Beginners - December 2011 (Page 17)

Simple C++ Programming Help
Well in CPR (Computer Programming and Repair) we're doing a simple program and it includes this.........and I need some help in finding out with what's wrong wi...
[17 replies] Last: maybe you can add #include <conio.h> at the header and you can put get... (by cplusx2)
Confused with cin.getline
Hi, I got an issue dealing with cin.getline feature.. So, here is my code/function: void studentRecord(char name , int id , int test1 , int test2 , char co...
[3 replies] Last: At last, no more skipping....cin.ignore works like a charm!!! Thanks e... (by cplusx2)
Errors with my project..infinite loop.
I was given this as my final project for my C++ Logic course. My assignment is in the .doc file contained in this link:
[17 replies] Last: What do you mean that the values don't show at all? There is always a... (by Ashishduh)
Simple card dealing program.
Hi, I have two questions regarding this simple card dealing program: #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <cmath> using na...
[6 replies] Last: Without having read through it thoroughly, I agree with you that it se... (by fafner)
simple min/max
I have a question about finding the maximum and minimum elements in a list. (The list in question will be quite small -- only 2 elements -- so I am hoping for ...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you for the responses. This definitely helps. (by skyline01)
Binary Search Tree
getting error code at astericked line. Help would be so appreciated. #include <iostream> #include "employee.h" #include "BinaryTree.h" usin...
[no replies]
please help me
Hello everyone, I need help figuring out how to make a switch construct that reads the first character from my input file and from there calculates the result.E...
[2 replies] Last: Here is a switch operation, this is just an example, has nothing to do... (by TAZO)
Setting dynamic bounds for rand()
OK so im trying to do a program that will guess your number you choose. You tell it either too high, or too low, and it continues to guess. If you say too high,...
[5 replies] Last: Oh wow! Ok, that was a dumb mistake. I really shouldn't do this with 3... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Setting minimum in rand()
I'm working through some exercises on here. I'm doing the one that randomly guesses a number you choose. I need a way to set the lowest value generated. I trie...
[2 replies] Last: Note that with that code you will never get a random number that is eq... (by Peter87)
An algorithm such that if an element in an MxN matrix is 0, its entire row and column is set to 0.
I have written the following code but it is not giving any output neither does it gives any error. It just takes the inputs and returns to the code without any ...
[17 replies] Last: @peter and jyoti ur correct............. the notation has nothing to d... (by mj1709)
return 3 values
could you tell me, may I do this in this way? I mean in functions to return 3 values char min(char x, char y, char z) { if(y<x && y<z)return y; i...
[4 replies] Last: compound if statements are ugly, IMO. I find something like this to b... (by Disch)
by ja3our
socket programming plz
can i ask for socket programming and if i can get an ebbook about network programming 10x
[2 replies] Last: 10x alot Moshops (by ja3our)
need help! Template function specialisation in a class..
I have this class, that has a function str_to_T that converts a char string to either a uint or a double. I don't know if I'm doing this right though, here is ...
[2 replies] Last: ah of course, that makes sense, thanks :) (by ausairman)
by axtroz
Pointer or Object
Hello everyone, I am a newbie at C++ programming and have been studying it through tutorials through over the Internet. So far I've been able to write some simp...
[4 replies] Last: Someclass *obj = new Someclass; it allocates memory in the heap, wh... (by Moschops)
Segmentation fault on void* parameter
#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <cmath> #include <numeric> #include <pthread.h> using namespace std; // const unsigned long MAX_NUMBER = 154...
[5 replies] Last: Cool. Now I understand it. Thanks a lot (by altmann)
A help please
Hi.. i did this program but it gave me wrong in this step:sum=sum+pow(i&2); So What is the mistake? Thanks all! #include <iostream> #include <cmath> usin...
[5 replies] Last: I guess you didn't use @Moschops advice. I think your m variable i... (by eypros)
using namespace std, std::x
ok, I'm new to c++, and I've been reading Accelerated C++, and in all of there code examples the use std::cout << "hello, world" << std::endl; insted of using ...
[3 replies] Last: @Galik thanks that link really cleard things up :) (by fluffyBunny123)
by Kmose
Help with a simple text-based game?
So I have been stuck on this part for a while... I have been trying to make gender for my character so i could use he or she depending on gender, but cant seem...
[5 replies] Last: From what ResidentBiscuit has said. Maybe you should use a do-while lo... (by Lynx876)
SFML library
Hello! I've just downloaded the SFML library for Windows (which is made for Code::Blocks). The problem is very simple: it doesn't work when I try to install ...
[13 replies] Last: Allright! It works! Thanks a lot to everybody! (by CosminNTG)
Function Problems
I wrote the code and ran it before i put it into function. I'm terrible at functions and so now i'm stuck, say the variables are not being initialized. my code...
[8 replies] Last: Reagrding variable NM : I think you should move line 34, to line 31..... (by sumati)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 47
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