by Apple Cider
Something's wrong with this program (else if)
[3 replies] Last: it works perfectly now thanks! (by Apple Cider)
by asdfgnju
How do I Fix this??
[5 replies] Last: if you are making fun of me catfish let me rephrase use c++ syntax (by Aramil of Elixia)
by mj1709
saving scree using video memry
[8 replies] Last: all kind gurus of programming, please help this out??????? (by mj1709)
by Ivoa70
Load, show and convert multiple images
[5 replies] Last: only the first image : " brain_mri_1.jpg " appears. That's because y... (by ne555)
by evanc9606
C++ Language Tutorial in epub format
[no replies]
by b01g
keeping zero after floating point
[5 replies] Last: I think I only half read the original question: the keeping the traili... (by andywestken)
by PopEye
Need Help w/ the itoa Object
[9 replies] Last: @TAZO Thanks man. This method seems to be working properly now. But I... (by PopEye)
by doi lin
Is there any way shorter to do this?
[4 replies] Last: Dear Lord, there is a much more concise way to write it. I think this ... (by Intrexa)
by TaskB4r
If String = "something" [HELP]
[7 replies] Last: ResidentBiscuit, cin.clear() just clears the error flags. It doesn't c... (by Peter87)
by armstrongflg
OOP with file I/O
[3 replies] Last: System("pause") is inefficient, and is a big security risk. There's so... (by ResidentBiscuit)
by eng soso
i need a quick help plz..(Hash class)
[14 replies] Last: i fixed it in another way thx sooooooooo much TAZO :) (by eng soso)
by TaskB4r
Allegro Error: 'Bool' undeclared (HELP)
[3 replies] Last: EDIT: Im compiling in C++, I just checked Just how sure are you? b... (by Moschops)
by EnGxSoLiD
reading from a .txt file and writing to another one at the same time
[3 replies] Last: thanks tfityo and vrnichol ! tfityo That solved the problem ! :) I t... (by EnGxSoLiD)
by xman88
[no replies]
sum, mean, largest, second largest number for an unknown number of integers (what is wrong??) |
[7 replies] Last: Right now? thnk it works 0.o #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostr... (by trialanderror)
by Fantasy
write array to file in a nice order
[2 replies] Last: thank you so very much :D (by Fantasy)
by mj1709
drawing graph..
[1 reply] : got it ...we required to specify the location....of the BGI folder con... (by mj1709)
by arooj
I need help with a program using a repetition structure which displays a pattern of asterisks.
[3 replies] Last: Another simple explanation that may help is to read for loops more lik... (by moorecm)
by TV5
simple question !!
[6 replies] Last: In order to exclude all cases where user input some invalid input (lik... (by eypros)
by Kero
File analyzing.
[2 replies] Last: silly mistake, i use ' instead of " :P thanks (by Kero)