Beginners - December 2011 (Page 12)

How to make a simple stopwatch in C++
Hello everyone, I'm new to C++ (not much programming experience, except for have been trying to learn Ruby and before that KBasic (now Q7Basic I believe)) an...
[2 replies] Last: Well I followed this ( (by Superpelican)
trouble with array
Hello everyone i am tryin to get the solution to this but i have difficulty solving it write the codes randomly generate 10 numbers (between 1 to 5) and store...
[6 replies] Last: @coder777: he does need 10 items. You're correct about the random numb... (by Gaminic)
TCHAR to int
I'm having a bit of a weird problem with this. I'm getting a key(numbers) from an edit crontrol. This comes as TCHAR, so then I convert it to an int. //get ...
[6 replies] Last: I didn't know that existed until now, lol. I've only been teaching my... (by Lynx876)
by Grax
Need help in Prime Numbers (Sieve of Eratosthenes method)
i had an assignment that ask me to find out the prime numbers from 2 to n numbers, and it must used the Sieve of Eratosthenes method to find that...(http://en.w...
[6 replies] Last: Always welcome.. :) (by Caprico)
Reading text from a file
Hello everybody. I'm just about to finish up my first semester of learning C++, and I'm trying to figure out some things that have been confusing to me. S...
[17 replies] Last: Just a note. This: dataFile.getline(input, SIZE, '$'); while(!da... (by Galik)
initialization list ??
I am reading Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++ Here is talking about dynamic array, class code below template <c...
[6 replies] Last: I have to learn the coding way in the book? Yes, you have to. Const... (by Athar)
My number guesser! Critisize me
So I've been working through these exercises on here, and I just finished the one where you enter a number, then it guesses it. I'm gonna post it, and I want yo...
[11 replies] Last: Always welcome.. :) (by Caprico)
by aizat
bmi calculator...problem cannot matching else if
hi,right now my program to calculate bmi for male female ,athlete female and athlete male..i have have some problem,i don't know how to matching else if..can an...
[2 replies] Last: First (since I cannot write them again) please see http://www.cplusplu... (by eypros)
Need a New Computer
I want to learn C++ but I use my computer for work. Could someone tell me if they suggest that I purchase a cheap laptop for learning to program. I dont want an...
[3 replies] Last: I guess your question came of the image of some super-guru compute gee... (by eypros)
Pre test do while?
Is there such thing as a pre test do while loop in c++?
[2 replies] Last: Ah that's exactly what I meant! Was just looking for a loop that would... (by ResidentBiscuit)
how to use pow (x,y)?
this is one of my formula in my code wavelength = (Electronic_Transitions * Electronic_Transitions)/(1.10 * pow (10,7)) * ((Electronic_Transitions * Electron...
[6 replies] Last: If you are getting the wrong output, it isn't the C++, it's the equati... (by Stewbond)
Tic-tac-toe game - comments welcome
It's a very simple tictactoe game. The computer picks a random number to move, so there is no strategy to its move, but that's all I want it to do for now. I un...
[7 replies] Last: // cont code from tictactoe.cpp bool TicTacToe::placePieces(const in... (by carebearboy)
Compiler/IDE Suggestion?
I'm trying to see if there is another compiler besides MinGW or gcc, both of which are the same thing. Do you have any suggestions? Also, an IDE would be nice. ...
[6 replies] Last: Assuming you're on Windows, most people go with Visual Studio. Also, ... (by ascii)
by Dantoc
How to parse char * between function?
Hi everyone, I have question regarding parsing char* between function. I speak in program will more easy to understand. //============ file.h ------ ch...
[10 replies] Last: yeah (by Dantoc)
by aizat
need help..
hi..i need some programme cannot run..i dont know ehre the problem..can anyone help me? this is my coding; #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> ...
[7 replies] Last: thnks for done...:).. (by aizat)
Custom substring class help. Comparing elements of two substrinsg
I'm working within the equals_to function. I'm trying to figure out how to compare the elements using a subscript, but I can't do something like other . Any hin...
[12 replies] Last: Thanks, but I'm don't feel right just copying your code. I need to do ... (by AndroidZ)
Making a game (1,2,3)
Where can I find a good tutorial? The one on the website is nowhere near as descriptive as a game making tutorial should be.
[55 replies] Last: I have bought and paid for both Blitz3D and DarkBasic Pro. This is wh... (by WinwordExonar)
how can I throw a string with some variables in it?
I have a function that does some logical error-checks on a structure I have, basically it will do a series of "if" checks and throw a string if it finds somethi...
[14 replies] Last: why do you unnecessary complicate your class by using dynamic allocat... (by sohguanh)
How to import data systematically from file?
Okay here is what the file reads name Test1 Final Avg John 24 30 27 Lisa 22 26 24 Jake 21 27 23 So ...
[13 replies] Last: For the second time, read each line into an std::string and then just ... (by ascii)
SFML Buttons -Question-
I've just learned the basics of SFML library (how to use it, in general way). I saw the samples on the package of the library (those demonstation-programs). Th...
[7 replies] Last: if(msc.OpenFromFile("rds.ogg")) return EXIT_FAILURE; I... (by Intrexa)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 47
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