Beginners - December 2011 (Page 10)

No rule to make target
I'm a completely beginner in C++ language and need help to figure out this. #include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "I Love C++ \n"; retur...
[1 reply] : The code is fine. Therefore the problem is in your compiler settings.... (by Stewbond)
Strings in C++
Hi frnds I am having some kind of problem in strings.. I have to write a String program whose output is like this Let the string is :- Enter string : "Co...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot friend..... I know it was quite simple but i was not gett... (by omer620)
Please help...Sort a group of points
hi,i m new.i have an assignment that need to sort a group of points. the points are in 3d coordinate system. May anyone help me? give some suggestion on how t...
[7 replies] Last: Yes, they are the same. !(a<b) -> a >= b !(b<a) -> b >= a --> a m... (by Gaminic)
by mj1709
plz help dis out
#include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 main() { /*int yrow=20, int mrow=22,*/ int m=0,i;int day=1; int week=6; ...
[7 replies] Last: i am extremely sorry for the complexity of my code and apoplogize the... (by mj1709)
Bug Busting (involves a switch, cin.getline)
Alright so I have this code which is beginning to simulate the Descent Character Creator, where at the end I give the option to return to a previous 'step' (cho...
[4 replies] Last: when your picking your race it will subtract progress however it will ... (by Aramil of Elixia)
by Kmose
Testing a string!?
cout << "Is your player male (enter 'he') or female (enter 'she')?" << endl; string gender; cin >> gender; // I'm trying to test whether the user...
[7 replies] Last: hes not trying to find it hes trying to test it (by Aramil of Elixia)
by saif18
Easy. But couldn't find a solution ?
Write a program that finds and prints the sum of all numbers from 1 to 100 (with out loop).
[7 replies] Last: Always welcome.. :) (by Caprico)
How to restart my program
Hi i want to make my program to restart after displaying the last output. Can anyone please help me as im new in this thing. all helps are really appreciated. t...
[6 replies] Last: could you please explain "int argc, char *argv " because I can find n... (by sohguanh)
by Flump9
Making Tic-Tac-Toe Console App
I am making tic-tac-toe in a console app but i do no know what to write.I have made my menu and i also want to know how i can like clean all the writing off the...
[3 replies] Last: Easiest way is to just make a function that prints a hundred new lines... (by ResidentBiscuit)
I decided to learn c++ and purchased several books, I currently am focusing on C++ without fear since I find it most helpful. I'm like up to page 53/400+ and I'...
[16 replies] Last: Nvm tried a different compiler and it worked. Thanks guys. /solved (by Samiryounan1237)
How big should a function be
I have been reading a book called "clean code" and they seem to be advocating functions should do only one Tiny microtask and that they should be really sma...
[13 replies] Last: Don't split your code into functions just for the sake of it. Usually ... (by Galik)
by maxum
how to detect key presses
I am making a REAL program, named shUI. It is a shell program designed to help those whose computer isn't strong enough to support the X window system. I'm ...
[4 replies] Last: I need to ask you the following things: 1. How to make cout (o... (by maxum)
by kapo
understanding arrays as parameters
ok im learning c++ via the online tutorial from this site. this is my first time learning a computer language so please forgive the novice question. im having...
[17 replies] Last: I didnt know that either. Learned a couple things with this post (by ResidentBiscuit)
Checking for tic-tac-toe winner
Here is the function.. int CheckForWinner( char spaces ) { //Check Rows for( int i = 0; i < 3; i+=3 ) { if( spaces == spaces[i+1] == spaces[i+2] ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! (by nano511)
Including functions and variables from a separate header and cpp file.
Hello I'm a bit stuck and was wondering if anyone is willing to help. What im trying to do is at the top of my main.cpp function is to include a file whic...
[6 replies] Last: Note: It's possible that you have these objects defined in another hea... (by Stewbond)
enum declaration
Hi guys I am new to c++. I've problem using enum type. I actually dont understand how i can declare it in header and how to use it in source file. This is wha...
[3 replies] Last: You don't NEED the namespace, that was just to help limit the scope of... (by Stewbond)
Storing data/editting vectors/misc
Hello! I'm fairly new to C++ (been teaching myself) and whilst I am confident enough using what I have learnt so far to make programs, sometimes I am unsure as ...
[5 replies] Last: If the code was fine, then the problem was in your project settings. ... (by Stewbond)
Win32 API Create pop up window
Could someone please point me to a decent tutorial on how to create a pop up window. All the tutorials I have found are about maintaining a single window, or t...
[4 replies] Last: This one really helped me. It's pretty much the default WIN32 tutorial... (by Stewbond)
Building Solution
Hi :) I have quite a lengthy C++ project to complete over the coming weeks. I wanted to build my project at regular intervals to avoid any major errors. My ...
[2 replies] Last: If you are making an application (.exe) you will need an int main() .... (by Stewbond)
Displaying 2 windows in SFML.
Hello! I've made a program in C++ using SFML library (helped by CodeAsassin) which parctically creates a window, puts in it a picture (like a button) and if you...
[8 replies] Last: Can anyone of this forum help me? I am really stuck in it. (by CosminNTG)
December 2011 Pages: 1... 89101112... 47
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