Beginners - December 2011 (Page 16)

operator >>??
Hi everyone? I am working on an struct inventory, I have a function: // I have a vector because that is where I stored the file I read ostream& opera...
[2 replies] Last: cout is not an ofstream, it's ostream. 'f' for 'file'. If you fix that... (by hamsterman)
Finding Unicode character map for a given encoding
Hi! Say I need to extract all the Unicode code points from a random encoding, like for example OEM 850 or Windows-1250. As in, take the code point 0xB1 from OE...
[no replies]
by viser
some one who can know this in programing c++
Create a program in c++ that calculate the prelim grade of an student... This the sample Output: name of the student:________ course:________ course...
[11 replies] Last: [co de] "Please use code tags" [/co de] ¿How is the output incorr... (by ne555)
template question
I am attempting to write template matrix classes just for practice. I had a question regarding the design. As i see it, there are two ways i can go about it. ...
[7 replies] Last: matrix<int, 4, 2> m1; matrix<int, 5, 4> m2; m1 and m2 are of differen... (by ne555)
Function Call question.
I was reading Linux socket programing and came across something I have not yet see. strncpy(adr_unix.sun_path,pth_unix, sizeof adr_unix.sun_path...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much, just need to have to kicked into my head. Vinson... (by vrnichol)
by Maiels
What error is this??
Hello everyone! I am a beginner in C++. I am doing a very simple program.As simple it could be i get a error. #include <iostream.h> #include <math.h> using ...
[3 replies] Last: yep.It works now,Thank you (by Maiels)
Help please!
CLR console application What does this code do? Void 0; I deleted it, then debugged my project, and no changes! What does void 0; do?
[no replies]
by izam88
menu return problem
haii..straight to the using Quincy 2005 and DevC++ as my compiler...i want to implement elevator simulator...the problem here is i can't go to next me...
[9 replies] Last: i already change the code...but the output not as i expected to be...i... (by izam88)
Standing Tables program
Hi all I was making a standings table program that takes in the results of games between 20 teams and each team plays 36 games. The program takes in the result...
[no replies]
Palindrome Array checker + Functions
I've been trying to solve this question, but I can't figure out why its not doing what its supposed to do, which is checking if a given array is palindromic or ...
[3 replies] Last: Have a count in your function to count how many are equal. Then compar... (by novablows)
by BnB
What now?
I have learned all the basic c++ thing pretty much the whole tutorial on this site. I want to learn game programming with c++ and I don't know which skills it r...
[18 replies] Last: never said there wasn't (by Aramil of Elixia)
by PopEye
Need Help w/ Structures & Constant Values
Hello guys. I'm a need of some assistance. I finished my C++ book yesterday (yes!) and stuck 98% of the codes into my gray matter (brain). The book ended with s...
[7 replies] Last: @IceThatJaw Alright man. The book will ship in 3 days. Got if for che... (by PopEye)
by Kero
Help > displaying error message when character is insert but declared interger
Hi, i want to ask, how to display error message and fix the error by cin if user insert charater instead a number. something like this; int input; c...
[3 replies] Last: im very glad u guys would help me.. thank you very much Stewbond & Ice... (by Kero)
using realloc for 2D array
uhu ! ... another beginer here ! What I'm doing wrong ? Using this combination of c1, r1, c2, r2, it's stops on line 36 Normally, should work for any combi...
[2 replies] Last: yep, thank you for your help ! (by mikimaise)
location certain line in a file to then write over
I'm trying to have the user enter the information, then entering the bookname to go to that point in the file so it can then be written over. fstream reserv...
[6 replies] Last: Ok, so I took some time and browsed this site and I can show you 95% o... (by IceThatJaw)
vector game
i'm trying to make a game that has a 20X20 grid, it starts with an ant on 1 side, doodlebug on the other. i know i have to use a vector. i'm trying to get it ...
[1 reply] : Try this. I wrote it for a similar game. You may have to adjust it to ... (by IceThatJaw)
Exception handling in C++
Hey so I was just curious if exception handling was done in the same way as java. For example, I want to take user input that is only numeric, because it is bei...
[4 replies] Last: A string will read anything but I believe an int will truncate a decim... (by IceThatJaw)
Game of life problems
I can not seem to get the out put the way my teachers wants it to be. #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; ...
[1 reply] : I'm confused on what the program does. (by Eman96)
loop isnt working, along with other switch case issues
when I try running them, if i go all the way through option one then hit zero, it goes to remove booking menu, then a different display, if i hit option 4, it g...
[1 reply] : other part of code that wouldnt fit that goes at the begining class... (by maharris)
Begineer - Needs Help - printing and formating issues..
" Purpose of Program: I am trying to sort the array of struct Customer Rec data by the .outstandingBalance element and then trying to print out into a txt ...
[2 replies] Last: thank you for responding.. yes you were right i did have to move the d... (by computergi)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 47
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