Beginners - August 2015 (Page 13)

flag variable
do anyone know what is flag variable?
[1 reply] : A flag variable is a variable that can hold 1. any one of a mutually ... (by JLBorges)
Linked List Implementation using C++
Hey Folks.Iam new to c++.I tried to implement a linked list but got no proper result.Will Any of you suggest me how to properly write my code!Awaiting for answe...
[2 replies] Last: linked list has no size limit. your code has. (by a3625799132)
input value as a function parameter ?
if you want the user to input many values to be put in char array, but some of these values maybe short and some maybe long so it won't be great idea to declare...
[3 replies] Last: for array, there is one line int * q = new int ; whatever ... (by a3625799132)
Implemantation of Binary Search in c++
Hey Folks!I am new to c++.As self motivated project i decided to do a binary search? This program works for key elements which are in the list provide by the u...
[2 replies] Last: Here are few problems I found 0. tiny problem: you declare i twice.... (by a3625799132)
Two general questions
1. I have wrote a question on the site yesterday and got two helpful answers. but since it was my first time on the site, I couldn't find where to reply them ba...
[3 replies] Last: Thx both :) (by kevinkim)
file i/o convert rows to columns (1,2)
I have a few text files with 10000 rows and every row has 100 columns. Actually size is unknown in some cases. I just want to convert rows to columns. Data i...
[21 replies] Last: Yay! Glad you got it working. :O) (by Duthomhas)
Continuing With Charles Petzold's Programming Windows 5th Edition
I've been learning the Windows API for a couple of weeks now thanks to the help of Charles Petzold's book. Before I started this book I did my research and ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for clarifying the issue for me cire. I am by no means consider... (by fullchaos13)
by nev
array counting
i have difficulty understanding the logic especially in this part for(int i=0;i<size;++i) distrib[numbers ] +=1; can someone please give a clear ...
[4 replies] Last: TL;DR: The code is counting the frequency of each random number. (by kevinkjt2000)
Raise an event and begin listening to it
Hello, any simple way to raise an event and set a listener for such event? I used to do this in actionscript with addEventListener and removeEventListener...
[6 replies] Last: > any simple way to raise an event and set a listener for such event? ... (by JLBorges)
char string to int
Hi, I´m trying learn about bit, byte, char and string manipulation. I do this code , but I can not understand my mistake. sscanf(join, "%x", &temp)return ...
[2 replies] Last: hi, I do not undestand. This just will return 99 when print "tem" in l... (by pomodoro)
by DannyL
SFML "cannot find sfml-graphics-2.dll"
So I have followed the tutorial on the website of sfml and I am still running into this problem. I have been told I need to put it into the .exe, but I really ...
[8 replies] Last: Actually SFML 2.3 and later doesn't need GLEW, could you post your bui... (by shadowmouse)
error expected initializer before name
Write your question here. Hello i am complete beginners in this coding language.I am trying to self learning of c++ from the book of bjarne stroustrup programm...
[3 replies] Last: extremely thanq (by Arunanshu Pal)
graphics in C++
Hi, I am going to do a mini project on typing tutor. and for that I want basic graphics capability in my program. I am using visual studio for this and I have ...
[1 reply] : I'm guessing you're looking for a graphics library? I highly suggest S... (by kong288)
by stanzo
I can't get the program to run correctly
Write your question here. Hi guys, Please am new to c++ and am trying to write a program that prompts the user a value(char), and it will be inside a while l...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks so much JL, you just thought me something new. (by stanzo)
Comparing Two Text Files by Characters
Hello. I'm currently doing a C++ assignment and I was wondering why my code is not working. Sorry if the code looks sloppy. What this code does is that it as...
[3 replies] Last: Got it to work. Thank you so much guys. Both of you were very helpful ... (by closed account 9GEqko23)
by jonene
using the cin object a said number of times?
is it possible to repeat cin a number of times without typing it that number of times?
[1 reply] : Yes. But you have to tell us more before we can tell how. (by keskiverto)
Are function pointors right for me?
An example of what I need this for: Imagine I have a button class that has a method called onClick(). Whenever the button is clicked the method onClick() is ca...
[4 replies] Last: My example extends button adding a capability to store and change func... (by MiiNiPaa)
Exception Handling
Hi Guys, I do not quite understand how exception handling is done exactly. I understand the "big picture" of what it is supposed to do, but I am having troub...
[7 replies] Last: [quote=lunchbearington]My experience with C++ is limited to being on l... (by Disch)
pointer question
I came across a strange piece of code and I was wondering if this is correct way to do it. class Graph { int V; // No. of vertices vector<int> *ad...
[2 replies] Last: can be used on pointers. When done so, C++ treats the pointer as if... (by Disch)
Passing Arrays into Functions
Why can I calculate the number of elements in array foo with sizeof(foo)/sizeof(foo ), but if I use the same calculation inside the functions squares_calculator...
[4 replies] Last: It also depends whether the array you are passing has a termination el... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
August 2015 Pages: 1... 1112131415... 28
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