Beginners - December 2010 (Page 34)

by Waise
Visual C++ 2010 Express and windows 7 64 bit
Hi, I installed this version of VC, and can't build anything. Im just starting with programming and Im using this tutorial
[1 reply] : I am using without problem the visual studio 2010 on Windows 7. yo... (by firix)
by firix
template Error
Hi this code does not work Where can I have done wrong template<class T> class SimNode{ T data; int link; public: friend class SimSpace;...
[4 replies] Last: ridiculous mistakes.... Thanks man. Why did you do it ? templa... (by firix)
Shadow Parameter
Hi, I am writing a program to calculate the users age (in days). I am almost done with it, but i keep running into an error: 66 declaration of 'int ye...
[4 replies] Last: Also, is there a way to make it output in days (taking into account le... (by smd75jr)
Switch statement if/ofstream error
I don't know how to make this work correctly, this function carries a menu that gives the option to write to a file. I know that there is multiple ones that do ...
[no replies]
by Faff
Prototyping classes?
Hello :) Was wondering if you can prototype classes aswell. tried (based on function protoypes): -class MyClass; -class MyClass{}; -class MyClass(); ...
[1 reply] : You can forward declare classes: class MyClass; Note that ... (by Disch)
by wtf
getting a grasp on cin input etc
well i wrote the following code for practice. I think i'm getting an understanding of cin.ignore cin >> and etc etc etc... But I still have a few questions....
[2 replies] Last: that only removes 1 character at a time. so it doesn't work. (by wtf)
by hasula
how to use destructor in this case
im new in class, just write a little code #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class book { public: string name; int pa...
[6 replies] Last: thanks friends... it's realy helps........ (by hasula)
Google info scanner
Hello. I'm in the very early stage of a little application I would like to search google for answers. Well. If I lets say, type in: "avatar movie review" ...
[3 replies] Last: I'm considering using the WinINet library. (by MattOkay)
Class Polynomial
Hello,everybody.I'm a beginner in C++ I'm working on "Class Plynomial" I can write + , - , / ,....operators ,but I can't write operator *(times) template...
[3 replies] Last: Write a function that shifts an array, write a function that multiplie... (by hamsterman)
Individual Day, Month, and Year
Hi, I need a way to, using the time.h library, send the day of month to one variable ("day1"), the number of the month ("month1"), and the year ("year1"). ...
[9 replies] Last: you must be added to the year. cout << "year = " << timePtr->tm_ye... (by firix)
Basics of Streams, finding the highest number in a set.
I am trying to create a program that looks at a file in a folder. The file has names and grades on it, and I want the program to tell me which student has the h...
[1 reply] : fin >> max_name >> max_grade; while( fin >> name >> grade){ if(g... (by hamsterman)
by potpot
bubble sort descending
int sortingWeekly(int sales , int week) { int temp; int i; int k; for (i=0; i<6; i++); { for (k=i+1; k<6; k++) { if (sales <...
[2 replies] Last: I want to use buble sorting so that all the elements in each column wi... (by potpot)
by Faff
What purpose does a object-list have?
Hello :) Currentely learning c++ in "C++ A Beginner’s Guide by Herbert Schildt". At module 8 it shows the general form of a class class class-name {...
[2 replies] Last: Hmm ok , might be using the objects lists , kinda like the fact that i... (by Faff)
View Source Code
Is it possible to view a source code of an executable file (.cpp) using IDE or any other means? Thanks for answering a beginner question.
[3 replies] Last: If you want to decompile you need to get a decompiler. If it was comp... (by Bazzy)
Strange Little Problem ! ?
Hi! I'm new to C++, and I'm having some trouble with a code. It's supposed to return the value of 1, when instead it return values of 6000+. I'm using Blo...
[6 replies] Last: @Faff, thanks for the alternative ;) I might use that in future, it se... (by lazymat)
error attempt to erase the specific position in a string vector.
I having a problem to execute the algorithm erase. My program is planned to erase the position of a string. Is it necessarily use iterator together with erase? ...
[8 replies] Last: save the data (string in this case) before you erase it and then print... (by coder777)
Newbie and my program
Hi guys, first post here. I am going to tell you that this is my upcoming lab assignment for tomorrow. I am simply trying it on my own first. We are just gettin...
[1 reply] : Your project settings are wrong. You're trying to build as a win32 pr... (by Disch)
WHILE won't run
Professor decided he wanted program to not accept negative numbers and I can't seem to get the WHILE statement to even run. Brain is going gaga.Have used Nums a...
[2 replies] Last: I see. I was just assuming I had enough code to make it work just by a... (by alpha49er)
Looking for a few more efficient ways...
Picking up C++ again and to teach myself how to use order of operations and different function statements I hammered through a couple of hours of coding, but, i...
[3 replies] Last: Yes indeed i do ultimately intend it to grow in virtual person size. I... (by galameth)
Sorting an array of structs
I'm writing a program that sorts an array of student records based on what option the user enters. It works fine for sorting names, but gives me a junky respons...
[1 reply] : Entire program: #include<iostream> // Provides cout, etc. #includ... (by Greywolfe1982)
December 2010 Pages: 1... 32333435
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