by killeryas
Can't seem to stop the motor
[2 replies] Last: there's that function time() : (by coder777)
by Owain
OpenGL shader woes
[4 replies] Last: Possibly try ending your files with a new line. I tried that, but ... (by Owain)
While structure program! Help! |
[4 replies] Last: I think i gout the problem. add this just before while loop: aNum=0... (by wizulis)
by Yestsuae123
Need help with ARRAYS please!
[4 replies] Last: How about this? #include <iostream> #include <string> using name... (by ToniAz)
by toomanystars
Polynomial multiplication problem SOS
[4 replies] Last: Apologies, I forgot to cut and paste the constants const int MAX=10... (by toomanystars)
Good programming practice/approach? |
[9 replies] Last: The cin object converts to a boolean depending on the success of a rea... (by MetalMilitia)
by AlitCandle
Is there any "break" alternative to system pause other than getch
[5 replies] Last: but I can't use getch or getchar because there is a lot of getline(c... (by Lowest0ne)
by codaraxis
Is there a multi-platform sleep/pause function?
[2 replies] Last: Yes, it's called std::this_thread::sleep_for() http://en.cppreferenc... (by Cubbi)
by ryanvkeller
Simple error that shouldnt be occuring ( at least i think)!
[3 replies] Last: Yeah thanks @ thebeathacker, it worked! Annnnnnnd i found out that it ... (by ryanvkeller)
by dtaqee88
How in the World to use an object inside a vector
[4 replies] Last: Fair point. Edited the example. (by AbstractionAnon)
by mickeyliv
disk partitioning for linux
[no replies]
by nadeem786
please c++ multiple question
[3 replies] Last: uhhhh. What is sum? b and c loop for sure. a should only loop 5 times... (by AlitCandle)
by Zinnabun
Learning about DBMS
[5 replies] Last: The documentation at the official site covers everything you could pos... (by helios)
by Bassam200
Add value to dynamic queue
[3 replies] Last: If it's a list, why not just use the C++ list container? http://www.c... (by AbstractionAnon)
Need some help with last programming assignment |
[4 replies] Last: Write a series of cascaded stream insertion operations to output a se... (by ToniAz)