Beginners - August 2016 (Page 2)

by Enot02
Weird variables
I made this simple code and ran it. It gave me some weird number like 1699706. What does this number mean? //------------------------------------------------...
[6 replies] Last: I REALLY, REALLY do now. (by Enot02)
Storing a Callback function in a Class
I have a class called Game, and at init I pass a vector of GameObjects, but I'm also trying to pass callback functions that are stored in the class to be called...
[6 replies] Last: > Why does std::function cause a small decrease in performance? See h... (by JLBorges)
How to get the max index of a char* object
Yes, strings would be better but I need to use a char* object. How would I get the maximum index of it? Not the index of the spaces with data in it but the maxi...
[1 reply] : Unless you're in the scope where the character array was defined, you ... (by jlb)
Polymorphism and use of Constructors
Hey hey, a few days ago i started looking into C++ and since im familiar with some programming concepts I tried using a quickguide. Im currently stuck at ...
[2 replies] Last: @gentleguy Yes. I only mentioned the constructor thing since you'd al... (by JayhawkZombie)
Why does outer while-loop only execute once?
I have a nested while-loop. I want the outer loop to execute 5 times, and the inner loop to execute 5 times for each execution of the outer loop. However, when ...
[7 replies] Last: @carlwryker No problem! (by boost lexical cast)
Hi this is very basic stuff but I have no idea how this code works systemically. I am supposed to determine the outputs respectively. int main () { int i = 5;...
[2 replies] Last: cout << i++ << endl; cout << ++i << endl; The first one: "i" is p... (by boost lexical cast)
c++ byteswriter
I am trying to write video data to a file. The function that I want seems to be in an implementation file. I am not sure how to implement a function from an i...
[6 replies] Last: seems like mpv may the best way to go. we will see (by wrightpt)
Change Calculator
Howdy folks, Just started my second course in C++ at my local community college, second lab into the class and started having a bit of trouble. I want to thank...
[3 replies] Last: Hello all, I appreciate the input in this problem, with a little help... (by dawnstar)
Complex number class
As an exercise I have to create a complex number class in the form of a + bi where a is real and b imaginary. I have a good idea of what to do, I have been as...
[1 reply] : class Foo { int bar; public: Foo() : bar( 0 ) {} Foo( int foo )... (by keskiverto)
[Request] Code Review + Some Questions
Cheers everyone, Newbie on C++ board! I'm a beginner with C++, currently working through a C++ beginners book teaching game programming which also contains ...
[3 replies] Last: Unless you initialize a variable with a value, its value is undefined,... (by Zhuge)
problem with char** array
I have a problem with the following code. function return char pointer to the file name. Having the char *files_array . I want to write file nam...
[4 replies] Last: *Set all the first dimensions elements of files_array to 0 before fill... (by Moooce)
Help with matrix reading from a file
How to read matrix from a text file?? Hello I am having trouble to get desired output for reading a 3x3 matrix from a data file FILE *arr; float k ={...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot . Its working (by narisha)
undeclared identifier
I am trying to write a getFirst function within a linked list code that will return a pointer to the first object in the list however I am getting an undeclared...
[1 reply] : You need to specify the class when defining the function, otherwise th... (by Peter87)
Geometry Based Programs
Hello, I am stuck on this assignment question and am unsure as to how to get started. Could anyone help me get started? This is the question, 1. Writ...
[2 replies] Last: If you read through the assignment carefully, you can figure out your ... (by dhayden)
Converting BMP to JPG Images.
Hey Guys! I have spent the last 48 hours trying to find some code to help me with converting BMP to JPG files. Normally I wouldn't ask for a "Spoon Feed" but...
[2 replies] Last: Use a library for that. E.g. http://w... (by coder777)
HELP! Array Program
Does anyone know how to program an array, where in the actual program you'll need to enter values for each buyer for example and then calculate the values given...
[4 replies] Last: titepanatiks , you need to reset b to zero after printing each row. ... (by dhayden)
HELP! array problem can't figure this out!
Can anyone help me with this problem? I can't figure it out. it's multiplying the total price not each buyers input :( can anyone help me to fix this program? t...
[3 replies] Last: @titepanatiks 1. I don't see a multiplication arithmic operator anywhe... (by boost lexical cast)
by olaf94
Searching a Win-Directory for specific files
Okay so for school, I'm supposed to write a short programm that searches a given directory for files that have a name-tag thats like "AA[...].dat", "AA[...].sel...
[4 replies] Last: std::string to_string( FILETIME ftime ) // ISO format, time zone desi... (by JLBorges)
What graphic library should I learn?
OpenGL would be a good place to start because it is well established and well documented, forming the basis of much to do with with following software. You can ...
[3 replies] Last: Yesterday I downloaded cinder, unzipped the file, loaded an example, c... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
Error~ Undefine Reference
Hello, Following is my framework for my HW, I tried to run before I continue coding and I got the following errors: /tmp/ccoZ9jjz.o: In function `main': ...
[1 reply] : -lX11 (by ne555)
August 2016 Pages: 1234... 22
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