by btripp
'operator +' has too many parameters???
[7 replies] Last: Thats exactly what I was thinking guestgulkan. The reason I thought th... (by btripp)
by cbouwkamp
Install program
[2 replies] Last: For Windows, I'm partial to Inno Setup (by Duthomhas)
by aswin1993
Different output for same expression
[10 replies] Last: (by Duthomhas)
by cplusidiot
[4 replies] Last: Is your console shutting down right away to where you don't even get t... (by Mythios)
by eduard77
[3 replies] Last: The code is supposed to calculate a linear equation for a software tha... (by eduard77)
replacing line of text problems |
[4 replies] Last: Hmmm why do the comments always come up stuffed when I paste them in :... (by Mythios)
by cplusidiot
test condition
[2 replies] Last: Yes a for loop like this: for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { //stu... (by firedraco)
by cbouwkamp
[11 replies] Last: also what about writing an installer program? Does anyone have any pr... (by helios)
by felixcamp3
Word counting program using sets
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by felixcamp3)
by GRH
[2 replies] Last: Nah, that uses alot of things I can't even use.. isn't there a way to ... (by GRH)
by rishamessi
what is the wrong ?
[4 replies] Last: if you use new remember to delete (by Disch)
by JRevor
ofstream question
[2 replies] Last: . yeah.. that was the error. I thought the vector was indexed from 1 t... (by JRevor)
by drzura
passing a class arguement to a function?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help Disch. You guys are awesome here. (by drzura)
by Emittor
[C++] Complete beginner at C++, question about overflows
[1 reply] : That's outdated, even for 1998. "int" nowadays is typically 32 bits... (by Disch)
by harryp
Main return type
[9 replies] Last: I don't intend to break the standard, it's just that I don't like to ... (by Bazzy)
by Gaston19
Where to begin to start.
[14 replies] Last: Hey if you could, that would be awesome! Even if some of the informati... (by Gaston19)
array of strings problem |
[5 replies] Last: yea while array elements start at the zeroth element that doesn't mean... (by gcampton)
stdio alignment? |
[6 replies] Last: you can also use minus symbol to make things left justified. %-3d %-... (by gcampton)
moving text characters in the console window? |
[7 replies] Last: U'd be able to rewrite this code: cout << mp1 << mp2 <<... (by melkiy)
by harryp
[2 replies] Last: Well for now I just am starting on heaps. Thanks (by harryp)