Beginners - August 2016 (Page 15)

overload operators
i have tried a different source for learning about overload operators and special uses and came across this: // sample of Operator Overloading #inclu...
[2 replies] Last: cant it be just as it is without const ? Yes, but then you can only c... (by coder777)
Qt: change color on dragging curve
I can put a bezier curve on a MouseArea on mouseclick. I can even drag and drop it. But how can I change the color of the curve while dragging it? My code: I...
[2 replies] Last: SOLVED (by bchinfosieeuw)
Plz any body can answer ?
Write a program that finds the best line crosses among different points by doing the following: 1. Reads the input data set from file named “data.txt”. ...
[1 reply] : Don't post homework questions Programmers are good at spotting hom... (by integralfx)
Unexpected unresolved link error
I have written a library and a program that use it. Test.cpp #include <advmath.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { c...
[4 replies] Last: Mingw GCC, host is is Win 7 @Zereo Why need to do that? Since I alread... (by jiajun4432924)
Function itoa - what is wrong?? (1,2)
I wrote following function to convert integer to string and handle largest negative number as well.But it is not working.Could someone tell me what I am doing w...
[21 replies] Last: int itoa(int n, char* s, int msize) { int i = 0; int digit = ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
where to go after reading the basic tutorial?
i recently read the tutorials page and i am wondering, where should i go to learn more C++ comcepts? Are there any more built in features? Or are the rest in...
[6 replies] Last: Bjarne Stroustrup's book: "Programming Principles and Practice Using C... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by fenggg
Anyone mind helping mi out with this ?
nth much thx btw
[1 reply] : (by TheIdeasMan)
by Femi2
steps on how to link a finger print reader to my source code
[2 replies] Last: If it's an Arduino based reader Google your question. AdaFruit has lib... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by punani
Point, square and cube by inheritance
So im trying to code this inheritance thing with Point, square and cube (for a homework). Thing is im having a problem: I want the class square to get the area ...
[5 replies] Last: Yea I solved it thank you very much! Now ill work on improving the pro... (by punani)
Can I store items in a vector by reference?
I've got a vector of Transforms: Transform position_a; Transform position_b; std::vector<Transform> transforms; transforms.push_back(positi...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys, this helped! (by hashbrown)
by new2
sound result for IF statement
Hello, i need the result for my if statement to be sound, i mean can i attach mp3 (or something like this) file and for ex: int result; cout << " 1+4=?" << ...
[5 replies] Last: You can play any sound - doesn't matter where it comes from. Here is a... (by Thomas1965)
Need help with pointer in C
How I can change the Code below?I want to use pointers (char *s) instead of arrays (char s ).But it should work the same way. int mgetline(char s ,int ...
[7 replies] Last: Could someone help me with int mgetline?My version is not working. (by Joe1903)
Pointer Notation in C
How I can Write following code with poiner notation (char *s) instead of char s[ ]? #include <stdio.h> #define LENGTH 80 int main(void) { int ...
[12 replies] Last: The one with LENGTH is not working.What can be the cause? (by Joe1903)
by x1ionu
What broke?
l made a script to calculate pi, and it worked just fine, but I tried to make it less messy with a for loop, but then it broke and started giving weird, seeming...
[10 replies] Last: Oh, thanks that's a good idea #include <iostream> #include <cmath> ... (by x1ionu)
by Kbott
Error question
so below is the error I am getting. I have been working on my own since Friday to research and correct it and I am no closer now than I was Friday. anyone able ...
[2 replies] Last: correct I already knew that. Im not sure of the correction. I have tri... (by Kbott)
visual studio problem
i have programmed for over 3 months in visual studio 2015 and find it fits me just right but two days ago i reinstalled my windows and wiped my computer clean d...
[3 replies] Last: never mind i resolved the problem thanks for the help! (by globaltourist)
by loni
Text-to-speech pass string to Speak
I’m new in programming, so need your help, just trying to make small program with Text to Speech C++ in Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 10 using Speech Synthesi...
[5 replies] Last: Have a look at the different constructors of the String class - maybe ... (by Thomas1965)
by Dan3
isdigit and atoi
Write your question here. Hello, i don't know what is the field for the function isdigit and atoi in c++. Thank you,
[1 reply] : http://w... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Question: Can you open Programs from C++?
Hidy ho all, I recently graduated college (yay!)! Unfortunately part of that degree was being forced to take 2 C++ classes, and 1 java programming class. I...
[12 replies] Last: So it freezes the custom program I'd be writing? Or it freezes the pr... (by Z e r e o)
Class inheritance from another class. (1,2,3)
I'm trying to follow my professors UML diagram -------> I currently have this header written up trying to make GradedActivity inherit ...
[56 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class G... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
August 2016 Pages: 1... 1314151617... 22
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