Beginners - August 2019 (Page 8)

using try catch to break an infinite loop
so i have a basic infinite loop here and i would like to know how to use a try/catch to exit the loop or prevent the loop from continuing.. (forgive me i saw t...
[5 replies] Last: Misuse of tools will often net you a performance gain, simpler code, ... (by Albatross)
by lkdodd
Customer Records Problem
I am doing a project where a user can enter new customer records using a dynamically allocated array of structures. I keep getting errors in the NewCustomerReco...
[9 replies] Last: It gets more complicated all the time! More often than not the simpl... (by deleted account xyzzy)
this program asks the user to input a SSN. If the input is different than 10, an error message should raise. If the second last digit is even, it belongs to a ...
[14 replies] Last: You are mixing getline(), which discards the newline character when it... (by lastchance)
hello everyone in community
[7 replies] Last: I kinda like the C++ Primer Plus book. The author is good at explainin... (by Ashmor)
Implementing callback using template functors in C++
Dear Developers, Can you please explain me how can I implement callback function using template functors in C++. I have read following article on this to...
[2 replies] Last: As a side note, that article predates the standardization of C++ . I ... (by Albatross)
"The Greatest and Least of These"
I'm going through a school book from last semester. I am struggling with understanding why the following code is not working. // Greatest and Least of These...
[8 replies] Last: Another way: #include <iostream> int main() { const int SENTINE... (by JLBorges)
C++11 Lambda Type
Whenever one creates a lambda, the type is always auto, so I was wondering, is the type that it is viewed as always the same type for every kind of lambda or do...
[15 replies] Last: 🤷‍♂️ I honestly don’t even remember. It just didn’t work ... (by highwayman)
August 2019 Pages: 1... 678
  Archived months: [jul2019] [sep2019]

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