Beginners - August 2013 (Page 27)

by xenoha
trying to clear an "enter" in the cin...
I am having an issue clearing an enter in my buffer.. When the user hits "A" to add a student the program starts asking for information.. Apparently there is a ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you so much! (by xenoha)
Nested if comparing
so The problem is to input 5 numbers and then it will display the one with smallest value if(A<B) if(A<C) if(A<D) ...
[10 replies] Last: andywestken, Thanks man, I'll keep everything in mind. Nested is not t... (by JosephL)
command line arguments......
I have written this code that times the calculation of certain values. It uses recursive and iterative functions. It order to compare the time taken using each ...
[1 reply] : Ok so you have int main(int argc, char*argv ) your command line mi... (by SamuelAdams)
by srif
Give me a Number
In class we need to rewrite code into OOP and the book assigned goes against it but i'm trying to figure out how to properly get the Give me a Number program to...
[6 replies] Last: you need to cout << triple(text); after cin >> text; ... (by coder777)
by CPL
WPA2 20 char. keygenerate in C++
Hello guys, im new here and i had one question. Im trying to write c++ code that generates 20 character keys (used for WPA2) between 0 and 99999999999999999999....
[1 reply] : (by nvrmnd)
What does (->) does? Please with code example
[4 replies] Last: Accessing member of object via pointer to that object is one place, bu... (by keskiverto)
Infinite loop with letters....
why is my program comes to an infinite loop when a user input is not an integer? #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> #include<cmath> using namespace std; in...
[2 replies] Last: sorry, i already edit my post ... yes, the problem is when a user in... (by sherz29)
by mmep93
Drawing circle <graphics.h>
What's wrong with my code? I just want to make a simple circle with this code.. Please tell me what's wrong. It does not shows any error nor warnings but when I...
[3 replies] Last: Go to (by MrTrollFace)
Vending Machine
Alrite, Im trying to code a vending machine... #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int main(){ ret...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks... but how do you actually get each value entered by the user a... (by willynilly)
How to implement a class in another file
Hi guys, I am pretty new with C++, I have some Java experience from a few years ago but most of it has left me and I am having to relearn everything and righ...
[1 reply] : How would you create an object for your class first? (by nvrmnd)
Compiler doesn't recognize push front
Hi guys, New class is a #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <list> class OtherClass{ int something; string somethingelse; } class NewC...
[9 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <list> class OtherCla... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Optimiazation of codes.
I'm pretty much a beginner, and am wondering which of my code is optimized better, and why. This is a group project, and I had a disagreement with one of my par...
[2 replies] Last: Honestly, you shouldn't be worrying about speed or memory unless you h... (by firedraco)
by Slazer
Static member variable
If I have defined this in my *.cpp file const string A::B = "foo"; does it mean that I have to define variable B as static member of class A in my *.h fil...
[7 replies] Last: Const data member has to be initialized in the constructor. Each inst... (by keskiverto)
Help me please with possible mistakes
Hello everyone I've written a small program. Could someone point out to the stylistic or any other mistakes? What would you write otherwise? I appreciate...
[2 replies] Last: Your x and y are wrong. You say x: and then that's it's y. Change th... (by MrTrollFace)
STL list as a data member in a class
Hi guys, I'm trying to define a new class which uses STL list as a data member in the it's private section. This list's is other class I've declared before...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by LaLaLaBaBaBaRaRaRa)
Memory Management
Hello, I was wondering something about classes. Let's say that I have a class like such: class Cfoo { public: int *bar; Cfoo(int bar) { this->bar = new...
[4 replies] Last: Ah, okay! Thanks for the visualization. That helped alot. I wasn't sur... (by MaxterTheTurtle)
Set multiple usernames and passwords in a file?
Hi everyone, I want to make a program that asks you to set a username and password (save it into a file) and after that, each time that the program is opened as...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks manudude03 but a little bit of comment would be useful. (by MrTrollFace)
text file into two arrays
i am trying to take text already in a file and store them into two different arrays. One array will be the name and the other a test score. i am not sure if ...
[3 replies] Last: Could you post an example of the text you are trying to use with this ... (by chenshuiluke)
What is the purpose of locales?
What is the purpose of locales(the class). I managed to stumble upon this while I was looking for help on google. Couldn't get a straight forward definition on ...
[6 replies] Last: @Daleth, ok thanks, now it makes sense. Thanks for the help. (by Moonraker101)
Random int array HELP please!
Hi Im trying to create a random 2D array (3 x 3) so that numbers 1-9 will randomly be placed in the grid behind the '?' shown in coveredarray but in the guessar...
[3 replies] Last: i am fairly new to c++ too, here what I suggest(untested) int main()... (by jkevin)
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