Beginners - August 2015 (Page 27)

How to align without using iomanip
I have a homework problem we are supposed to output to a file and the data values are supposed to be right aligned which I thought it was supposed to be by defa...
[1 reply] : If you do calculate how many digits a value to print will have, then y... (by keskiverto)
Beginnner seeking help with project
Hello Everyone, Sorry to bother everyone, but I have a problem I just cannot figure out.I am new to programming and have this assignment that just will not w...
[10 replies] Last: It just means you forgot to #include <fstream> :O) (by Duthomhas)
by Kew
wait for a keyboard input without breaking the loop
i want the loop go on but not breaking down the loop. that is actually a snake game, i don't want to keep pressing the key in order to make it move. How to m...
[5 replies] Last: You need to check to see if a key was pressed. http://www.cplusplus.c... (by Duthomhas)
Composition and Class Interfaces/Abstract Class
Having trouble trying to get my calculatePay() to work. Won't take the annualSalary and divide it by 52 like it is suppose to. Here is what I got everything els...
[7 replies] Last: Hi, Here is some advice to help you out in the future, am putting som... (by TheIdeasMan)
Check my code, Please?
I am to write a program that will determine the area of certain shapes (a rectangle, circle, sphere, and a box). I have written what I think will do that but I ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. I am starting completely over by reading the book. I greatl... (by ChemEng1985)
Hello, I have some questions about sorting. In array, I see that there are various ways to sort: -Bubble sort -Exchange sort -Selection sort -Insert sort -Shel...
[1 reply] : Do you need to use a specific way to sort? It depends on what you are... (by Duthomhas)
Weird glitch/ error in my console app
I recently wrote a Blackjack card game console application in Dev C++, for the most part it works fine, however sometimes i get this glitch where it says i lost...
[1 reply] : I'm a noob myself, started around 3-4 days ago, but I think on if (cho... (by supernoob)
by Arekku
Why does my function for multiplication not work?
Hello, I am a new programmer looking to learn c++. I was learning about functions, so I decided to play around with it and make a very VERY basic calculator. If...
[3 replies] Last: Oooh I completely forgot about break. Thank you that does help :) (by Arekku)
by Filorn
reconversion from int to char
why doesn't the operation at the line 12 work??? char c ; //Funzione per codificare una stringa char encode(char *c){ int i,n; char f[((strlen(c))*2...
[2 replies] Last: Also how do we know that c is actually a string and not just an array ... (by jlb)
While ( user == gullible )
Hello, I am fairly new to programming and found a set of beginner-level problems in this forum ( ). I have a q...
[4 replies] Last: @Ganado Thank you for your reply! I edited my code just now. I fina... (by supernoob)
Random number generator
Hey everyone I just started doing this yesterday, wish I did a long time ago but I never knew what code I wanted or what to use. Anyway I came across the "Rand...
[11 replies] Last: hey guys I've been trying to figure out how to use wxwidgets... guess... (by BuzzCopter)
passing arrays
OK so just learned about arrays in class. My new assignment needs to pass arrays that i have the user enter to a function. How can i get a function to accept 2 ...
[8 replies] Last: Probably. constexpr means that the const value is never volatile -- m... (by Duthomhas)
by JY1268
Help with 2D array
I'm supposed to create a 8x8 board using 2D array. I have no clues on how to create but based on searching from the forum here, I managed to create one but I ha...
[5 replies] Last: It is unclear exactly what the problem is? I take it to say that there... (by CodeWriter)
Please help me
Please tell me, why 1.#QNAN displays in output when we have not write it in cout statment ???
[1 reply] : 1.#QNAN is the implementation and locale-dependant string representa... (by JLBorges)
XCode compiler for mac and books (1,2)
I'm a totally new programer (just started yesterday), and I was working through the c plus plus manual here: and it ...
[29 replies] Last: Hi, This should always work, try it with the gear icon, or copy / ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Need help
Hello again, I need help on how to print out all the thress variables from the 3 switch cases on another page, what should I do do I need to use another stateme...
[no replies]
by Ubietz
ATM bug
Hi all, As you can tell I'm new to C++ and I need some help. The below function needs a user to ask for a dollar amount, print out whether that amount can be ...
[6 replies] Last: Well it would be unlimited because the userInput is unknown. It could... (by TheIdeasMan)
Window Resizing (Curses)
I just started learning curses by following this tutorial After changing #include <ncu...
[9 replies] Last: Ah, sorry, I forgot about that. You need to link with -lpdcurses -lgd... (by Duthomhas)
Help Why doesnt this work?
When I type in a name nothing happens? #include <iostream> #include <string> /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, sys...
[6 replies] Last: The reason why "Fred Ford" doesn't work is because you are using cin ... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
is this a typo in C++ for dummies?
Write your question here. Very much a BEGINNER. Can someone explain to me what this line is for in this program? (*realmessage) = 'i'; It seems to have no us...
[6 replies] Last: to all ok now i get it thank you (by seeboo54)
August 2015 Pages: 1... 25262728
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