Beginners - August 2013 (Page 12)

Can not install game libraries
I've tried every IDE, every game library, followed every tutorial. nothing works correctly. Please, I want a simple "This is how you install THIS library in...
[6 replies] Last: I really don't suggest using Dev-C++. It's outdated and the DevPack ma... (by S G H)
Please Help me with my c++ problem
So i have a program that i need to write for school but I just can't seem to figure it out. The program needs to print out ( output ) the biggest decreasing sub...
[5 replies] Last: Can you make an algorithm that will compare the number of elements in ... (by Aleksandar0110)
poly addition
to add two polynomials using linked list im getting compilation errors which i couldnt debug !! please help !! #include<iostream> using namespace std; c...
[2 replies] Last: Code tags please. But you had one compilation error: #include<iost... (by Stewbond)
pig latin program...command line argument
I have a simple program that takes a word or line of text and will convert it to pig latin. BUT I need it to take command line argument, instead of user input. ...
[13 replies] Last: I guess rather that not allowing characters.... Can I allow only cert... (by afleury1)
by Cronin
Introduction to c++ needed
Hey guys, im Dylan and i have decided to learn to code c++ to help myself in game development and programming for games. I have only recenly begun the tutorial ...
[9 replies] Last: thank you disch ill do that. The reason why i have as you said such an... (by Cronin)
How long will it take to make a game?
Hello, my name is Wilson and I am 15 years old since last month. I always wanted to make a game, and I have toyed with things like RPG Maker and Game Maker when...
[1 reply] : i would recoment this book, it has focus on C++ game development and a... (by sumsar)
by vin
Error building arcsynthesis OpenGL Tut 01 I got an error building the first tutorial from 0.3.8 download. I'm using codeblocks but not the latest version so old MingW. ...
[no replies]
some errors ... please give me a solution...
if i accidentally enter "a" then it will be the run time error... how to solve?? #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main () { int option; ...
[4 replies] Last: There is a logical issue. '4' is supposed to mean "exit". In the exam... (by keskiverto)
Problem with multiple definitions
I am using ANSI escape codes in my semi-graphical program... my problem is this i have #define RED "\033[7;31m" #define GREEN "\033[1;32m" no proble...
[2 replies] Last: hey i'm sorry when i saw it the first time i thought he was just show... (by timprograms)
Undefined Reference: URLDownloadToFile
I'm attempting to download a webpage, and future webpages, for experiments and general study purposes, but I ran into an error that I couldn't seem to solve fro...
[2 replies] Last: I looked in the headers, and URLDownloadToFile is a function in urlm... (by Shay9999)
Tower of hanoi Iterative
Do you all got idea how to write the tower of hanoi in iterative ?
[5 replies] Last: The minimum number of moves required is 2 N - 1 where N is the nu... (by JLBorges)
by Nexas
Linklists! >.<
Hello! I've just started revisiting C++ after about 1.5 years of stagnancy and was just getting into implementing linked lists in C++. #include <io...
[4 replies] Last: Oh wow my bad, thanks for pointing that out. :0 (by Nexas)
by c3t
Asking for advice for a beginner
I am starting to get into C++, and I just want to make sure if I am looking in the right direction as far as when it comes to learning the language. I am using ...
[10 replies] Last: c3t I'm also a beginner in learning C++. I'm not sure if a beginner c... (by Abe Khademi)
which is faster? returning a new vector or passing the vector ref
I guess I am more interested in speed, as if i wanted anything else i would just use Python's built-in str.split() method. I sat here debating to myself which w...
[1 reply] : Does those in C++ try to avoid using return as for to get a speed boo... (by cire)
linear search
Here is given task in my textbook write a program to find out whether data entered by user is present in one dimensional array of following 10 elements, us...
[6 replies] Last: @vlad from moscow words kind describe joy i am feeling............. t... (by closed account 4jzvC542)
by Tbonet
Issue with SFML
I have learned the basics of C++ console, and I wanted to move on to SFML to start creating games for practice. However, I came across an issue while installing...
[4 replies] Last: I did that and I'm still getting the exact same two errors. (by Tbonet)
Multiple ASCI (1,2)
I'm writing a function that will take an 3 ints 1 char* 1 bool It takes an int that stands for background color, One that stands for text color, And one for spe...
[22 replies] Last: Hey problem when I append the same thing happens... I added an append... (by timprograms)
using for loops
thank you
[1 reply] : I think this is probably more like what you want: void multiTable(in... (by Dartht33bagger)
Could someone please help me with the following code. I've tried everything but I can't seem to get it to work. The user is asked to enter the name (string), ...
[no replies]
Where next
I have learne console programming and id like to either A) get better Or B) Move on to something else If you know of a good source for either please post ...
[7 replies] Last: Where can I learn about them I haven't heard of multithreading... Also... (by timprograms)
August 2013 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 51
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