Beginners - August 2013 (Page 10)

by whyme
A question I encoutered
Hi, Is there anyone knows that how to store a series of strings? For example, there are different files names: "FileA.txt", "FileB.txt", etc. How to store th...
[3 replies] Last: You should probably use one of the dynamic containers for this. A Vect... (by Computergeek01)
Compiling error in rare minesweeper cases (Help)
So this is basically what I have to input and output. It is sort of a minesweeper function where it counts the number of mines around each slot. Sample Input...
[7 replies] Last: Yes, I meant new char[m*n]; (by AbstractionAnon)
IPC between Python and C++.
I want to learn how to make Python scripts/programs work together with a C++ program. If you wonder what I'd like them to be able to do, I want them to: *Acces...
[1 reply] : I think the easiest solution for you might not be actual IPC but rathe... (by Computergeek01)
by Aibsr
Base class and derived class constructors
Hey guys I got these 2 errors in my code after implementing the derived class's constructor: Error 1 error C2512: 'Show' : no appropriate default constructor ...
[3 replies] Last: On an unrelated note - I would suggest thinking about exactly what a '... (by Bench82)
need a detailed tutorial
I cant understand the part from functions 2 so can someone help me from there :)
[3 replies] Last: Recursion is a function which calls itself within a new call stack fra... (by Bench82)
by Aibsr
const functions
I have list of functions in my code and I want to add "const".. how do i know what functions are suitable to return const or to get const or to have const on th...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you everyone:) (by Aibsr)
by Aibsr
STL lists
when is it better to use STL lists than regular lists? (the one with pointers and stuff)
[2 replies] Last: Thank you:) (by Aibsr)
multiple ways of doing it makes it confusing
What i find most complex regarding c/c++, is that there are so many ways of doing one thing. Theres a C way, then a C++ way, now a c++11 way, then the boost way...
[4 replies] Last: Theres a C way, then a C++ way, now a c++11 way, then the boost way, ... (by andywestken)
by Hepic
I know how to program in SDL,but I do not know what exatly does each command. Can explain me? #include "SDL/SDL.h" int main(int argc, char* args )//wh...
[2 replies] Last: What is the problem with .w and .h par.w=1; par.h=10; and var.w=10;... (by Hepic)
by xx1182
Socket introduction
Well, i'm new to sockets, and i'm using the winsock2 library. I came across a problem, why i need to tell the lenght of the clientservice variabile? Here is an ...
[no replies]
Is GTKmm a good library?
I have just installed GTKmm to work with Visual C++ 2010, in case I need to make a GUI sometime. From what I understand, there are many libraries that can help ...
[2 replies] Last: I see, I will take a closer look at those too. (by Zerpent)
Noob please help a little if possible
Hello. Me and my friends will want to start a project and i want to learn programming to be a part of the project. This is what i don't know.. I downloaded th...
[2 replies] Last: There's an excellent list of books here: (by Bench82)
Saving and loading a file problem
I'm trying to create two functions that save and load a game. The save function just saves stats, a counter, and the current 2-D map into the save. For some...
[no replies]
by Ch1156
Cant get array to work out of class
In my program i have a difficulty setting which i am trying to use an array to hold the difficulty values (1 2 3) but i cant get it to work, the code is too big...
[1 reply] : Out of curiousity, do your difficulty values ever change? If you sim... (by Bench82)
Number to Word
I was reading my C++ book and wanted to practice what i was reading. I encountered a programming challenge which was to make a program that converts numbers fro...
[4 replies] Last: This is a bit off topic, but I made this a while ago and all it does i... (by Smac89)
by j2013
need help
Can help me how shld i write the programe The user enters two numbers and uses the conditional expression operator to determine whether the first integer is ...
[9 replies] Last: Hi Stewbond, understand. Sorry. Cos i'm quite poor in programming (by j2013)
by j2013
need help
Hi, can someone explain to me the code written in here and what will be the result? sorry, cos my result abit seem to be wrong.
[14 replies] Last: thanks alot : ) (by j2013)
Linking files in Win32API
I'm new to the Win32API. I have created a collection of source code and header files which work perfectly well together in console applications. I also have t...
[1 reply] : It seems like you tried pasting your console code into a function in y... (by LB)
Pointers and linked lists
Hi guys! I'm trying to learn about linked lists and pointers and I'm kind of confused right now. In the code below // *ptr points to val node? ptr->val...
[17 replies] Last: I would expect a C linked list interface to look more like the followi... (by cire)
by mmep93
How to put textxtyle on input <graphics.h>
Since I am asking a question under <graphics.h>, you can conclude that I am using Turbo C++ .. What I want to ask is, if we are using setcolor / settextstyl...
[no replies]
August 2013 Pages: 1... 89101112... 51
  Archived months: [jul2013] [sep2013]

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