Beginners - August 2018 (Page 4)

by k88
Sorting a Multidimensional Array
hi I've been stuck trying to figure out how to sort with the bubble sort method and without using pointers this multimendional array that is filled with random ...
[12 replies] Last: dhayden thank you too! In fact I was kind of sceptical about that part... (by k88)
Understanding the programming problem
the question goes like this : modify your c program to perform addition, subtraction and multiplication if the result of the sum of the input number is even an...
[1 reply] : I guess, from what I can understand, what they want from you is the fo... (by Uk Marine)
Not declared in this scope
Hi Friends, Im trying to Compile this Code But i get always the error Massage. HilfsZeiger freund and nullptr were not declared Error Massage :: not decl...
[2 replies] Last: You are probably compiling it as C++98 which doesn't know "nullptr". E... (by tpb)
by Ch1156
Class Questions (1,2)
Ok so here are some questions I have about classes, virtual, inheritance, objects etc. 1. Ok so when creating a class, say I have an abstract class that has va...
[34 replies] Last: relevant reading in the C++ Core Guidelines: C.48: Prefer in-class in... (by Cubbi)
Factorial number
Write your question here. /*HEllo everybody. i would like to see your recommendations and your quotes. how can i optimize this code? what is wrong into the ...
[6 replies] Last: hey guys Thank you for your time and your compression, i-m really sta... (by luciusFernatore)
by bufoss
Read .dat file
Hi all, I am new in programming and I have found the following code in order to create a s'udoku initial state. How can I read the generated file in C ? C...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks very much for your answers. I tried the folowing and I get cor... (by bufoss)
Determining which one is higest or lowest between two integers and the answer is always -14.
Hi, why -14 keeps appearing in the output of the program? no matter what numbers i put on. Btw, i am using turbo c++ which is the old school playground. My prog...
[14 replies] Last: When my friend said, why do we studying programming using turbo c++ wh... (by daryledevs)
cannot convert "int" to "const char*" error
Cannot convert "int: to "cons char*".Please explain why this error happens and how to rectify it. Iam using C++ 4.5. void delOutlet() { char search , sear...
[8 replies] Last: char retName() { return name ; } This returns a char. Specificall... (by kbw)
how can I add each digit in that number and check if that sum is divisible by 7
1) I want to find all the numbers below 1000 which are divisible by 3. 2) I successfully found all those numbers. 3) Now how can I add each digit in that numb...
[2 replies] Last: Here's a few ways to sum digits. Feel free to add some more. #includ... (by lastchance)
Weird glitch
I am stupefied when I came across this weird glitch. It is a fstream project. Writing data to text file works fine, but when I read the file, no errors occured...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help, the reason i use inFile >> price is because pric... (by structJason)
Problems with fstream
Hi. My name is Jason. I am very inexperience with c++ programming but have decided to built myself an money tracking application which consists of storing data ...
[4 replies] Last: Sorry for the mess guys, this is my first time using this forum. Thank... (by structJason)
Please to check the following solution.
/*HEllo everybody. i would like to see your recommendations and your quotes. how can i optimize this code? what is wrong into the code? what can it be...
[2 replies] Last: JLBorges thank you so much i've noticed were is the mistake i did by m... (by luciusFernatore)
by zapshe
How to connect code from different languages together?
Hi! I was wondering how programs that make use of several languages work. They'll have several files of data and several languages worth of code. I heard before...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks a lot guys! That makes a lot of sense. So you write the code, m... (by zapshe)
Swapping the elements in an array using functions.
Write a function SwapArrayEnds() that swaps the first and last elements of the function's array parameter. Ex: sortArray = {10, 20, 30, 40} becomes {40, 20, 30,...
[2 replies] Last: if you are trying to sort, youll want to initialize in unsorted order,... (by jonnin)
Arrays with for loops
The below is my program. While displaying the 8x6 board, my first row is not aligned with the other rows. What is wrong? #include <iostream> #include <...
[8 replies] Last: Yes, unless the fragmentation of memory is a performance hit you can't... (by jonnin)
Player is not changing between 'X' and 'O' in the program
I want to create a game (connect four) in c++ using arrays and loops. 1) First I created a 8x5 board. 2) Second I am prompting the user to select the colu...
[2 replies] Last: Either pass your player variable into your togglePlayer function b... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
vector outputs display vertically in columns
I am trying to output my strings column-wise using the vector iterator as shown in the attached image. For now I am just displaying a test case using the names ...
[2 replies] Last: @tpb Thanks for the help. i appreciate it. (by niirex1)
Numeric value then print its value doubled
My output isnt printing the same output as my professor. I have everything correct so far except I dont have 7 as and out put, which my professor dose. Am I doi...
[2 replies] Last: @mathnerd, If your professor outputs 7 items from a sentence with 6 in... (by lastchance)
comparison of unsigned expression >= 0 is always true
Write your question here. Hello, while compiling the below code, I get this strange ( to me ) warning. warning: comparison of unsigned expression >= 0 is al...
[2 replies] Last: It's a no-brainer. I forgot to think, but that's what you guys are her... (by mycuser)
by amaali
Calpay with loop
I created a program to calculate pay over 4 weeks. The program takes into cosideration that a work week is 40 hours and overtime after 40 hours. I having a ha...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; float g... (by tpb)
August 2018 Pages: 123456... 15
  Archived months: [jul2018] [sep2018]

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