Beginners - December 2009 (Page 12)

Best IDE software app.?
Please recommend the best free IDE in your opinion.
[17 replies] Last: Whatever did happen to Zaita? (by DrChill)
by Faysal
is this possible in c++ ?
The data which is entered by the user into some variable... Cant that be mailed to some email address in c++, If yes, please answer?
[1 reply] : Yes your answer waits you here: (by DrChill)
just shoot me now
ok people im a new to c++ and i cant even executed.a file. well i dont know how i have the c++ note pad and codeblocks. ill put this in // my first program...
[6 replies] Last: hey thanks for all the replys they helped me alot :) (by XxXBRUCEXxX)
Curious about while(true){}
I'm curious about using a while statement with a true condition. What is the advantage of using a while(true) statement with break to exit the while statemen...
[13 replies] Last: Thanks for your responses I appreciate it. My old tutor said to me... (by CamelCasing)
C++ Timer?
SO i'm in my first c++ class, and I'm working on a project to develop a very small game. So far, I have: A board, with the border as stars. A character for...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you. I'm going to play around with these ideas and post what I c... (by JMHCRW)
Hello everybody
I am new here and in progremming . I need to do A project in C++ for my computer sciencs in college, I have no idea for subject to my project, can any one...
[19 replies] Last: How about a children's math based program that asks 5 questions, a ran... (by gcampton)
Uninstall Borland c++ 3.0
Hi! how can I uninstall Borland c++ 3.0? I need help please. Thanks.
[3 replies] Last: Wasn't 3.0 a DOS app? I don't think it has a specific uninstall method... (by helios)
Beginner cout question
In response to an exercise that asked for a program to print "HELLO" in big block letters where each letter is 7 characters high and 5 characters wide, I coded:...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for. (by cbritta)
by xitan
A sample program or two...
EDIT: Original post was removed. ================== Thanks tummychow, the only real thing i do not understand or didnt really get was sequential file access...
[1 reply] : Uh, yeah, we can't *give* you that program. We can tell you some of th... (by tummychow)
How to...
The forum about how to do C++ programs. Anyone can ask and anyone can respond. State you problem and other people can aid others.
[3 replies] Last: windows (by molenator10)
cootie game
I worked on my code and it looks at the moment like this: /*using namespace std; int rollDice(); int applyRoll(int); bool cootieComplete(int, int, int...
[7 replies] Last: can u tell me whats wrong with my random() it only producing 1 and not... (by milli2000)
[Confused] Euler's Method C++
so this is the problem, solve using Euler's Method: A ball at 1200K is allowed to cool down in air at an ambient temperature of 300K. Assuming heat is lo...
[1 reply] : 1. Your step size of 240 is awful huge for Euler integration, which co... (by jRaskell)
Array question (+=)
// arrays example #include <iostream> using namespace std; int array = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10}; int n, result=0; int main () { for ( n=0 ; n<5 ; n++ ) ...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks. This makes sense now. (by ashley19)
save file using fstream
im trying to make a save and load function for my text rpg. here what i have. the fstream is fairly new for me so let me know if im doing some thing wrong. ...
[4 replies] Last: i almost got it working but now I'm getting one last error. and by the... (by shadowvillian)
errors implementing my own iterator and container
Hi, I have some strange errors when trying to compile my own iterator and container. this is the error: error C2664: 'ArtikelIterator::ArtikelIterator(A...
[1 reply] : ArtikelIterator head() const { return m_head; } //ERROR ArtikelI... (by jsmith)
Refer To Specific Element in a List
Hello, I have the following code which at one point used a Vector and not a List position newPos; position currentpos = wset ; //wset.back(); current+...
[2 replies] Last: std::list doesn't have subscripting operator, it works with iterators.... (by Bazzy)
Is Dev-C++ a good IDE for C++? I used this software for C, but I want to know if its good for C++. Should I be getting a newer application? Please fe...
[2 replies] Last: Dev-C++ is REALLY bad. see (by Bazzy)
Kill me now
Im a complete beginner to C++. When I try to run this code on DEV-C++ I get my AVG antivirus saying that it's a trojan virus... Please help. Isnt D...
[6 replies] Last: Avira Anti-Vir is nice too, one of the best free ones: (by BNineFounder)
by Soko
Sorting Strings alphabetically (1,2)
Hello! I am working on a project for class, and one of the things we need to do is sort based off of a string. We defined our own class as follows: clas...
[24 replies] Last: Ok I solved that error by instead of declaring and passing to my funct... (by Soko)
question about copy constructor
copy the sample from somewhere. Assuming inside another class A, with method calcB(B b); when I do B* bb = new B(); calc(*bb); delete bb; when...
[2 replies] Last: thanks. missed one piece. (by chrisben)
December 2009 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 23
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