by haayc
weekday Calendar
[1 reply] : Here is my code for the calendar I used functions i had found in Cla... (by nowy20180820)
by AlM
Object Oriented Programming in C++ - suggestions for exercises
[4 replies] Last: I understand the concepts in theory but I don't understand how to "g... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by arczi w
Self-referential structs
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! Much appreciated. (by arczi w)
by TRGraphix
Is this code too long for searching duplicates in an array
[5 replies] Last: "searching for duplicates in an array" is not a very good problem stat... (by tpb)
by Georg31
[6 replies] Last: @Georg31 At C++ you don't need to fiddle with error prone arrays/point... (by nuderobmonkey)
by garyshorto
calculator code problem!
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() // note: int main() { double firs... (by JLBorges)
Can anyone help me to do this Question |
[2 replies] Last: As hoogo said, show your attempt at the problem then people would glad... (by Uk Marine)
Confusion/Dilemma -Question About Data Structure Pointers |
[2 replies] Last: Thank You. Cleared things up a little. (by akshatmahajan3112)
Need some explaination at the random facility |
[3 replies] Last: http... (by keskiverto)
by Dum
[1 reply] : Summary: Some more detailed i... (by JLBorges)
by seungyeon
powerball program (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: If you win the jackpot, I'll pay you your earnings again. (by helios)
by zyan1zyan
Finding maximum value of addition/subtraction using parentheses
[14 replies] Last: @helios, I didn't consider RPN. The recursion in my code is just for p... (by tpb)
by seungyeon
Is there any errors in my code?
[3 replies] Last: tpb.. please you do not have to assume. Do you think I ignore all you... (by seungyeon)
by philip1999
how many numbers upto 1000 are there such that the sum of digits is divisible by 7 and the number itself is divisible by 3
[7 replies] Last: Here is list of all the numbers based on the pseudo code of tpb. 399... (by Thomas1965)
by pLearner
Visual Studio 2017 - General Settings Question
[1 reply] : Is there a setting to stop saving on build? No. That's effectively... (by Repeater)
by soccer53
Mind Sweep
[1 reply] : In the future please post the error messages. From the C++Shell: http:... (by Thomas1965)
by BelkinJr
bool functions inside a class
[6 replies] Last: yes, i do indeed read from files into array of objects of each class, ... (by BelkinJr)
by seungyeon
Printing every combination of the powerball
[1 reply] : I already showed you how to do this in a previous post. Here it is aga... (by tpb)
by AL88
Why isn't the getlength function working?
[1 reply] : Stop asking the same questions over and over, Alistair. Read the answe... (by Repeater)
by AL88
How can I make the object return the length specified
[2 replies] Last: Lines 27 and 28 should not exist. Square ALREADY contains length and w... (by Repeater)