by whyme
A question I encoutered
[3 replies] Last: You should probably use one of the dynamic containers for this. A Vect... (by Computergeek01)
by mariodiar
Compiling error in rare minesweeper cases (Help)
[7 replies] Last: Yes, I meant new char[m*n]; (by AbstractionAnon)
by Zerpent
IPC between Python and C++.
[1 reply] : I think the easiest solution for you might not be actual IPC but rathe... (by Computergeek01)
by Aibsr
Base class and derived class constructors
[3 replies] Last: On an unrelated note - I would suggest thinking about exactly what a '... (by Bench82)
by salamentic1
need a detailed tutorial
[3 replies] Last: Recursion is a function which calls itself within a new call stack fra... (by Bench82)
by Aibsr
const functions
[4 replies] Last: Thank you everyone:) (by Aibsr)
by Aibsr
STL lists
[2 replies] Last: Thank you:) (by Aibsr)
by metulburr
multiple ways of doing it makes it confusing
[4 replies] Last: Theres a C way, then a C++ way, now a c++11 way, then the boost way, ... (by andywestken)
by Hepic
[2 replies] Last: What is the problem with .w and .h par.w=1; par.h=10; and var.w=10;... (by Hepic)
by xx1182
Socket introduction
[no replies]
by Zerpent
Is GTKmm a good library?
[2 replies] Last: I see, I will take a closer look at those too. (by Zerpent)
by TodokeT
Noob please help a little if possible
[2 replies] Last: There's an excellent list of books here: (by Bench82)
by Hunkofsteel
Saving and loading a file problem
[no replies]
by Ch1156
Cant get array to work out of class
[1 reply] : Out of curiousity, do your difficulty values ever change? If you sim... (by Bench82)
by rickymarks
Number to Word
[4 replies] Last: This is a bit off topic, but I made this a while ago and all it does i... (by Smac89)
by j2013
need help
[9 replies] Last: Hi Stewbond, understand. Sorry. Cos i'm quite poor in programming (by j2013)
by j2013
need help
[14 replies] Last: thanks alot : ) (by j2013)
by learning
Linking files in Win32API
[1 reply] : It seems like you tried pasting your console code into a function in y... (by LB)
by riechan
Pointers and linked lists
[17 replies] Last: I would expect a C linked list interface to look more like the followi... (by cire)
by mmep93
How to put textxtyle on input <graphics.h>
[no replies]