Beginners - August 2019 (Page 3)

If 2 statements
I don't know where I went wrong #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ int num1; int num2; char con1; char con2; char USD; char...
[2 replies] Last: You are truly the greatest of all time. Thank You (by OhMyJosh1k)
characterName issue
Hello experts. Sorry for the very basic question. I have started C++ now but I dont have any coding knowledge even in my academics. So please bare with me. I ...
[8 replies] Last: similar issues on other compilers, where the compiler can't tell that ... (by jonnin)
Struct issues
I keep getting errors with my 'bidInfo getBid()' function. Which is part of a struct. The point of this function is to set the variables in the struct and retur...
[2 replies] Last: Hello b29hockey, I was working on the program and realized a flaw. I... (by Handy Andy)
TAN Function
I am having great difficulty in getting my program to trig functions such as tan. I have tried changing float to double but keep getting errors of invalid oper...
[7 replies] Last: Look closely at lines 48-50. Missing semicolons. Your aversion to us... (by deleted account xyzzy)
Building during runtime
I have used the ensuing structure to avoid lag. How may it be improved, delay still occurs void HelloWorld::ButtonX(cocos2d::Ref *pSender) { function(); } ...
[7 replies] Last: @GolBer, It would not suspect engine design, cocos2d-x is widely tru... (by Niccolo)
trim vowels
This program should take a word as an input, get rid of the vowels and if there are two like consonants next to each other, one of the two gets erased. In ca...
[18 replies] Last: Btw, when you wrote: "the for loop should be",you didn't change that ... (by dhayden)
C++ Questions
Hello All, Can anyone attach the list of C++ interview questions? I am preparing myself for an upcoming interview on next week. I want to list of fresher level ...
[4 replies] Last: Yes we can! (though we shouldn't.. unless we're writing a 1990's-style... (by Cubbi)
Birthdate program using the MM-DD-YYYY
Hi! how do I remove the "-" sign when I run my output? We were told to create a program using the switch selector that will ask the user to enter an integer for...
[7 replies] Last: It will work if there are no spaces between the minus sign and the num... (by JLBorges)
Can someone make a code for this please? I just want to know how to remove the dash sign on my output
Using Switch selector, create a program that will ask the user to enter an integer format of his/her birthdate in the following condition: • The month should...
[4 replies] Last: Didn't you already do this ? (by salem c)
Ticker class usage inside of while loop
I'm trying to program a sequence using 3 LEDs, using the ticker class to call the function which lights a certain LED and then moves onto the next value in the ...
[8 replies] Last: I'm not going to dig through the manual for syntax detail, but I think... (by salem c)
by frza45
Converting int to string with to_string
I'm basically just practicing classes right now. I am trying to write a program that just holds some basic information in a .txt file then I'm going to open it ...
[16 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #incl... (by markcowell23)
Morse Code encrypt & decrypt C++
These are the list of problems I am facing- 1. Will the forloop work? 2. And the "<<decode" gives junk values as output. This is for a school project. #i...
[3 replies] Last: on the grounds you would be unwise to turn this in without being able ... (by jonnin)
by sohui
error : unterminated #ifndef
Hey, umm I'm a beginner at c++ and have no idea why this error is happening :( error : unterminated #ifndef Burrito2.h 1 #ifndef BURRITO2_H 2 #define BURR...
[3 replies] Last: I was able to run code without errors and didn't edit the files. Maybe... (by rjphares)
Can any one tell me the approach of the following question? Stuart is playing a game of strings with his friend. His friend is new to the game, so he is tellin...
[1 reply] : you should focus on one of these at a time. what have you done so far... (by jonnin)
""Real"" length of a string
Write your question here. My program shows the string, which is edited in the statusbar (path + filename). The function strlen() returns the amount of chara...
[10 replies] Last: Thanks a lot guys, it is solved. Use the function: GetTextExtentPoint... (by clamicun)
by Ch1156
File parsing help
I am trying to get this file program to parse my text from my file but im having a little trouble. I tried to create some code that gets the last position of th...
[8 replies] Last: @Ch1156, It is difficult to answer your questions if you keep changing... (by lastchance)
Help With Deleting Array Elements, thank you!
Hi, I am working on writing a code to delete numbers from an array taken from a list that I have generated (simply a list of integers). I am trying to get it s...
[17 replies] Last: Yes, that is incredibly helpful - more than happy to meet you halfway ... (by jamesborjas01)
by kijsee
Help with simple c++
Hi! Could someone help me explain the first piece of code. What´s going on in that code and then theres a second block of codes with some mistakes in it. Woul...
[2 replies] Last: Sheesh!, alphabet soup belongs here -> int i... (by salem c)
Classes and structs, more space taken?
Ok so say I have std::array, and it has an array of chars that is 10 long. would array<char,10> arr take up more space than char arr ? And if no, then does ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks, (by highwayman)
Passing 2d char array by pointer to function
Hey guys, so with the initBoard and printBoard functions, I'm trying to pass A 2D char array by pointer to these functions I got the solution from stackoverf...
[7 replies] Last: Any value within the square brackets of an array "passed by value" (al... (by TheToaster)
August 2019 Pages: 12345... 8
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