Beginners - December 2011 (Page 15)

by Ch1156
Personal keylogger help
Im making a keylogger for myself, no bad intent intended, now i cant seem to figure out how to make it so that if you press the a key it will log it in the log....
[11 replies] Last: I really sugest yot to write a DLL with a shared read-write section us... (by modoran)
by Kmose
Console games?
Ok, so I've been studying c++ for all about a week (I know I'm a noob :p) from a programming book. I'm on chapter 3 out of 26. I've studied the basic variables ...
[3 replies] Last: SFML is just a multimedia library. There are many libraries out there ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Bank management system using c++?
Hi everyone :) I've been given a project which asks to write a code in c++ language about bank management system. the result should be three options: depositing...
[2 replies] Last: First off, are they supposed to be able to withdraw more than there ac... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by seth23
Getting the basics.
I am new to C++ and I got most of the stuff down, however, I want practice from experience. I am completely doing this on my own and teaching myself, however, ...
[8 replies] Last: That is not true, many of the utilities and tools written for database... (by vrnichol)
My script stops working midway
Hi guys I wrote a script that is suppose to do the following functions 1-Asks the user to enter the number of teams he wants in a tournament, he also writes i...
[no replies]
Just wondering
Hey I have a small question... How would I write a program that could send information to another running windows app or something like that... especially in a ...
[4 replies] Last: Ok thanks! I'll take a look. (by christopher1997)
Need help with arrays, and possibly loops.
Working on this small project right now. I'm not sure if I am storing the names into an array properly. I can't get the program to output all the previously ent...
[1 reply] : I fiddled around with your code for a bit and made it more robust. Now... (by IceThatJaw)
void keybd_event help
hey i need a little bit of help i cant get this working Why dont this work? ClickKey('D', 25); void ClickKey(char KEY, int TIME) { keybd_event(KEY,0,0,...
[3 replies] Last: oh my bad must of done something wrong the 1st time but it works with ... (by poohpooh)
writing multiple lines on text file
I am trying to set up a program that writes multiple lines on to a text file that is created, however the script keeps writing in just one line. here is my s...
[2 replies] Last: thanks peter87 you are spot on with that. (by berlisen)
by peadar
Back to basics
Hi, folks, Although I was proficient in c and c++. I havn't written a word of code for 5 years, so I will be asking questions that seem foolish to you folk, es...
[1 reply] : Feel free to PM me :) (by Nathaniel Sheller)
I have a problem with char vs char*
I dont know much about the difference beteween the two but here is what I am trying to achieve 1-I want to take a letter array and transfer the data on over ...
[13 replies] Last: Thanks lynx876 there were also other problems I have come to conclud... (by berlisen)
text on process start
Hello, I'm wondering how to make a text when a special process starts, let's say I'd like a console promt saying "Waiting.." (I'm starting firefox.exe) "You...
[no replies]
I have a project about addition and Multiplication polynomial in link list.i have problem in addition ? // jame 2 chan jomleei #include<iostream.h> #includ...
[1 reply] : Put your code inside code tags . It makes it much easier to rea... (by Peter87)
Declaring a function (HELP)
I just created a random number generator within main. Following that I attempted too put it into is on function called "random". When attempting too call this ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the help and explanation guys! (by TaskB4r)
Casting from double to char
Hi, i am trying to save a matrix of doubles to a file with name Output.txt in C programming. My code until now is and i have the questions as comments: ...
[6 replies] Last: So you can't use C++ ?? Well, you're already using fprintf for your e... (by andywestken)
compiling winrar for use in android
Hi all, I am a java developer so bear with me. I am trying to compile the unrar source so I can use in an android applicatio...
[no replies]
StrCmp Char,Literal String in an if statement
Hi, I am new to c++ programming and trying to make a few test programs to increase my knowledge, I spend four hours researching this one function last night and...
[8 replies] Last: It did thanks, in the op I posted what was wrong! (by psychohampster)
Help with txt file importing to c++
Hi ppl, I'm trying to import a txt file using c++, so I created a class file to make it easier. Anyway, it's not easy, I cannot make it work!! I'm using mac xc...
[1 reply] : I'm trying to make it easier now, making all part of a main function, ... (by victorfc)
Conversational issues
I wrote this, and I'm trying to figure out how to put the main bit of the conversation into a subroutine that I can call on throughout the program. Any suggesti...
[1 reply] : this would look much cleaner with functions and bool. (by Aramil of Elixia)
Hi everyone I have a struct and made a function iostream& operator >> (something) now when I use a while loop, it does not read the last part(line) of i...
[5 replies] Last: thanks everyone for the time. My mistake was on operator >> had ... (by detroit)
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