by AwesomeGuy
Accelerated C++ 8.6 exercise
[7 replies] Last: Peter87, thanks a lot for your kind explanation. Your answer is indeed... (by Enoizat)
by masecla33
Trying to make a settings library
[7 replies] Last: I already considered something very similar where the filename was p... (by Thomas1965)
Error C2109. Probability Density Function |
[1 reply] : The problem is that nowhere in your code have you defined any array va... (by jlb)
I"M A me |
[19 replies] Last: > this argument depends on the personal opinions.... Yes. > is it o... (by JLBorges)
by omer123
What's the use of making instance variable private if we compile the program?
[9 replies] Last: Appreciate your informative comments, thanks. (by omer123)
[6 replies] Last: could you tell me more details about why would we should use "char arr... (by phongvants123)
by i73
Understand multiple inheritance constructors better.
[5 replies] Last: I'm dumb, I was creating an instance in my B class of A... Everything ... (by i773)
UVa 127 |
[2 replies] Last: Hi, in the parts of the code (detection if card has a move) while(1)... (by oldspiderdude)
by Bopaki
Getting an error on a generic Function template
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Thomas1965 It worked fine after deleting all those lines. (by Bopaki)
by teopeishen
Anyone knows why it din work
[5 replies] Last: Ya, you are right, integer division that cause the problem. Thanks a l... (by teopeishen)
by Patyk89
Sams Teach Yourself - codes from book doesn't work.
[4 replies] Last: It does have c++14, tough i personally prefer using Atom as my IDE, lo... (by masecla33)
by kingkush
srand producing same random number every function call
[5 replies] Last: It's for a data structure class so we have to write each function for ... (by kingkush)
by claudilla
check if a value is odd and print odd numbers
[5 replies] Last: vector<int> oddNumbers(int l, int r) { vector<int> result; // crea... (by mbozzi)
Array sum noob problem |
[4 replies] Last: Not very related but... You should put: using namespace std; This i... (by Chervil)
Read user input, output relevant message |
[1 reply] : I need it to have a bank of words it can recognize and a relevant mes... (by gunnerfunner)
by PopRockCandy
display content of array from function call
[6 replies] Last: @codewalker, @TheIdeasMan Thank you for your input. This is not a cla... (by PopRockCandy)
by DirtyBlasion
Passing pointer crash my program
[11 replies] Last: Well I found the mistake, CheckForBounds, was glitched out because of ... (by DirtyBlasion)
RayCasting - sphere, plane and OBB |
[no replies]
by stonedviper
Why can't my function work the same way as a 1d array?
[6 replies] Last: Still thank you and it's ok. can you recommend any other ways for the ... (by stonedviper)
by Shree7372
Doubt related dynamic memory allocation
[2 replies] Last: While we're here, void main() is just plain wrong. main returns a... (by Moschops)