by Ryan Feng
!!!Help!!!Basic data structure Q.
[9 replies] Last: You might encounter terms allocate and deallocate too. Dynamicall... (by keskiverto)
by outlander
need help with recursion
[no replies]
by matt101
Adding spaces at end of every record in a file except the last two records
[2 replies] Last: Entire data then moves to a string for processing. Cannot be "huge" ... (by keskiverto)
by eternalSnow
Operator << in i/o streams
[1 reply] : Order of evaluation: Order of evaluation of the operands of almost al... (by JLBorges)
by theOnlyOne
[8 replies] Last: Or using just one loop: #include <iostream> #include <string> #includ... (by CodeWriter)
by Outlaw782
Modulus operator question
[4 replies] Last: hahahaha I totally noticed that after I posted it xD (by Outlaw782)
by Student555
Alternative to ctime
[18 replies] Last: I yield. [I was wrong.] (by Duthomhas)
by oobilator
If Statement Help
[12 replies] Last: So now I'm having a completely different issue. I don't know if the sa... (by oobilator)
issue with using names variables rather than numbers... |
[8 replies] Last: Worked like a charm guys. Thanks for all the good ideas to get me out ... (by ironsoldier71)
by Leegt94
About recursion palindrome
[1 reply] : You never actually make a recursive call. To be recursive, palindrome ... (by AbstractionAnon)
by dorismet
e^x function
[2 replies] Last: You're incrementing n by 2 each time, but your code is written assumin... (by helios)
by Shoubakka
Using Iterators to find the union of two vectors
[2 replies] Last: Do you mean union as in set unions (math concept) or just "values wh... (by MiiNiPaa)
by YowHow
Default value of return
[1 reply] : You don't show the type of the enclosing function. If the the enclos... (by AbstractionAnon)
by JP744
Win32 Async client multithreaded application
[no replies]
by Kew
Function Wait for an input without blocking the loops?
[no replies]
by dendritic
Pass-By-Value vs. Pass-By-Reference
[2 replies] Last: One clarification. The OP refers to the value changing (by referenc... (by AbstractionAnon)
by TommyL
What is the point in returning my variable?
[2 replies] Last: what is the point in returning "sum." The point is to return the res... (by AbstractionAnon)
by AmanGeek
C++ Dice Rolling Using Arrays and Functions
[4 replies] Last: I think you only use srand(time(0)); at the start of your program not... (by CodeWriter)
by BernieBuddy
Is it possible for memory used by my program to remain after it has closed?
[7 replies] Last: Visual Studio certainly consumes a lot of memory, especially in debug ... (by coder777)
by logmein
[1 reply] : First when you hit the new topic button you will see that the code nee... (by CodeWriter)