Beginners - August 2015 (Page 18)

just need comments
hi, Please see this, in this scenario can we use Huffman encoding ? Suppose you being a network programmer are given a task to receive audio and video pac...
[no replies]
Problem passing enum to class
I'm trying to pass an enum to a class, but it's not working. Could someone have a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks. #include <iostream> usin...
[10 replies] Last: Thank you. (by Bogeyman)
by fa123
Please help with array
I have been trying to figure this out but can't seem to figure it out. Please help -- I'm new to Array functions Modify the program to be able to accept up t...
[2 replies] Last: I enter 1-4 values and their prices, but then when I enter CTRL Z to s... (by fa123)
PROJECT of ROLL in/ ROll out
How can I put a file streaming into a linked list while it is sorting.. to determine the sort im using the ticket number from my filestream.. for example 324...
[1 reply] : Could you elaborate? To add something to linked list you use push_fr... (by MatthewRock)
by YowHow
Base Keyword on c++?
Hello. How to use base keyword in c++ inheritance? In c# if you have a code like this public override void Update() { base.Update(); ...
[5 replies] Last: I see.. makes sense now.. Also thanks for the code snippet. Makes the... (by YowHow)
How to repeat an action with asynchronous timer every x seconds?
Hello again, as the title say, i would like to repeate an action (a system beep, for example) every ten seconds. Thank you very much
[3 replies] Last: As you can see output in main is placed after creating new thread with... (by MiiNiPaa)
How to read the console output?
Hello, i would like to know if is possible to read (and eventually edit) the console output and store it a buffer. I'm using windows and gcc. Thank you very ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. I will try (by Amiplus)
by qtitan
Skiping steps in while loop
Hello. So I was messing around trying to make a shutdown timer for my computer. I want to have a way to stop it if I need, and the method I use doesn't really d...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you guys for the help, I really appreciate it. I don't understan... (by qtitan)
by ibaida
if (argc >= 3) { cout << "P" << endl; return 0; } if (argc == 2) { ifstream file(argv ); if (!file) { cout << "F" << endl; ...
[2 replies] Last: Please put you code part in code block so it more readable.:) /... (by akash16)
by mave
Is "Virus -Malware" a user space program or a Kernel Space Program ?
Hello, "Is virus (written in C/C++) a user space program (or kernel space)? especially spywares and the ones that steal information. I have tried to seek ...
[1 reply] : Bad viruses are userspace programs. Good ones finds their way to the k... (by MiiNiPaa)
Wondering why compile takes so long, what am I doing wrong
Just starting out and trying to figure out where I am doing this wrong, takes more than 2 seconds to compile, what am I doing wrong, just starting out and messi...
[6 replies] Last: don't forget to "return 0;" Main function is a special case and is t... (by MiiNiPaa)
Help me with my homework pls.
C++ Program for the ff: *Ask the user to input a number. *If the number is < 10 print “Number is less than 10” < 20 print “Number is less than 2...
[13 replies] Last: @whitenite thanks for your help bro... now i know what code to end the... (by kevin32)
Function doesn't do anything
I'm making a small program that makes a showable grid that can be modified with functions that create patterns on the grid. Right now I'm making a function fund...
[2 replies] Last: Oh! I see what I did wrong. I now remember that to actually modify the... (by Wertbot)
by lalapo
Accessing individual characters in string array?
I have to capitalize the first and last name in my string array, but I'm stuck on how to access the specific value after I input my string value into an array. ...
[2 replies] Last: Try this if you haven't already done it :) void reformat(string &nam... (by sasauke)
Help rounding double
I need help understanding why the round() function below provides two different results despite using it on doubles with the same values. #include <iostre...
[5 replies] Last: That makes sense. Thanks, both of you. (by curious noob)
Why this won't work
My iterator doesn't work I don't know why. template <class T> T loopthrough( T element){ typedef std::string::std::iterator q; q = element.begin(); for(...
[7 replies] Last: Change line 3/4: std::string::iterator q = element.begin(); ... (by coder777)
by moop
Invoking a destructor
Hello, beginner programmer here and I'm needing help. I'm making myself a small program with a class labeled "Player" what I'm trying to do is make sort of a sh...
[2 replies] Last: Yes this does look a bit forgein to me considering I've never been int... (by moop)
How do i get ctrl-z to stop
i know you use ctrl z to break out a loop with cin >> as its code but when i do finally press ctrl z it runs through the rest of my program and closes, it doesn...
[2 replies] Last: omg thank you, cin.clear(); works perfectly. (by Deadlines)
signed and unsigned numbers represented as bits
Hi, I'm reading B.Stroustrups book Programming Principles and Practice Using C++ and I'm on page 961. I'll quote some text from the book If the sign bit is 1 t...
[6 replies] Last: Tnx I think I finally understand it :) I suppose I have to use -x = ~x... (by etrusks)
by Lad
Visual Studios
I would like to create a GUI for my Windows application. I heard that one of the Visual Studio programs has some very nice tools to design GUI. Could someone t...
[9 replies] Last: Read this: (by coder777)
August 2015 Pages: 1... 1617181920... 28
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