by Mast123
get input and open in string
[3 replies] Last: You'd probably want something like this: std::fstream myFile; std::... (by Nenekonesha)
by Krisando
Need help linking compiled boost libraries in a project
[3 replies] Last: Oh, it worked. Silly me. I think when you tried it under Linux, it req... (by Krisando)
by metulburr
making a variety map using templates
[3 replies] Last: template <class T> T dict(T, T){ std::map<T, T> map; return m... (by BigBlackSheep)
by hyperion4
help required: C++ source code to ADD and MULTIPLY matrices using classes, pointers, dynamic arrays, etc.
[2 replies] Last: This seems like homework. The purpose of homework is learning. You d... (by keskiverto)
by nightwing
HEy guys a lil help.
[2 replies] Last: ty vlad that worked perfectly (by nightwing)
by Dainiusss
Learning C++
[2 replies] Last: Wow, thanks A LOT. I was searching for site like this for ages :) (by Dainiusss)
What is a base type? |
[12 replies] Last: The name of the book is given above as c++ primer fifth edition . So... (by andywestken)
Unsigned char array to string? |
[3 replies] Last: Because the test I am using uses 0x0A as a null character (or at least... (by Dartht33bagger)
by SlenderMan
how do you use the clear function?
[13 replies] Last: Well it isn't a matter of which way is better, it's just that i haven'... (by SlenderMan)
by tieuyentu
Pointer anh Matrix
[6 replies] Last: I can advice book "Thinking in C++" by Bruce Eckel. http://mindview.n... (by vlad from moscow)
by Trowenn
How to Hack
[2 replies] Last: To be a hacker, you really need to understand the low-level concepts o... (by Stewbond)
by Nedim1
SFML-error message and strange beeping noise
[5 replies] Last: Computergeek01 I tried commenting it out, I even tried erasing it, not... (by Nedim1)
by Zerpent
'=' performs deep or shallow copy?
[3 replies] Last: If you wanted to do a "shallow" copy in C++ (where you just copy the a... (by Stewbond)
by Kizenku
Program not functioning correctly
[5 replies] Last: No problem, sometimes you just need another set of eyes. (by Stewbond)
Classes - "myBotMain.o:myBotMain.cpp|| undefined reference to `bot::setName(std::string)'" |
[6 replies] Last: Do yourself a favor and stop leaking resources. Every `new' must have ... (by ne555)
by Kizenku
Program failing to run
[5 replies] Last: You don't need a new thread, I can give you the answer to that one. '=... (by Computergeek01)
by Ch1156
How to keep console from spazzing out when wrong input is entered
[8 replies] Last: Also should i use cin.clear() and ignore at the end of every function ... (by Ch1156)
by Eniliad
Derived Classes in Arrays
[11 replies] Last: "Legality evaluation" tends to have three responses: 1. "Fully law-com... (by keskiverto)
Problems Displaying Bitmap |
[2 replies] Last: Okay. I figured it out. The bitmap files for the first three weren't... (by egg management fee)
by Zerpent
Good script lang. to learn in parallell to C++?
[4 replies] Last: Ok thanks for the help :). I will take a closer look at both JavaScrip... (by Zerpent)