (by manbearbee)
How to make a text-based RPG?
How do I make a text-based RPG cause I really want to do game design and I've learned how to do basic console programming but I need to do this as a milestone b...
[6 replies] Last: Personally i would recommend ditching the idea of a text based RPG and... (by NanoBytes)
Unknown pointer error..
i can't pinpoint the error.any help is appreciated thanks #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ char c; char *shm, *s; s = shm; for (c =...
[3 replies] Last: When you declare a char*, (or any other variable) it contains garbage ... (by hamsterman)
Open Console in win32 API program?
is it possible? let's say I have simple dialog, and if I click on one button it will open windows console, like when u are creating console program...
[4 replies] Last: I use that "gui console" code a lot for debugging. But I have found th... (by andywestken)
using the for loop
Hi, I'm new to C++, and I'm trying to write some code. I have written this loop: for (i=1 ,j=1; i<10 ; i++) { if (A != A[i-j]) cout <<...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks , that's better. In your code I can even delete the if (i>9) b... (by Enforcer)
Saving data into an array.
I have this code I want to save into an array: char testScoreGrade(double totalAvg) { if (totalAvg >=90) return 'A'; else if ( totalAvg >=80 ) retur...
[2 replies] Last: I have this code from a previous class: #include <iostream> #includ... (by Ralphus629)
please help me~ how to solve this gets error
#include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<cstdio> using namespace std; void A1(); void B1(); void C1(); void D1(); void E(); void ticket(); void...
[1 reply] : 1: Please use code tags. 2: Please give us the error that you are ge... (by Stewbond)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 47
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