Beginners - August 2015 (Page 16)

by thor36
C++ & OpenGL: a lot bigger size of executable, but not much more code
Greetings all, I am following the OpenGL & C++ tutorials here: After finishing with first one and compiling the second one...
[7 replies] Last: Oh. Never mind, then. Yes, #include <iostream> + MinGW = oddly large e... (by helios)
Control over recursive function
Hello All, below i attached a code where i need a control on recursive function. Means, it should wait for my button press signal to move further. void Play...
[no replies]
Difficulty with uninitialized variable (C4703)
Im getting an error on line 142 saying my pointer is uninitialized but i have initialized it on line 114. This is the error: Error 1 error C4703: potentially...
[6 replies] Last: ohhhhhhhh I needed ListNode. Thanks you MiiNiPaa and you too abstracti... (by kingkush)
periorities and associativity ?
may someone explain to me why this code : #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int i = 0; cout << i++ << ++i << i++; return 0; } outputs 23...
[18 replies] Last: (by mohamedeltair)
[2 replies] Last: namespace std { template<> struct less<KeyInfo> { bool ... (by Sneha2015)
Unable to figure out how to go back into switch statement
So I select a trivia option, I go through answer the questions get the total right out of total questions asked, then it takes me back to menu, but when I click...
[4 replies] Last: This was very helpful, I did have to create some functions to reset my... (by millerizi)
Why wont my vector copy
Im doing c++ excercises and it asks me to initialize a vector with an array after showing how its done but when i try it myself it dont work. #include <ios...
[3 replies] Last: i figured out the problem, you was very helpful. (by Deadlines)
Concatenating files, extra line between their contents
I am trying to concatenate two files. All is well except for an extra line in the new file between the contents of the linked files. File 1 contents: f1,line...
[4 replies] Last: Makes sense, thanks! (by curious noob)
Adding nodes to linked lists breaks after 10 insertions
Hi guys, So I've been trying to do a program to read a file and print each repeated word along with the number of its repetitions. For this, I use a linked li...
[4 replies] Last: Wow! Didn't expect this much quality feedback! And so quick! Thanks gu... (by mugurelu)
by Tim91
Pseudo code?
Hi guys truly appreciate if anyone could help with pseudo code. I have completed writing the program code for this question and its working fine but how do I wr...
[2 replies] Last: There is no single correct way to write pseudocode. The amount of deta... (by Peter87)
by xenium
Collision Detection
Currently on click of a button the object hides and shows but I want to move the text object with collision detection... can anyone pls help me out #includ...
[no replies]
Reading a file
I have a file that looks like this 1,0,0 | 2,0,1 | 3,1,0 | 4,2,0 I need to read in three variables x = 1 y = 0 z = 0 and using the | to divide the numbe...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <fstream> int main() { const char c... (by JLBorges)
by cyoda
C++ division
Why doesn't integer operation give me a float? int n1 = 0; //integer int n2 = 0; //integer cin >> n1; cin >>n2; float z = n1 / n2; //integer? ...
[5 replies] Last: Ah, that's where you are making the mistake. 365/25 is not 14.6. It i... (by Duthomhas)
I don't know if I did this right.
I just learned structs, and I'm trying to get the idea of commenting, if somebody can give it a look it would be awesome. Also this is not my code I got this co...
[4 replies] Last: Okay, thanks I get it now. (by closed account yR9wb7Xj)
Need direction on what I should read up on next
So I have a game where I ask for a number of trivia questions, than they answer the multiple choice questions and they are told correct or incorrect, so now I w...
[2 replies] Last: forgot backslash... int scorekeeping() { score += 1; } (by ElTucan)
by abc12
help me pls.
can someone help me , what is the IPO in this problem. ? A-1 appliances needs a program that allows the store clerks to enter the number of dishwasher in sto...
[2 replies] Last: Do you know where to start or are you completely lost? Can you code so... (by ElTucan)
Script for multiplying by 2 and checking for digits
I am trying to make a script with C++ that multiplies permutations of 123567890 (no 4) by 2, and checks if the number is a permutation of 1234567890. I have mad...
[1 reply] : You are performing an assignment on line 29, not a comparison. If you ... (by Zhuge)
Function Parameters Help...
I want to be able to receive the values of myValueOne and myValueTwo, but the problem is i'm only getting values for the myValueTwo. What am I doing wrong? :( ...
[1 reply] : C++ only allows a single return value. You cannot return multiple val... (by Disch)
std::string no out_of_range error?
I am learning C++ with the book "Programming, principles and practices using c++" from Bjarne Stroustrup. I am busy with some exercises to learn about compiler/...
[4 replies] Last: Yes. It is a problem. Your program now contains undefined behavior, w... (by martin72)
Dynamic Memory Allocation Questions
Why is the following code not valid int number = 0; cout << "Enter number: "; cin >> number; if(number == 1) { Object * obj = new Object...
[14 replies] Last: Lol, OK, thanks guys. (by Student555)
August 2015 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 28
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