by Tobgreywolf
New and looking for direction about compilers for learning.
[2 replies] Last: I also recommend installing Linux, as this is really a programmers OS... (by Tobgreywolf)
by NullInfinity
Waiting for User Input to exit, in AND out of IDE.
[6 replies] Last: Ah, thank you IdeasMan. I head read that before but forgotten it. E... (by NullInfinity)
by tcollar89
Help! My first cpp program
[2 replies] Last: Dear Paoletti301, It works like a charm! Thank you!!!!! dont put ... (by tcollar89)
by pel1993
more advanced version euler 11
[1 reply] : can someone tell me if my code so far for four numbers is good so far... (by cire)
by diablo2713
sending parameters to a batch file
[4 replies] Last: that worked perfect thanks! (by diablo2713)
by amchinese
what function can clear the screen?
[3 replies] Last: Yeah or you can make your own function to space down 'x' amount of lin... (by Austin J)
by Coios
pointer and char string help
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both! Definitely clears up pointers and fixed some of my ba... (by Coios)
by Blackhole
Creating an array to input and output address..
[3 replies] Last: @Techno01- Thanks so much for the help. I'll mess around with the code... (by Blackhole)
by Xistenial
Classes and inheritance
[6 replies] Last: Thank you very much Disch! I did manage to fix the fault by just resta... (by Xistenial)
by Chinchy
Need help finding problem with code!
[3 replies] Last: because 'cin >> ' keeps reading untill it encoutered a whitesspace (sp... (by closed account 28poGNh0)
by MiguelC
Question about C string literals
[7 replies] Last: @cire whats your resource? EDIT: heres something ive found So, in ... (by Paoletti301)
by afleury1
overflow in implicit constant conversion and recursive functions
[7 replies] Last: It worked!! Thank you. so now I need to work on the second part which... (by afleury1)
Guess the number by the computer |
[7 replies] Last: @iamk2 Thank you very much! Your code is very simple! I can't understa... (by thepianistop66)
by pel1993
euler problem 11
[3 replies] Last: so how can i push the matrix to the array and find the four numbers? ... (by cire)
by cedwards
Ordering Numbers Highest, Medium and Lowest
[12 replies] Last: # include <iostream> using namespace std; int get_max(int a,int b,in... (by closed account 28poGNh0)
UI code |
[10 replies] Last: That worked perfectly, thanks so much. (by GrantPlusPlus)
by cedwards
Taking away integers
[4 replies] Last: Thanks alot very much appreshiated! (by cedwards)
Question: Vectors continued... |
[5 replies] Last: Er, the same reason you used a while loop: you are getting input for a... (by Duthomhas)
Abstract classes |
[3 replies] Last: @AbstractionAnon I know the formal definition but was seeking more c... (by The illusionist mirage)
by Xistenial
C++ Basic Classes
[2 replies] Last: Ah man, new it was something silly! Thank you Vlad! (by Xistenial)