Beginners - August 2013 (Page 46)

Calling another program? [C]
Hi guys, I'm trying to call a program in C using system(). The nature of the program is, once I'm done registering the user using the program below, it will tra...
[1 reply] : Hi, I would strongly recommend you use function: ShellExecute() ... (by closed account G309216C)
by Jemar
How I Could make it a program.
Here:: Treyson Mobley want a program that calculates and display the amount he should tip a waiter at a restautant. The program should subtract any liquor chan...
[7 replies] Last: thankyou! Ive already solved the problem. (by Jemar)
buffer in file I/O
what are the uses of buffer? user have to define buffer or they already created when a stream is opened?
[no replies]
return value of fgets
fgets return value:(error occurs) please tell me difference in between these two things by example - 1.If the end-of-file is encountered while attempting to r...
[no replies]
hey! format of fputc is like this int fputc(FILE *stream ,int c) but when we give it a character in 2nd parameter how things work means in it format we have to...
[3 replies] Last: Switch on your brain. I am not your nanny. (by vlad from moscow)
Help me :<
Using functions and given N input numbers, perform the following tasks: find the sum and average find the positive, negative and zero find the odd, even and no...
[8 replies] Last: Since my function is full of fallacies, I'm just going to make a new o... (by Gencaerus)
by mmep93
Looping (do,while)
I'm using loop in my program and it works just fine using do and while, but my problem is the word "Wrong entry.....blah blah blah" (on the last part) doesn't d...
[17 replies] Last: Thank you all for your help! I already solved it... I put clrscr(); ... (by mmep93)
Can someone explain nested loops to me(loop in loop)?
I'm reading "Jumping into C++" and I've read the explanation for a nested loop, but the example code which is a multiplication table makes it hard to understand...
[3 replies] Last: I'm reading "Jumping into C++" and I've read the explanation for a ne... (by NSharbz)
windows form application
hey guys im new to coding and i have made a little project for school its made in c++ and just caculating a few things you can pick 3 different programs in i...
[2 replies] Last: you should take time to learn more of the basics of the language and u... (by NSharbz)
Template Help
I need some help with some homework as classmates are equally stumped and the professor is not responding (yes, bad idea to take this course online but I had no...
[1 reply] : > Use two template parameters, one to set the element type, > and the... (by ne555)
by kcch
A newbie questions about STL performance
Hello, I am new to C++ and this forum! Actually I am doing the practice problem of Google code jam:
[7 replies] Last: By the way, your original code results in undefined behavior on lines ... (by cire)
Is Hungarian Notation still useful?
Even though all win32 api is writtn this way. I don't think Hungarian Notation is good enough to be kept using now.. Is Hungarian Notation still useful?
[3 replies] Last: OpenGL really only does that because it's a C lib and therefore does n... (by Disch)
How could I create a jpg converter that took jpgs and made them into a new file format and could do the same thing back? Also how could I make it where sdl coul...
[no replies]
void functions to count between numbers (1,2)
I am working on a program that uses void functions. one counts up from 0 to a single parameter. One counts down to 0 from a single parameter and the third will ...
[31 replies] Last: while(a<=0 || b <=0 && ((int&)a != a || (int&) b != b)) { cout<< " ...... (by afleury1)
File not loading correctly when program starts
The following function is suppose to load accounts.txt file into the programs memory when the program executes. LIST is a global defined const int LIST = 50 ...
[8 replies] Last: while( count<LIST and in >>one .actNum >>one .actNa... (by ne555)
by Ch1156
for loop Not outputting code (1,2,3)
I have a for loop at the end of my program and it wont output my code: here is the problem for loop: for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < vect_Length, j < vec...
[41 replies] Last: How do i output the vector though, i thought thats waht i was doing i... (by MikeyBoy)
Arrays: Getting the average of values
Hi there, i need to write a program (not using functions) to read in a sequence of up to ten numbers terminated with the sentinel value -1 from the keyboard and...
[3 replies] Last: // Getting input const int sentinel = -1; int i = 0; do { cout << ... (by vlad from moscow)
Taking information from a webpage
Hi! I want to be able to read a webpage as an ordinary text file. (probably using some kind of stream) The page in question:
[4 replies] Last: I fixed it by building it from source, got no types.h though but I bel... (by Jonas Wingren)
Returning a value from Class?
Write your question here. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> using namespace std; class RecordStudent { string studentID; int E...
[6 replies] Last: This would probably help you guys more if I posted my assignment... ... (by cire)
Difference between this C and C++ code
I was looking at this very easy problem ( ) and decided that I should do it in C just so I could brush up my C. A...
[5 replies] Last: Aha. Thanks, Cubbi. I see it's easy enough to find via search. I'd ... (by cire)
August 2013 Pages: 1... 4445464748... 51
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