Beginners - August 2016 (Page 8)

by hautry
Maybe I do not understand the purpose of the debug feature of DEV-C++. Sometimes I can get it to step thru my code one instruction at a time, but most of the t...
[no replies]
explanation needed :)
I have come across a few codes that i do not really understand and I would be happy if somebody would go through the codes so I could understand it better :) ...
[3 replies] Last: char n = {'a', 'b', 'c'}; Line 1. creates an array of unknown size... (by kevinkjt2000)
Pictures in C++
is there anyway to add pictures in my c++ program ? i was just wondering if it is possible ? >>>>>PROGRAM TO BE MADE ON TURBO C++<<<<< HELP WILL BE APPREC...
[2 replies] Last: Please, please, please, use something other than turbo c++. Try out ht... (by kevinkjt2000)
What is compile command for g++ to link to festival
Hello I want to use Festival TTS with my C++ programme. I installed festival in my ubuntu 14.04 **In order to use Festival you must include `festival/src/inc...
[1 reply] : You will need to find festival.h on your hard drive, and use a -I ... (by kevinkjt2000)
Incorrect values displayed for an array
Hello, I have the following code: header: #pragma once class num { private: int no ; public: void setVal(); int getVal(int i, int j); }; ...
[4 replies] Last: integralfx, You could either put the code of setVal() in the constr... (by Handy Andy)
1 unresolved externals
Today I wrote a code using array, but it said: 1 unresolved externals. What the heck is going on here in my code ? include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #inclu...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for your help Chervil! ;) (by thinhphucvang)
by Cage
Keylogger in C++ not logging special characters
Hi Ppl. I've got this keylogger that I wrote/copied and I can't get it to log special characters into the log file. Everything else seems to be working rea...
[1 reply] : Line 17: If char is 8 bits then when will it be greater than 255? Line... (by dhayden)
by MAhmed
Plus operator
Trying to make a "+" operator to add two objects of a class but having difficulties please correct the code someone Thanks #include<iostream> using...
[2 replies] Last: would this little example help? #include <iostream> using namespac... (by ebucna)
My program for Multiples of 3 and 5 is'nt working.
I'm trying to do the Projecteluer's first question. And my program seems to be failing me and I've got no clue what it might be. #include <iostream> us...
[13 replies] Last: [quote=Gromeer]Thnx it worked my final code got way shoter. Hi, Are... (by TheIdeasMan)
Homework Help: Else/If With Math Logic
A thank you first off to anyone willing to read this and help. I am taking programming class online as part of my degree plan, and it has been a nightmare for ...
[5 replies] Last: Turns out i wasn't calling the netpay function in MAIN, and some other... (by GGCleves)
Convert System string to standard?
I'm having a bit of trouble here. I'm trying to get information from a text box, with which to put into a string which then will output to a file. The first par...
[7 replies] Last: How come I can use C++ code (standard stuff) in source files along wi... (by helios)
by EricaY
Difference between Num++ and ++ Num?
I want output to be /* Outputs Number: 1 Number: 2 Number: 3 Number: 4 Number: 5 */ but right now it only give me Number:1 forever. I tried num=++nu...
[18 replies] Last: Friendly advice? 'Asshat, (donkey fetish) 'go away', protecting a bull... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Linked list deallocation exception error
I was deallocating a linked list, but go a read access violation. In my destructor's loop, when I was stepping through the code, I noticed the violating was in ...
[11 replies] Last: ooook i get it. Thanks for helping me realize. (by RUNNER PRO AGARIO)
Telephone no.
Write a program that inputs a telephone number as a string in format 00920519085 and uses function getcountrycode , getareacode , getphonecode , to extract co...
[13 replies] Last: salmanasghar 12 Pick apart your instructions. It says first that you ... (by Handy Andy)
by Barqu
c++ Primer (fifth edition) and Microsoft Visual Studio
So I am working through this book but Visual studio is giving me a headache with regards lround. The error I get is C2375 'lround' : redefinition; different lin...
[4 replies] Last: Ok update on this, it was my mistake I didn't create an empty project ... (by Barqu)
C++ Program to store username and password.
I am a beginner in C++. I want to write a program, that when entered username and password, it remembers it, and the next time when I run the program it should ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank You So Much @ebucna (by deniedhashtag)
by hautry
error c++98
When I try to compile the example program in the tutorial for creating a range-based for loop, I get an error: 10 16 C:\Users\Public\Documents\C prog source\r...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks to all. !nimble fingers finally got it entered correctly. All... (by hautry)
Template exercise
i was making a program to practice with Templates and encountered a strange problem: #include<iostream> #include<new> using namespace std; template...
[1 reply] : Other than that my questions are: -is my code understandable? -is my c... (by globaltourist)
problem with validate integer
int num; do{ cout << "How many values ?"; cin >> num; cin.clear(); cin.ignore(); if ( { cout << "value must be inter...
[3 replies] Last: also you're inputting it as an int, so any decimal number entered by a... (by ebucna)
Import from file, calculate and repeat (1,2)
I'm looking for a way of getting to automatically make some calculations. The set of input variables is: - constant in their number (5) - in a txt file - has th...
[24 replies] Last: double testCalc(const Vars &params) defines a function whose paramet... (by dhayden)
August 2016 Pages: 1... 678910... 22
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