Beginners - December 2009 (Page 3)

by ripley
returning values from function
Hello, if I want to return more than one values from function, I should do that through the pointer. But I still dont get it, how can I do that? Could someo...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks :) (by ripley)
error C2064
Can anyone tell me what to do to solve this error? #include <iostream> #define MATRIX_DIMENSION 4 int WSACleanup (void); int main(int nArgs, char** pArgs) ...
[3 replies] Last: Above the line res = LinearEquationsSolving(nDim, fMatr, fVec, fSolut... (by mcleano)
hello , i am starting to program my project in c++ i need help in direction. my project is like wikpedia . i should enter about 30 value . the search wil...
[15 replies] Last: is there any statment of switch and all the function in c++ (by snoopy the tiger)
GUI in C++
Hi, I am using Code:Blocks to write my code in C++. I am new at this and I have done Java before, my question is: If i want to do GUIs in C++, menu bar, but...
[1 reply] : If i want to do GUIs in C++, menu bar, buttons, aso.. what library do... (by Bazzy)
Looking for: Good opengl tutorial
I am looking for a decent OpenGL tutorial, one that doesn't use GLAUX (all the ones I found needed glaux and I don't wish to use glaux). I have used opengl...
[10 replies] Last: I've got it sorted now, i just added the following to the begining of ... (by danieljabailey)
vlookup from excel in c++?
hey, im a beginner in C++. I am writing a financial C++ program. I am trying to input a excel spreadsheet with interest rates in column a and spread in colum...
[2 replies] Last: no, im doing this as a console program in c++. Excel could do this ta... (by russeld)
by TheNo1
Control string
Hello. As far as I know .. In the programming language c # Have the option of the "Control string" Marked by (for example) "% 4d" It makes for "printf" to ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you guys I really appreciate it :) (by TheNo1)
Passing values to functions?
Quick question, if I wanted a function to display values that are stored in the local space (main), would I have to pass the values of each variable to the func...
[1 reply] : Yes. (by helios)
assignment extra feture
my assignment required us to build a program for sell movie ticket, so everyone know when look at the ticket there got time and date that follow the actual time...
[1 reply] : http://www.cp... (by helios)
by xyzt
Object creation process while copying
Hello I realized something that I couldn't figure out. Let's say I have a class X and a function, func , which returns a list<X> . When I get the result of ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the quck reply. I got it. Also I realized that; X x1 = l... (by xyzt)
by August
Problem with input output
Each time I do the and write something to it it overwrites the old information how can I prevent this from happening????????????
[1 reply] : File modes. When you construct it, write it like this: ofstream myfi... (by tummychow)
getline issue
Hello everyone, Let start by saying thanks in advance for you help. Here is my code: ______________________________________________________________________...
[4 replies] Last: This article explains it: (by Bazzy)
by August
About typing and sending commands
I made a program that generates all possible permutations. And I want to send it into the flash game window of Text Twist. How can I make the program send the p...
[no replies]
trouble with simple program
I need help with the code. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char letter = 's'; int number = 1000000; float number2 = 6.9; dou...
[8 replies] Last: Okay thanks for all of your help i change it and it works now than... (by stevenrfc)
how to slove my password problem?
my assignment required us to enter password, but no matter what i do still cannot make it, any one can help me and modified my program? void staff_password()...
[8 replies] Last: (by Bazzy)
by lumbee
using ATOI to convert string element to int
..hey guys, my code is below. The specific problem I am having is with line 14, the j = atoi (x ); statement in the for loop. The compile error I'm getting says...
[14 replies] Last: Bzz...thanx for the help... (by lumbee)
by gafik
i have this function for making colors which is like this: void TextColor(int color){ SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),color); } i...
[1 reply] : AFAIK there's no orange. (by Bazzy)
C++ and files
Hello to everyone. Your site is treasure of knowledge! Thanks for all the help that you provide me over the years. I have a problem with C++ that i cannot so...
[1 reply] : To read line by line use : (by R0mai)
Problems Replacing a word in a String Array
I'm having some problems getting the this code to work. It's supposed to take a text file, load it into the buffer in paragraphs, assigned to a vector, convert ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, I used some of your suggestions and they improved the progr... (by DariusB)
I dunno wut i did wrong at the end of this program
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a; char b; string c; cout << "Hey wanna play a game? (y/n)" << endl; ...
[3 replies] Last: nvm I get it (by jackpoophard)
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